Free Online Language Learning 21 Century Info 21st Century Info This is a page that will be growing with twenty first century information. Please be sure to read the background philosophy and check out any links to important research and information. Enjoy your journey as you uncover the need and become more familiar with 21st century education. Twenty-first Century Skills - Their Research With My Reflection Above image is embedded from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.The Partner For Twenty First Century Skills provides a rainbow which sets a framework for 21st century education. Keeping Kids In The Twenty- First Century Engagement Zone It seems that today a key word in 21st Century Learning is Engagement. Revising Bloom Makes Sense In The Twenty-First Century Above content is based on research by: L.W. Teaching in the 20 Century Classroom As Compared To 21st Century: (Things To Think About) In the space below you will find the differences that need to be considered between 20th and 21st classroom teaching styles.
Networks of Dead People « Lisa’s CCK08 Wordpress Blog Most of the members of my network are dead. I raised this idea in a Sept 19 Ustream session (audio from 28:00) and promised to blog about it. At first, the concept was gently ridiculed (“dead people don’t answer email”), but gradually participants began to realize that since most of what we know about others are just their artifacts anyway (particularly if we’ve only met them online), we may indeed be networking with those we read, many of whom lived long ago. (I thought it was particularly important for Stephen Downes to understand this, since his network includes so many wonderful philosophers, like Wittgenstein, about whom he writes as if they were still around.) If we say that our networks are made up of ties we have with people, then my knowledge (which I define much more deeply than is often done in this class) is dependent on many people who are no longer living. Dead people have the following advantages in a network: Their disadvantages are: They don’t answer email. Like this:
10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about | Emerging Internet Technologies for Education There are so many different tools and technologies available on the internet today, and so many associated terms and concepts. As I think about topics to focus on here in the coming months, I want to make sure we’re touching on the most important ones. What are the most important internet technologies for educators to be aware of, and informed about? I’m sure many people would probably come up with a slightly different list, but based on my observations and experiences, and feedback from faculty at my institution, I have selected the following technologies. I do not mean to imply that every educator should be expected to use all of these technologies in the classroom, but rather that every educator should understand what these are, the potential they have in the classroom, and how their students may already be using them. 1. 2. Have you considered outsourcing your call center? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Use of brain dumps can provide you real success in exam. About Kelly Walsh
Overview A survey of 2,462 Advanced Placement (AP) and National Writing Project (NWP) teachers finds that digital technologies have helped them in teaching their middle school and high school students in many ways. At the same time, the internet, mobile phones, and social media have brought new challenges to teachers. In addition, they report that there are striking differences in the role of technology in wealthier school districts compared with poorer school districts and that there are clear generational differences among teachers when it comes to their comfort with technology and its use in their classrooms. Asked about the impact of the internet and digital tools in their role as middle and high school educators, these teachers say the following about the overall impact on their teaching and their classroom work: AP and NWP teachers bring a wide variety of digital tools into the learning process, including mobile phones, tablets, and e-book readers About this Study The basics of the survey
21st Century Pedagogy Even if you have a 21st Century classroom(flexible and adaptable); even if you are a 21st Century teacher ; (an adaptor, a communicator, a leader and a learner, a visionary and a model, a collaborator and risk taker) even if your curriculum reflects the new paradigm and you have the facilities and resources that could enable 21st century learning – you will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well. Your pedagogy must also change. Definition: pedagogy - noun the profession, science, or theory of teaching. Key features How we teach must reflect how our students learn. Knowledge Knowledge does not specifically appear in the above diagram. We need to teach knowledge or content in context with the tasks and activities the students are undertaking. Thinking skills Thinking Skills are a key area. Collaboration The 21st century is an age of collaboration as well as the Information Age. 21st Century students, our digital natives, are collaborative. Assessment Fluency
TNP 1. Introduction empiricism and the new connectionism The Network Phenomenon: Empiricism and the New ConnectionismStephen Downes, 1990(The whole document in MS-Word) 1. Introduction2. I wish to argue in this paper that the new connectionism provides a vindication for classical empiricism. The structure of this paper is as follows. I would like to caution the reader that this is to a large degree a survey paper. TNP Part II Next Post Are You Ready for an Online Class - Back by Request! I was recently contacted by Jim Fatzinger, a Professor of Management from Metropolitan State University, who alerted me that a recording that I had shared over a year ago on my blog of an online student success workshop titled "Are You Ready for an Online Class" was no longer available for viewing. This was news to me -- what was also news to me was the fact that Professor Fatzinger regularly requires all of his hybrid and online students to view this video and complete a discussion question in response to its content prior to the start of each course. How fantastic is that? This is a perfect example of how educators can harness digital technologies to share content and widen the distribution of our content to more learners. This is 21st century learning! After receiving Jim's email, I have been working diligently to resolve the issue with the video. Overview: This is a 60-minute recording of a live workshop I presented at Sierra College in October 2007.
Create Animation - Sketch Star 21st Century Schools or 21st Century Learning? Even this picture is way too old…We need to start having focused conversations on this topic. Just let me start off by saying that the term “21st Century Learning” still drives me crazy. If you think about it, have we progressed in our thoughts about what learning should look like and could be in the last 10 years? What about in the next 50 years? Will “21st Century Learning” be the same or will we still promote the same skills? With that being said, for the sake of discussion, I will use the terms. I had a great discussion with some educators the other day about the idea of “21st Century Schools vs. 21st Century Learning”. This has been really weighing on my mind a lot since I have seen a lot of iPads in schools in a 1:1 environment. Pretty crazy since they had an online textbook to keep them entertained The mass purchase of devices for schools is happening way too much inwithout conversations with educators about what learning should be happening in the classroom.
5 Apps and Sites for Creating Animations This afternoon on Twitter I was asked for some recommendations for tools that students can use to create animations. The first one that came to mind was the one that was freshest in my mind, that was Sketch Star. After sharing that link I went back into my archives for some other tools that students can use to create animations and came up with four others. Here are five tools that students can use to create animations. Sketch Star from Miniclip is a fun and free tool for creating animated comics. On Sketch Star students can create draw animations from scratch or use pre-made shapes and characters. Stop Frame Animator from Culture Street is a neat tool for creating animated stop motion movies. Animation Desk is an iPad app (free and premium versions available) for creating short, animated videos. Draw Island is a free online tool for creating drawings and simple GIF animations. Wideo is a service that allows anyone to create animated videos and Common Craft-style videos online.