Should Fukushima's radioactive water be dumped at sea? - environment - 23 August 2013
JAPAN'S beleaguered Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility made headlines again this week, when some 305 tonnes of radioactive water leaked from a storage tank at the complex. This prompted Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority to upgrade the situation from 1 to 3 – a "serious incident" on the 8-point International Nuclear Event Scale. The crisis reopened questions about how to deal with the flood of radioactive water accumulating at Fukushima. There is a radical option: to filter out as much radioactive material as possible, dilute what's left, and dump it in the Pacific.
HH - Crawford
As executive placement professionals working exclusively in the nonprofit sector, we receive a number of calls each week from people inquiring about how to cross the bridge from the corporate to the voluntary, charitable, or nonprofit sector. If you’ve decided to make the journey, here are some suggestions how to begin, and how to make the trip a successful one. Know the Territory To ensure your career transition is successful, you need to make a commitment and invest in the journey.
Radioactive Bluefin Tuna Caught Off California Coast
Every bluefin tuna tested in the waters off California has shown to be contaminated with radiation that originated in Fukushima. Every single one. Over a year ago, in May of 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported on a Stanford University study. Daniel Madigan, a marine ecologist who led the study, was quoted as saying, “The tuna packaged it up (the radiation) and brought it across the world’s largest ocean. We were definitely surprised to see it at all and even more surprised to see it in every one we measured.”
Brenda Gainer
B.Gainer. 2010. Corporate Social Responsibility in Third Sector Research, ed. Rupert Taylor.
Why doctors are treating allergies with parasitic worms
I guess you'll be going back? Seriously? I have dealt with Crohn's and food alergies my whole life. Now I can not eat any fruits, anything with sugar, anything with milk, any form of nuts, most seeds, no mustard, no forms of teas.
Me to We
"We" Thinking and "We" Acting! Me to We is a ground-breaking business with a huge social mission. We offer ethical and environmentally friendly products such as clothing, jewellery and books, as well as offer life-changing experiences, like speakers, workshops and overseas volunteer trips.
Instagram is Great for Marketers, But Probably Not for Long - CMO Today
Marketers using social media might want to direct more of their efforts to Instagram. The photo-centric service is currently more brand-friendly than other major social networks, according to Forrester Research. A new report by the market research firm, titled “Use Instagram Now,” found consumers are currently much more inclined to like, share, and comment on brands’ posts on Instagram than they are on FacebookFB +0.83% and TwitterTWTR -10.29%.
Sitwayen Development Group
Our Mission: We work to create more prosperity in Haiti’s economy by developing successful companies in Haiti and building the capacity of the labor force that we work with. We study business models from all over the world, focusing on private sector investment and job creation in order to create long-term, sustainable economic development in Haiti’s economy. We empower individual humans beings to create value and prosperity for themselves.
5 Questions Guaranteed To Help You Know Yourself Better
When Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project spoke at World Domination Summit this past summer, she said that the key to happiness is to be more of who we are. In order to know who we are, she suggests that we ask ourselves a few key questions. Try writing down your answers to the following questions.
Social Enterprises
Many commercial enterprises would consider themselves to have social objectives, but commitment to these objectives is motivated by the perception that such commitment will ultimately make the enterprise more financially valuable. Social enterprises differ in that, inversely, they do not aim to offer any benefit to their investors, except where they believe that doing so will ultimately further their capacity to realize their social and environmental goals. The term has a mixed and contested heritage due to its philanthropic roots in the United States, and cooperative roots in the United Kingdom, European Union and Asia.[3] In the US, the term is associated with 'doing charity by doing trade', rather than 'doing charity while doing trade'. History and philosophy[edit] Social enterprises are often regarded - erroneously - as non-profit organisations.
Minion language - do you speak it? - Wordtree
By Caroline Godwin With all the hype about Despicable Me 2, I decided to explore the Minion language and find out how French director Pierre Coffin went about creating the Minion lingo. In Despicable Me 1 and 2, Coffin does the voices for most of the Minions, both in English and in many other languages where he did the dubbing. When creating the language, he purposely went with a gibberish approach for comedy purpose. But in the Despicable Me 2 production notes, fellow director Chris Renaud says, “What’s great about the Minion language, while it is gibberish, it sounds real because Pierre puts in words from many languages.” The gibberish has meaning
United Way chief Susan McIsaac doing more than just talking
Thousands of participants will hike up the 1,776 steps of Toronto’s CN Tower this weekend for United Way’s 2013 Enbridge CN Tower Climb to raise money for community and social services across the city. Joining the climbers this year will be Susan McIsaac, president and chief executive officer of United Way since 2010. Although she climbed the tower once before in 2004, this time she felt she needed to show the hundreds of others who are making the ascent that she’s walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Ms.
The 20 Most Influential Personal Style Bloggers Right Now - Fashionista
Personal style bloggers sometimes get a bad rap -- caricatured as pretty, brainless girls who dress up for their camera-wielding boyfriends and post their results to a WordPress blog. But over the past decade, these independent publishers have become a real force in the fashion industry -- not just snapping up front row seats at fashion shows, but landing major campaigns and collaborations with brands, becoming regular guests on TV shows like "Today" and "America's Next Top Model," and turning their blogs into multimillion-dollar businesses. Some have become household names.
Top 10 best Chilean phrases for the young traveler to know
A source of national pride is the language, which is very different from traditional Spanish. Chileans do a good job of setting themselves apart from the rest of South America. Chile’s architecture, its 9-to-5-commuter-corporate attitude and its fashion, among other things, seem to create a boundary from the rest of its neighboring countries as tall and tangible as the Andes. Probably the most noticeable of these separations is the language.