Related: Games and quizzes
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ESL Interactive Fun Games for Classroom Practice ESL Powerpoint (PPT) Games If you are the type of person who prefers to have games on powerpoint or as printable handouts, we have been thinking of you. We offer board games, powerpoint games and more for the classroom and one to one teaching. They have made my lessons fun and I have no doubt yours will be fun too. Added to the good news are the templates we offer that you can use to create customized games for your classroom and teaching. It is total fun and highly engaging fun lessons with these resources. Printable ESL Board and Card Games We offer a variety of printable ESL board games and card games to help give your students lots of communicative practice. ESL Board & Powerpoint Games Templates ESL Game Templates - Powerpoint and Word Game Templates On ESL Games World we do not only aim at providing you with games for your classrooms. Classroom Tools - Click Here! Get some cool tools for use in your classroom.
Comparison of Adjectives 1. Apples are than chips. (healthy) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.French is than English. 15. 16. 17. is than money. 19. 20. Comlete the chart: Example: short - shorter - the shortest Comparative-Superlative Quiz Interactive exercices Look at the picture. Compare the Donkey, Shrek, Princess and Prince in the chart. webbovningar.nok Wings 8 webbövningar Projektledare: Eva Hagrot Projektgrupp: Malin Fogelström, Camilla Bengtsson, Eva Hagrot © 2012 Natur & Kultur, Stockholm 9789127423732 Tekniska förutsättningar • Internetuppkoppling • IE version 8.0 eller senare/Firefox 13.0 eller senare/ Safari 5 eller senare/Chrome 24 eller senare • Högtalare • Mikrofon (för att spela in tal) • Adobe Flash Player (för att spela in tal) Produkten är anpassad för upplösningen 1024x619 och fungerar på PC och Mac. Fungerar även för iPad 2 och senare/iPhone 4 och senare (gäller Safari, dock ej möjligt att spela in tal). Underhåll och drift Natur & Kultur ansvarar för att produkten finns tillgänglig dygnet runt alla dagar på året, med förbehåll för avbrott p g a tekniska, underhålls-, drifts- eller säkerhetsmässiga skäl samt avbrott som Natur & Kultur inte kan råda över. Kopiering av produkten är förbjuden med undantag för licenstagarens digitala kopiering för användning i den egna undervisningen under abonnemangsperioden.
ESL Games and Game Board The ESL game boards found on this page are in the form of Microsoft Word documents. It may take a few second to open. Just click, print, and photocopy. A great motivating TEFL activity. Word Skills: Review synonyms, antonyms, beginning sounds, ending sounds, middle sounds, and rhymes. Guess What: Practise the word skill of saying what things are using relative clauses such as a person who, a place where, a time when, and a thing that. Super Quiz Games: Jeaopardy-style quiz games that teachers can customize with a click! Elementary School Science: Comprehension and vocabulary questions for grade 2-4 elementary school science. What Do You Want to Do: Teach concepts vocabulary about things that kids typically want like to do such as playing a game or doing a puzzle. Content Questions: Kids answer content questions like What do seeds need to grow? Opposites: A great vocabulary review for about 60 common opposite pairs. Categories Intermediate: Students name 3 examples of a category.
The ESL Commando Kunskapshubben - HEM The Starr Spangled Planner: Kaboom! Possibly The Best Center Game Ever! Do you use Kaboom! in your classroom? It has been my go-to center for the past few years, whether I'm teaching Firsties, or now third graders. If Kaboom! is new to you, or it is something you haven't yet tried in your classroom, here are some great reasons to give it a try:1. When I was first introduced to this game by a dear, sweet teacher friend, I didn't believe it! Well, I was happily proved wrong! When I say that I find a way to use Kaboom! Number Identification & CountingCoins/MoneyTimeOne More/One Less and Ten More/Ten LessAddition/Subtraction (fact fluency, missing addends, combinations to ten…etc.)Greater Than/Less Than (with whole numbers and fractions)Identifying Fractions (including unit fractions & mixed fractions)Multiplication factsArea/PerimeterPlace ValueJumps on the Hundred ChartEstimation (estimating the sum of two 3-digit numbers)RoundingTranslating standard form into expanded form Well... 1. 2. 3. When I taught Firsties, I loved using Kaboom! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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