"Unplug Me" Activity Lesson Description:Students will battle energy vampires by creating reminders to unplug appliances for their schools and homes. they can design original reminder cards and hang them around the room near energy vampires. Eco-fact: The average home has 20 electrical appliances that are “energy vampires”. that's because the appliances continue to suck electricity even when they're off. Energy vampires cost $3 billion a year -- or about $200 per household. To help stop energy vampires, plug appliances into surge protectors that can easily be turned off to cut the flow of energy. Procedure: Sustainability Topic:Energy GEF Program Category:Green Energy Challenge Time Needed:30 minutes Materials Needed:3 x 5 (or 5 x 7) index cardscoloring utensils Submitted By:Green Education Foundation School or Group:GEF Contact Email:service@greeneducationfoundation.org
Jackie Silberg's Favorite Early Childhood Education Websites | Miss Jackie Silberg Here are some of my favorite links to other noteworthy web sites with information and activities pertaining to early childhood education, development and fun! This list will be expanding as we go and we welcome any suggestions you may have! Send them to: jsilberg@interserv.com Gryphon House Publishers A wonderful early childhood publisher with fabulous books and hundreds of free activities to download. Its purpose is to provide teachers and parents with the best materials available to aid in the development and education of young children. Bright Ring Publishing, Inc. Zero to Three. I Am Your Child A source of information about childhood development as well as resources for parents and care-givers. www.familymedallion.com Resources for celebrating adoptions, blessings/baptisms and family weddings. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Music with Mar Maryann "Mar." Musication Creating arts and audiences for the future. Sharon MacDonald.
Making Learning Fun Early Childhood Learning: Activities and Articles for Birth to Age 5 Easter & Passover Get ready for fun classroom crafts: Easter and Passover are both approaching! Passover begins Friday, April 14 and Easter is Sunday, April 20. Poptropica Teaching GuidesPoptropica is one of the Internet's most popular sites for kids—and now it's available as an app for the iPad! It's not just a place to play games; each of the islands featured on the site provides a learning opportunity. Check out our teaching guides to four of Poptropica's islands: 24 Carrot Island, Time Tangled Island, Mystery Train Island, and Mythology Island. April Calendar of Events April is full of holidays and events that you can incorporate into your standard curriculum. Common Core Lessons & Resources Is your school district adopting the Common Core? Videos Do your students love videos?
PopSci While the body sleeps, the brain is busy filing away the day's activities, processing memories so they can be recalled later on. Under the influence of Ambien, sleep has been shown to improve recall of bad memories. But new research shows that what sleep giveth, it can also take away: Fearful memories can be extinguished through naptime exposure to a scary stimulus. A recent study from neuroscientists at Northwestern University's medical school found that the fearful memories brought up by a specific odor could be reduced by exposing participants to that odor repeatedly as they snoozed. "If it can be extended to pre-existing fear, the bigger picture is that, perhaps, the treatment of phobias can be enhanced during sleep." "We showed a small but significant decrease in fear," lead author Katherina Hauner, a neurology post doc who studies odor and fear extinction, said in a statement.
Preschool Outdoor Activities Outdoor Transparent PaintingPreschool children use both large and fine motor skills and teachers can introduce a new vocabulary word, transparent, during this creative early childhood activity by Susi. Materials: Long strip of clear plastic (sheet), tempera paints (lots of colors), paint brushes, wire to hold up the plastic sheet, and a fence. Description: Let the children help in attaching the plastic to the fence thereby encouraging participation and the use of large motor skills. Ask the children to paint the 'canvas' with any images they like, or you can provide ideas according to your theme. These murals are an amazing addition to any outside play area. Outdoor Car WashEncourage social skills as preschool children participate in this warm weather water play activity from Betty N. Materials: Riding cars, sponges, and shallow dishes of soapy water. Description: During outside time, set up an area where the children can pretend to be a car wash. Materials: Medium size playground ball.
Using Robotics to Teach Computer Programming Photo Dash is a small blue robot that can be programmed to play the xylophone, kick a ball, act like a dog and deliver messages — for instance, a prerecorded rendition of the “Happy Birthday” song. Its head, which spins around, has a single, Cyclops-like eye. Sometimes Dash emits a cheerful chime — a sign that it approves of its programmer’s actions. Saurabh Gupta, one of Dash’s creators, says these anthropomorphic qualities make the robot “more like a friend or a companion” than an object — and therefore more likely to appeal to its programmers, meant to be children as young as 5. Mr. Like one of its competitors, KinderLab Robotics, Wonder Workshop was founded by parents who were frustrated by a lack of opportunities for their children to learn programming. This fall, Wonder Workshop, based in San Mateo, Calif., will begin delivering its robots to customers who participated in a crowdsourced fund-raising campaign on its website. Ms. Last year, Ms. Ms. As it is, Dr.
ProjectWILD 5 Energizing Early Childhood Education Outdoor Learning Activities Experiencing nature is becoming a bigger part of today’s school classroom. From gaining knowledge about new animals and their beginnings, to plants and how they grow, there is so much to learn in an early childhood education outdoor learning classroom. Learning takes time, and outdoor learning is no exception. Below we laid out five energizing early childhood education outdoor learning activities and explained why they are important for the little ones you’re teaching day-to-day. 1. Painting This is not your everyday painting; it’s painting and watching your creation evaporate. 2. Schools with gardens are becoming extremely popular these days. at, so they can lead a healthier lifestyle. 3. Teach your current or future students about the life cycle and the history behind the animals they see outdoors. 4. Similar to the animal investigation model above, take your students outdoors and have them experience plant life. 5.
Columbus Day Lessons, Activities, and Other Resources Present a Range Of Opinions on Christopher Columbus By Phil Nast, retired middle school teacher and freelance writer Found in: Social Studies, Language Arts, Science Columbus Day is celebrated in the United States, Spain, and many countries in Latin America. Whether Christopher Columbus is thought of positively or negatively depends on point-of-view.