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20 Best Color Palette Generators and Galleries for Designers (2019) Everyone loves colors. Colors are among the most important elements of every design and artwork. As designers, we work with colors every day. Color theory is such a serious thing that even Goethe wrote a book on the subject. You can use either galleries or generators to quickly create a fitting color scheme for your design. Color palette galleries are collections created by either human designers or algorithms. Color palette generators allow you to manually design a palette. On the web, you’ll also find color palette apps that provide both functions. 1. COLOURlovers is the biggest online community related to colors, with more than 8 million members. 2. With Adobe’s color wheel, you can create analogous, monochromatic, triadic, complementary, and compound color palettes. 3. ColorDrop is an excellent tool if you quickly need a palette for flat design. 4. Ambiance pulls random color palettes from COLOURlovers and displays them in the form of huge color cards. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
40+ Most Creative 2013 Calendar Design In countinue to last year post 80+ Most Creative 2012 Calendar Design we bring you the 2013 version. 1. Cute Star Wars by Loopz (Etsy) 2. Bubble Calendar – a poster-sized calendar with a bubble to pop every day. 3. 4. 5. 7. 44. 45. 46. 47. More creative calendars can be found at last year post: If you like this post please share. I Noticed This Tiny Thing On Google Maps. When I Zoomed In… Well, Nothing Could Prepare Me. Go ahead and search for the coordinates 16°51’53″N, 11°57’13″E on google maps or google earth, and take a look at what you see. At first glance it may just appear to be a barren and empty desert. But zoom in further and you’ll find that there’s something more to see. When close enough, at that spot, there’s a surprising and amazing image that looks like an icon of a silhouetted plane. And there’s a very specific reason for the plane symbol being in that otherwise empty desert. Read on for the full and very touching story. In September of 1989, UTA flight 772 was scheduled to operate between Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo and Paris CDG airport in France via N’Djamena in Chad. A bomb exploded in the luggage area, causing the flight to break up over the Sahara Desert. The plane wreckage was strewn over miles and miles of desert, about 400 miles away from the nearest town. The site is so remote that some of the pieces still remain there today.
45 top examples of letterpress business cards | Print design Known for producing a clean and elegant style, the letterpress technique is favoured by many designers for creating unique and creative business cards. Here we've picked 45 brilliant examples of letterpress business cards to inspire your designs. Letterpress printing has been around for hundreds of years and yet remains one of the hottest trends in stationery. Letterpress business cards still have the ability to turn heads. The ancient technique involves a surface with raised letters or artwork inked and then pressed into thick, soft paper, adding an exciting, tactile quality to the design. 01. Combining craft and precision to produce a beautiful aesthetic, these new cards from Singapore based agency Oddds are about as beautiful as they come. "The identity broadens with usage of letterpress accompanied by glamour with modernism," they explain. 02. 03. Creating business cards for her printing company has been a learning experience for Kate Huat. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
30 Breathtaking Satellite Photos That Will Change How You See Our World Daily Overview is a new project that shares one satellite photo from Digital Globes a day in an attempt to change the way we see our planet Earth. Show Full Text The project was inspired by the Overview Effect experience, which is a cognitive shift of perspective and worldview experienced by the astronauts when they get to see the planet Earth from space for the first time. The people behind this beautiful project write: “The mesmerizing flatness seen from this vantage point, the surprising comfort of systematic organization on a massive scale, or the vibrant colors that we capture will hopefully turn your head.” More info: Website | Tumblr | Facebook | Instagram (h/t: twistedsifter) Bourtange, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands Thanks for sharing! 3x per week 30,000,000+ monthly readers Error sending email 53.0066°N 7.1920°E. Barcelona, Spain 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group Tucson, Arizona, USA Central Park, New York City, New York, USA 40°46’56”N; 73°57’55”W. 36.211001, -115.266914.
Top 48 des publicités sur sacs les plus originales et créatives La consommation à son maximum, c'est de faire du shopping avec des sacs sponsorisés. Mais attention, avec ces sacs publicitaires originaux, vous pourriez produire l'effet inverse et générer quelques sourires autour de vous ! (MAJ Juillet 2013) Source photo : Creative Guerrilla Marketing Alors, vous trouvez ça "sac-rément" bien, non ? Sources : boredpanda.com, koikoikoi.com et Creative Guerrilla Marketing
Little Family Fun: Easy Kite Craft for Kids! Our final Kite-themed activity was making this easy kite craft! This was a joint effort by LB(3) AND LL(1) and myself. How to make it: Out of a piece of white paper, cut out a kite shape.Let your child paint (we used watercolors) their kite however they desire (this was LB's job) Get out another piece of white paper and have your child paint it however they desire (this was LL's job, AND her very first time painting! She loved it.) After the papers have dried, use a hole-punch to make a small hole in the bottom corner of the kite.Cut a long piece of yarn (however long you want it for the kite string), and tie it through the hole. Out of the other sheet of painted paper, cut out 3 (or more) bow-shapes. There you have it!
» 50 fantastiques designs de cartes de visite L’avantage de rédiger des listes sur les cartes de visite c’est qu’on ne risque pas de manquer de designs créatifs et inspirants. L’imagination des graphistes étant sans limite, de nouvelles cartes apparaissent chaque jour sur le web, toutes plus originales les unes que les autres. Dans cet article, nous avons listé une cinquantaine de cartes de visite, au design souvent original, parfois simple mais toujours efficace. En espérant que toutes ces cartes seront vous inspirer à créer votre propre chef d’oeuvre ! Cet article reprend en partie une série de cartes publiée chez DesignerFix.com. Freq Nightclub Orange Girl Letterpress Business Cards Vintage Style Business Card Suite. Triplexed Business Cards Plaid Business Cards Hoccus Poccus Card Alex Timokhovsky Business card French Blue Letterpress Cards Waldo Trommler Paints Carte de visite métal Nili Studios Yoga Bhoga Carte Coasters Fizz Design First QCR Appearance Colorful, Bold, Business Cards Cool Edge Painted Business Cards Black & Blue Letterpress
Drip, Drip, Splatter Splash