VUVOX - slideshows, photo, video and music sharing, Myspace codes Tutorial: Unlock iPhone 3.1.2 with BlackSn0w It’s official, BlackSn0w is out and available for download. BlackSn0w is not a standalone app. BlackSn0w is part of Blackra1n RC3. People who accidentally locked their iPhone on baseband 05.11.07 will now be able to unlock their iPhone using BlackSn0w. This step by step guide and tutorial will show you how to unlock your iPhone OS 3.1.2 baseband 05.11.07 with BlackSn0w. If you just want to jailbreak your iPhone and are not interested in unlocking, refer to my BlackRa1n RC3 tutorial. This BlackSn0w iPhone unlock tutorial will work on both Mac and PC. In this tutorial, I will assume that your iPhone is currently not jailbroken or unlocked. If you are a loyal blackra1n user who kept the blackra1n.app on your iPhone, run it. If you jailbroke using pwnage or deleted your blackra1n.app, you are in luck too. UPDATE: This post is outdated. How to unlock iPhone firmware 3.1.2 with BlackSn0w: Step 1: Update iTunes to the latest version available and reboot your computer. Done!
AppsCenter: Launch Apps Directly From iOS 5′s Notification Center It’s been a little over 24 hours since iOS 5 was released, and already, the jailbreak devs are putting in work. Case in point: AppsCenter, from jailbreak developer, Filippo Bigarella. AppsCenter is a jailbreak widget that allows you to launch apps directly from Notification Center. Take a look past the break for a video preview of AppsCenter in action… AppsCenter not only allows you to launch apps from Notification Center, it also includes a ton of different settings to manipulate the look and feel of the widget. Some of the settings include: The ability to select only certain apps, paging, hiding labels, hiding scrollbars, and apps per page. The tweak is still in beta; hence, it’s unavailable to the public at this time, but it should hit Cydia in the very near future. Do you think you’d prefer to launch your apps from Notification Center, or will you be sticking to other methods?
The Dragonfly Effect - Small Acts Create Big Change Make stories part of your culture — and more than that, the integrity of your culture. All-hands meetings can be pivotal here. Stories are often the best way to relate how a company is doing, what people are doing well, and what they could be doing better. And when leaders do this with transparency, honesty and humility, they make their employees feel good about their work — even if things aren’t all peachy. In practice: Capturing moments, good or bad, in story form can authentically connect your employees to your company, and increase their commitment to their work. 7. The best tactic here is to create an internal “story bank,” or database of stories, where employees and even customers can write and submit stories complete with titles. Nike, Apple and eBay all harness stories as tools to crowdsource ideas — especially what their consumers are really passionate about. In Practice: Comcast pioneered one of the very first effective campaigns on Twitter when it launched @ComcastCares.
redsn0w 0.9.2 [iPhone Dev Team] Reminder: To keep up to date on our latest (and always free) releases on Twitter, follow our team account Looking for the redsn0w for 4.0GM? What is it? A cross-platform jailbreaking, unlocking, and customizing tool for iPhones and iPod touches. Customizations include boot logos, recovery logos, and “verbose” boot. The download links are at the bottom of this page (but please read the whole page anyway!). We've been offering redsn0w in various incarnations over the years (including poorlad's Windows version of QuickPwn). What devices, platforms, and FW versions are supported? This release supports: All iPhones and iPod touches (still a tethered-only JB for late-model devices though) Apple firmware 3.0 and 3.1.2 Windows and Mac OSX (x86 only for now) It will also soon run on the PPC OSX, and Linux platforms. If you need a carrier unlock, redsn0w will handle iPhone 2G by itself (by installing our BootNeuter utility). How is it different from PwnageTool? How is it different from blackra1n? Feedback
How to Enable the Hidden Autocorrect Bar in iOS 5 Another hidden feature has been uncovered in iOS 5. After we told you about the panorama mode in the Camera app, 9to5Mac uncovered an Android-like autocorrect keyboard bar that can be enabled without a jailbreak. Instead of the classic method of offering corrections in iOS, this secret feature offers suggestions in a bar above the keyboard, much like the Android OS. This autocorrect bar is relatively easy to enable. You’ll need the same tool that’s used to enable the panorama mode. Step 1: Download iBackupBot for Mac or Windows. Step 2: Open iBackupBot and locate your most recent iTunes backup. Step 3: Navigate to Library/Preferences/com.apple.keyboard.plist and open the file. Step 4: Add this code at the bottom: <key>KeyboardAutocorrectionLists</key><string>YES</string> Step 5: Save your edit and restore your iPhone or iPod touch from the modified backup in iBackupBot. What do you think of the hidden autocorrect bar?
Free Proxy Lists - IP and Port Lists Proxy list instructions and notes Web browser instructions Mozilla Firefox: Firefox button (in the upper left corner) > Options > Options > Advanced > Network > Settings > Manual Proxy configuration Google Chrome: Options (three vertical stripes) > Settings > Show Advanced setting > Change Proxy settings (under the Network tab) > LAN settings > Use a proxy server > Advanced > HTTP. Internet Explorer: Explorer button (in the upper left corner) > Options > Options > Advanced > Network > Settings > Manual Proxy configuration. Opera: Opera button (in the upper left corner) > Change Proxy Settings > LAN settings > Use a proxy server > Advanced > HTTP. Anonymity levels Level 1: No anonymity; remote host knows your IP and knows you are using proxy. Planet Lab / CoDeeN PlanetLab proxy servers marked with a icon are from the Planetlab CoDeeN (CDN) Project, a network of educational Internet nodes at Princeton University. Security notes
Tutorial: Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.2 with RedSn0w 0.9 This guide and tutorial will show you how to jailbreak your iPhone 2G, 3G or 3GS running OS 3.1.2 using RedSn0w 0.9. If you are new to the whole jailbreaking thing, I really suggest you read this information about RedSn0w 0.9. It will tell you everything you need to know about RedSn0w before starting. I know that some of you won’t bother reading the more info link about RedSn0w 0.9 so here is probably the most important information about this jailbreak: If you have a late-model iPhone 3GS, or if you have an iPod touch 2G whose serial number begins with “MC”, you can use redsn0w to jailbreak but you are currently restricted to “tethered” rebooting. This RedSn0w tutorial was written for Windows but I assume the steps are identical for a Mac. Step 1: Download RedSn0w 0.9 for Mac or PC as well as the correct 3.1.2 firmware for your iPhone from here. Step 2: Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer, then restore your iPhone to the latest firmware 3.1.2.
Suicídio Virtual | A internet acaba aqui! Durante as férias passadas assisti o drama (dorama) 1リットルの涙 inteiro. Apesar de não ser o tipo de seriado que estou acostumado a ver, posso afirmar com toda certeza que foi um dos melhores que já vi em toda a minha vida! Para explicar o porquê, vou primeiro contar um pouco sobre a história. Tudo começou com uma garota (real) chamada Aya Kitō (木藤亜也). Foto do livro 1リットルの涙 Desde os 15 anos até sua morte, com 25 anos, a Aya tentou sempre escrever o máximo possível em vários diários. Só pela excelente atuação da Erika Sawajiri (沢尻 エリカ) , no papel de Aya na série, dos pais, irmãos e dá colega de quarto dela no colégio (a mesma garota que fez a Aya no filme), já vale apena. Apesar de saber que tinha uma doença incurável, Aya continuou sempre lutando para aproveitar a vida ao máximo e fazer sempre o melhor para os que estavam em sua volta. Semana retrasada na Liberdade, consegui encontrar o livro finalmente lá na Fonomag !
iPhone - How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 3GS on OS 3.0.x Using RedSn0w (Windows) *****IMPORTANT: These instructions have been updated for the latest iPhone firmware. Please follow the up to date instructions here*****These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone 3GS on the 3.0.x iPhone firmware using RedSn0w for Windows. The Mac version of this tutorial is here. Watch the Video! Step OneCreate a folder on your desktop called PwnageDownload RedSn0wfrom here and place it in the Pwnage folder. Step TwoConnect your iPhone to the computer and launch iTunes. Select your iPhone from the list of devices on the left. Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the firmware ipsw. Step ThreeOnce iTunes has finished updating your iPhone to the desired firmware you may launch redsnw0w.exe from the Pwnage folder on your desktop. Step FourOnce RedSn0w opens click the Browse button Step FiveSelect the firmware ipsw we placed in the Pwnage folder on our desktop then click Open Step SixOnce the firmware has been verified click the Next button to continue.