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Related: Food Production
Sachamama Center for BioCultural Regeneration (SCBR) is a non-profit organization in the Peruvian High Amazon in the town of Lamas, Department of San Martin, dedicated to the biocultural regeneration of the region in collaboration with the indigenous Kichwa-Lamistas, the descendants of pre-Columbian inhabitants, as well as with the local Education Board of the district of Lamas (Sp. acronym UGEL). SCBR was founded in 2009 by the anthropologist Frédérique Apffel-Marglin. SCBR shares a worldview in which the human, the non-human, as well as the community of spirits, are all kin to each other.
The Self Sufficient Blog
The Self Sufficient Blog is my mini-journal about self sufficent farm living. It... -- keeps you up-to-date on new information and what others are doing to become more self sufficient. ---New methods and creative approaches to farm living.
I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Community, Food and Agriculture (45% of my appointment). My research focuses on the “food system” (55% of my appointment). The food system involves all of the steps required to produce food and get it to our plates–from farming and processing to distribution and consumption.
Poisonous Plants 2
Plants basically poison on contact, ingestion, or by absorption or inhalation. They cause painful skin irritations upon contact, they cause internal poisoning when eaten, and they poison through skin absorption or inhalation in respiratory system. Many edible plants have deadly relatives and look-alikes. Preparation for military missions includes learning to identify those harmful plants in the target area.
High Altitude Living In WA & CO Resources - The Happy Homesteader Blog
Bruce and Carol McElmurray live in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado at an elevation of 9,750'. Ed and Laurie Essex live off grid in the Okanogan Highlands of Washington State at an elevation of 4200’. Bruce and Ed, bloggers for The Happy Homesteader at Mother Earth News, have decided to collaborate on a blog about their high-altitude living.
Organic Processing Industry Structure
Organic Processing Industry Structure The development of the USDA National Organic Standard in place of differing state/regional standards was widely predicted to accelerate trends of increasing consolidation in this sector. The first draft of the standard was released in 1997; what changes in ownership and control have since occurred? Click to zoom (requires latest version of Silverlight in some browsers)
Poisonous Plants 1
Successful use of plants in a survival situation depends on positive identification. Knowing poisonous plants is as important to a survivor as knowing edible plants. Knowing the poisonous plants will help you avoid sustaining injuries from them. Plants generally poison by-- Ingestion.
How farmers can help fight climate change
The other week, I spent some time interviewing several business leaders for the North Carolina Sustainability CEnter, asking them about their reactions to President Obama's climate speach. Their responses were decidedly mixed, but one discussion stayed with me. When I asked Charles Sydnor, the owner of Braeburn Farm, about the urgency of climate policy for his industry—he had this to say:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agencies and Offices A list of all Agencies and Offices within USDA Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services
Backpacker Recipes: Tomato, Mozzarella and Pesto Pizza
Backpacking and in need of a tasty meal, fast? Cooking in the hostel kitchen is a great way to make friends and save money.Try this tomato, mozzarella and pesto pizza with a twist… it’s made on a tortilla – YUM – and it only costs 90p per pizza. Take it from us, it’s delicious – we made it from scratch in the hostel kitchen at Clink78 in London.
Farming and knowledge monocultures are misconceived
Food needs can be met with a new vision for agriculture and science, say Brian Wynne and Georgina Catacora-Vargas. In mainstream policy and corporate thinking, scientific knowledge and global markets are considered key for food security. This has resulted in the industrialisation and laboratory research-led intensification of agricultural systems, inputs and food-supply chains.