The Pop Over Plugin » description - WordPress Plugins and Themes, with added BuddyPress and Multisite Goodness – WPMU DEV For help with installing plugins please see our Plugin installation guide Login to your admin panel for WordPress or Multisite and activate the plugin: On regular WordPress installs – visit Plugins and Activate the plugin.For WordPress Multisite installs – Activate it site-by-site (say if you wanted to make it a Pro Sites premium plugin), or visit Network Admin -> Plugins and Network Activate the plugin. Getting Started Once activated, you’ll see a new menu item in your dashboard: PopUp Adding a PopUp Click on PopUp > Add New to open up the PopUp Editor. Here you will see a number of sub-sections for creating PopUps. PopUp Name Let’s start by giving the popup a name, this will help to keep organized if you have lots of popups. PopUp Contents Here you provide the contents of the popup. How these elements display will depend on the settings you provide below as well your theme or any custom CSS you may have added. Appearance Select a Style from the following: Simple Minimal Cabriolet Behavior That’s it!
Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS Martin Angelov Designing and coding a sponsors page is part of the developer’s life (at least the lucky developer’s life, if it is about a personal site of theirs). It, however, follows different rules than those for the other pages of the site. We are using PHP, CSS and jQuery with the jQuery Flip plug-in, to do just that. Step 1 – XHTML Most of the markup is generated by PHP for each of the sponsors after looping the main $sponsor array. demo.php <div title="Click to flip" class="sponsor"><div class="sponsorFlip"><img alt="More about google" src="img/sponsors/google.png"></div><div class="sponsorData"><div class="sponsorDescription"> The company that redefined web search. The outermost .sponsor div contains two additional div elements. Maybe more interesting is the sponsorData div. Sponsor Flip Wall Step 2 – CSS We can start laying down the styling of the wall, as without it there is no much use of the page. styles.css – Part 1 styles.css – Part 2 Flipping Animation Step 3 – PHP script.js
Free Wireframing Kits, UI Design Kits, PDFs and Resources - Smashing Magazine Advertisement To mock-up the user interface of a website, software or any other product, you’ll need some basic UI elements. And this is where wireframing kits and UI design kits come in handy. When you want to create a low-fidelity prototype for your projects, you can use these kits to give your idea a certain shape, keeping it abstract and not losing yourself in details. In this post, we’ve prepared an overview of useful web and mobile user interface kits, handy PDFs and resources that you can use in your projects. Free Mobile GUI PSD Android GUI PSD1 This Android GUI PSD is based on elements of the Android 1.5 GUI and was made to help the open-source community with its Android application mock-ups. RIM Blackberry PSD2 A complete PSD file with layer styles, this has 135 layers of Photoshop goodness. Android Sketch Stencil Version 1.03 A Sketch-style Android OmniGraffle template. iPhone 4 GUI PSD (Retina Display)5GUI PSD kit for creatives who design for the retina display (640×960).
30 Useful Jquery Plugins For Developer & Designer 5a631c969a617e6ab09dca8c29de6cb3 1424 jQuery is one of the most popular Javascript framwork out there. It is very easy to use and full of cool features. It can be hard for us to know how to use the code and create amazing stuff using jQuery. So, develepors decided to release and create plugins to help us fulfill this task by making it easier for us. YoxView – jQuery image viewer plugin YoxView is a free Lightbox-type image and video viewer for websites. Cute Baloon Cute Balloon is a jQuery script that allow you to easy make a beauty tool tip balloon, also with ajax content. Exposure Jquery Plugin Exposure is a jQuery plugin for rich and smart photo viewing. uiWizard This plugin helps you make the most of screen real estate, as you can easily navigate through a stack of DIV elements by using HTML links. Imagine having a huge form with scrollbars: with the wizard you can break it down into several steps. Cantipi Jquery Plugin Cantipi is a simple and functionality time picker. jSuggest Cloud Zoom
Beautiful Photo Stack Gallery with jQuery and CSS3 In this tutorial we are going to create a nice and fresh image gallery. The idea is to show the albums as a slider, and when an album is chosen, we show the images of that album as a beautiful photo stack. In the photo stack view, we can browse through the […] View demoDownload source In this tutorial we are going to create a nice and fresh image gallery. We will use jQuery and CSS3 properties for the rotated image effect. We will also use a bit of PHP for getting the images from each album. So, let’s start! The Markup In our HTML structure we will have several elements. <div id="ps_slider" class="ps_slider"><a class="prev disabled"></a><a class="next disabled"></a><div id="ps_albums"><div class="ps_album" style="opacity:0;"><img src="albums/album1/thumb/thumb.jpg" alt=""/><div class="ps_desc"><h2>Album title</h2><span>Description text</span></div></div><div class="ps_album" style="opacity:0;"> ... We will dynamically insert the pictures of each album into the ps_container div. The PHP P.S.
11 Principles of Interaction Design explained As well as matching peoples expectations through terminology, layout and interactions the way in which they are used should be consistent throughout the process and between related applications. By maintaining consistency users learn more quickly, this can be achieved by re-applying in one part of the application their prior experiences from another. An added bonus of keeping elements consistent is that you can then use inconsistency to indicate to users where things do not work the way they might expect. Breaking consistency is similar to knowing when to be unconventional as mentioned above. 3. “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” The range of possible actions should be no more than is absolutely necessary. Avoid unnecessary features and functionsBreak complex tasks into manageable sub-tasksLimit functions rather than the user experience 4. Cognition is the scientific term for the “process of thought”. 5. 6. 7. 8. Error Prevention Prevent errors by: 9. 10.
Accordion v2.0 Demo What's new in v2.0? Well i listened to all you guys out there in my forum and my blog and now all those wishes have been granted! Open/Close functionality added (Click on an active accordion). Uhm... Haha! Oh, by the way, not only does this script handle vertical accordions, but horizontal as well! Download Get it here Accordion v2.0 Include the files You need to include accordion.js but it requires prototype.js and effects.js (like I said this is for scriptaculous!). The Markup Pretty much anything will work, so its really up to you. <h2 class="accordion_toggle">Title Bar</h2><div class="accordion_content">... The important thing here is that it need to be the title element then the content element and so on, nothing in between, just like every other accordion. The Options Not many options, but all you need to make this thing do anything you may require! Now these are the default options set automatically, so let's now take a look on how to create an accordion and change those options. Preload
15 Free Online Tools for Web Designers on a Budget About two years ago when I became a full time freelance web designer, I made it a point to operate with little overhead. Even though I was confident I could make it as a freelancer, there was some fear that things might not go as planned. Because of this, I didn’t go out and spend lots of money on equipment and expensive software. My focus was on being frugal and saving money where I could. Pixlr Pixlr is a powerful online image editing application. Google Analytics Google Analytics is probably the most popular free analytics tool available. Typetester The Typetester is an online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen. CSS Type Set CSS Type Set allows you to visually and interactively style text and it generates the CSS. net2ftp net2ftp gives you a fully featured ftp client within your browser. WhatTheFont WhatTheFont allows you to scan in or provide the URL of a font and it will tell you what it is. Color Scheme Designer Fontstruct Kuler Bespin Adobe BrowserLab ViewLikeUs ColoRotate
iPad: Scroll or Card? by Oliver Reichenstein How do you navigate content on the iPad? Scroll or flip? Let’s first look at how the discussion went. As happens in every new field, a struggle is already taking place over which hypertext methods are the best, with creators defending their philosophies. In practice, it’s pretty clear who won the debate: 99% of all websites scroll and most desktop applications scroll when they display a lot of information. Cards have a fixed-size presentation canvas. Source: Jakob Nielsen How do we know when to pick which model? When to Use the Scroll Model The scroll model allows you to easily separate content and design. Content needs to scale over different platforms and screen sizes (for example: mobile, tablet, desktop)Layouts need to be automatically generated (daily newspapers)Accessibility is an issue (variable font sizes for sight-impaired people)A complex information architecture requires chunking When to use the Card Model When not to use the scroll model
simpleSli.de: A Super-Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin