Gamestar Mechanic The Scrolling Game Development Kit Homepage The Pedagogy of Play and the Role of Technology in Learning The goal of the videogame “Civilization” is to build a civilization that stands the test of time. You start the game in 4000 B.C. as a settler and, with successful gameplay, can create a civilization that lasts until the Space Age. Throughout the game, you need to manage your civilization’s military, science, technology, commerce and culture. One doesn’t read “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” to develop strategy before playing the game. One starts by playing. This is true for all videogames. This model of learning is not only effective for videogames but for all digital tools, and I would argue that play — especially in the digital sense — is emerging as a pedagogical keystone for education in the 21st century. Stuart Brown, M.D., explains in his book, “Play,” how a range of scientific disciplines have revealed the importance of lifelong play. The power of play The iPad has been hyped as a device that will revolutionize education. Creating a ‘sandbox’ Joichi Ito Related
Free Kid-Friendly Avatar Creators This seemed to be the most popular site that was sent to me. It is hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the New York Zoos and Aquarium. Students can choose their gender, their skin tone, and add eyes, hands, feet and 'backsides' that are all animal parts. To use this as an avatar, students would have to click 'I'm Done' and then save the image to their desktop to use. It is free and does not require a login account. This site allows you to create a personalized avatar for free. that looks like a superhero. Reasonably Clever Lego Avatar You can use this site to create a Lego avatar. The Simpsons Movie Avatar Creator I'm not sure if my district blocks this site, but it's an obvious winner with kids! alpoy.com This site allows a user to upload a photo from their computer and add lines, shapes, color and text to it. You can then get a link to the image and an embed code. This site, though written in another language (Portuguese?) Ruth Cohenson (@tearoof)
MooT is the etymology, semantics, and grammar game Enter the National STEM Video Game Challenge Tagged with: high schoolMiddle SchoolSTEM The National STEM Video Game Challenge, launched in 2010, aims to motivate interest in STEM learning among America’s youth by tapping into students’ natural passion for playing and making video games. Organizers have set up a special Edmodo Community for educators to join and to help you get your students involved. Join the community and connect with the event’s organizers as well as other teachers who are mentoring students in the competition. Check out 2012 winners & games The Challenge Middle and high school students across the country are challenged to create original video games, individually or as teams, and to submit their games for the opportunity to win important recognition for themselves and their communities. Credits The National STEM Video Game Challenge is presented by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and E-Line Media.
Adapt Your Gamification Designs with Jesse Schell’s Four Pillars Adapt and Evolve Your Gamification Through Jesse Schell’s Four Pillars of Design Jesse Schell describes in his brilliant book The Art of Game Design the four pillars that is comprised of a game: Technology, Aesthetics, Mechanics, and Story/Narrative. When gamifying a process it is smart not to overlook any of the pillars. After all, we’re now in the experience economy and Gamification might be your killer app when enhancing customer or employee engagement: A major difference with designing a game and gamifying a process is that a game designer tends to start from scratch. A great metaphor for this need of thinkering can be seen in the movie Apollo 13: Consider how you might adapt and gamification system to your needs by approaching it through Schell’s four pillars of game design. Game Mechanics: Similarly to the need of different managerial approaches, I believe different Gamification styles for opened and closed systems must be applied. Aesthetics: Technology: Story/Narrative:
DungeonDefenseDeveloperBlog Search public documentation: DungeonDefenseDeveloperBlog 日本語訳中国翻译한국어 Interested in the Unreal Engine? Looking for jobs and company info? Questions about support via UDN? Blog 1: Day One Hey all, These are some exciting times for indie developers. As a long-time Unreal developer, I’ve jumped on this bandwagon, and over the coming months I’m going to be putting together a series of straightforward mini-game demos on the UDK. So without further ado, let’s chow down! When thinking about what kind of game to start with, I noticed that some people seem to be wondering about creating various kinds of third-person games with Unreal, which is an easy thing to do once you know how. Therefore, the first mini-game that I’m going to tackle will be called “Dungeon Defense”, and it will be a semi-topdown (more like ¾ perspective) action/tower-defense hybrid. So over the weekend, I did some design work to plan out my assets and control schemes, and then today I officially started programming. - Jeremy
Chris Albeluhn - UT3 / UDK Physics Tutorial Number 1 This tutorial will go through a simple setup for a physics asset which can be done in both UT3 and UDK. This particular one will be an old medieval street light dangling from a rope which is attached to a wooden support. This will focus only on the rigging and physics construction side of the asset. First we need a model. We need only 4 joints to make this all work. To export these assets, you will need 'Actor X'. the link can be found below. Importing the assets is the same as importing anything else. You will notice that when the 'lamp' is imported, it seems to be transparent. It will then come up with a window giving you different options for your new mesh. The 'UnrealPhaT' window should appear, if it doesn't simply double click on the newly created physics asset. To get a better grasp on this window and all the functions, take a look at Epics forum site located here. 1. Enjoy
Resources « Stevie's corner Welcome to my UT3 resources page :D This section consist of links to help a mapper start to build a level. Also, there are links to help you optimize your level, others that provide very useful information & others that are related to a specific topic. Something I want to point out is Odedge site. I’ll appreciate you let me know if any link is broken or invalid so I can fix it. Learning Unreal Engine 3 Editor from scratch & essential info 3D Buzz UE3 tutorials (This is a single video pack that combines all 3D Buzz videos on Fileplanet and has several hours of tutorials, a must ! Waylon BrinckHourencesThe complete static SM catalogUnreal Developer Network (UDN) General level design tips and highly recommended tutorials Chris Albeluhn’sChris HatchieIsaac Sukin aka IceCreamYouOliver aka mAlkAv! Odedge extensive UT3 tutorials listOdedge Blender tutorials listOdedge GIMP tutorials list More specific “how to do” things Kismet Kismet tutorials by Matt Bromley (AVLD) Specific subjects Optimization Varia
Tutorials Unreal Engine 4 Unreal Engine 4 tips: A couple of random all purpose UE4 tips. Performance tips most notably. Unreal Engine 3 (UT3/UDK/Other) Note these tutorials have been written with various versions of the engine. UE3 FAQ: Frequently asked questions regarding UE3. Design/Art Tutorials – Universal/Any Game Texture Tutorial: Things to keep in mind when texturing a level.