publications du Clemi Le 9 avril : vous avez rendez-vous avec Vous travaillez autour de projets d’éducation aux médias ? Vous accompagnez vos élèves dans un projet de webradio ? Vous voulez aborder la création sonore avec votre classe ? Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans l’aventure ? Dans le cadre de la formation des enseignants de l’académie de Créteil, le CLEMI organise avec la DAAC, un grand rendez-vous intitulé "Journée académique autour d’un média" en partenariat avec Radio France. Cette journée, intitulée « Informer, créer et transmettre avec la radio » a lieu le 9 avril 2014 au lycée Suger, à Saint-Denis.Elle s’adresse aux enseignants de toutes disciplines ainsi qu’aux personnels de la vie scolaire. Cette journée académique de formation se déroulera : Le 9 avril 2014 de 9h à 18h (Accueil des participants à partir de 8h30) Le déjeuner sera offert sur place. Au lycée Suger-Lycée des métiers de l’image et du son 6, avenue Le Roy des Barres Pour vous inscrire : A télécharger : le programme de la journée
Medical Research Council - Home ONS Home Output in the Construction Industry, November 2015 In November 2015, output in the construction industry was estimated to have decreased by 0.5% compared with October 2015. All new work was the largest contributor to the fall, decreasing by 0.7%, with repair and maintenance (R&M) falling 0.2%. Index of Production, November 2015 Production output increased by 0.9% in November 2015 compared with November 2014. ONS Beta website available The ONS have been developing a new website to replace the current version. UK Trade, November 2015 The UK’s deficit on seasonally adjusted trade in goods and services was £3.2 billion in November 2015. Quarterly National Accounts, Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2015 UK gross domestic product in volume terms was estimated to have increased by 0.4% in Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2015; revised from the previously published estimate of 0.5%. Balance of Payments, Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2015
Second European congress on media literacy ISD Scotland | Information Services Division PhD Log Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information Technolgoy Tittle: Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information Technology: Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Name: Viswanath Venkatesh James Y. Xin Xu Year: Content of study: Mobile Internet user, consumer Research Overview: The Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) is applied to mobile internet consumers using survey with 1,512 users (Venkatesh, Thong & Xu 2012). Model: Methodology: Mobile internet user in Hong Kong. There are two stage, the first stage receives 4,127 respondents then four months later the second phase was collected. Finding: The results are confirmed that the hedonic motivation, price values and habit are influencing technology use. Related to my research: This study shows how to use UTAUT and proposes the UTAUT2. The use of mobile handheld devices such as cell phones, PDAs, and palm pilots has become pervasive in our life. Accessing the Web through a handheld device, called mobile 1. 2. 1.
Contact - Deuxième congrès européen de l'éducation aux médias Média Média Animation asbl est un centre de ressources en éducation aux médias et un centre d’éducation permanente des adultes reconnu et subsidié par le Ministère de l’éducation et de la culture de la Communauté française de Belgique. L’association a pour but le développement d’une citoyenneté responsable à travers l’éducation critique du citoyen face à une société de la communication médiatisée. Elle vise à soutenir activement les initiatives, projets et institutions associatives, sociales éducatives ou culturelles par la mise en œuvre d’actions et de services professionnels en communication pour le développement de la maîtrise critique des outils et techniques de communication au service de projets citoyens. Le Le CLEMI (centre de liaison de l’enseignement et des médias d’information) est le centre d’éducation aux médias du ministère de l’Education nationale.
HESA - Higher Education Statistics Agency - Home Statistician - ABPI Careers So, what do you do? I work as a statistician within the pharmaceutical industry. Within the company I work on later stage trials, such as post-marketing and label extension studies. Working in this department has meant that I have gained experience in both clinical trials and non-interventional studies. How has your career developed since you entered the industry? Since entering the industry nearly a year ago I have certainly learnt a lot of new things which have enabled me to feel more capable in my job role. Why did you decide on a career in the pharmaceutical industry? Having left university with a degree in maths I was unsure of what career path to take and so I enrolled in a Masters in medical statistics. When did you make this decision? What qualifications and experience did you have when you entered the industry? I have a BSc in Mathematics from Nottingham University and an MSc in Medical Statistics from the University of Leicester What does your typical day involve?
Senior statistician - ABPI Careers So, what do you do? I’m a Senior Statistician within the pharmaceutical industry, working for a contract research organisation. I’m part of a small department of statisticians who provide statistical services for early phase clinical trials. How has your career developed since you entered the industry? I started out as a Graduate Statistician in a big pharmaceutical company and have worked at several companies since then. Why did you decide on a career in the pharmaceutical industry? I had the opportunity to do a year working in industry as part of my undergraduate degree and my placement was in a biotech company working in their Statistics and Programming department. What qualifications and experience did you have when you entered the industry? When I entered the industry I had a BSc in Mathematics from Coventry University, an MSc in Medical Statistics from the University of Leicester and a year of experience in the industry from my undergraduate placement.
Biostatistics Manager - ABPI Careers So, what do you do? I am currently the Manager of the Biostatistics team within the Biostatistics and Programming (B&P) department at a contract research organisation. I am responsible for a team of Biostatisticians who are involved in the production of clinical trial reports and the provision of statistical services. How has your career developed since you entered the industry? I started my career as an Associate Biostatistician. Why did you decide on a career in the pharmaceutical industry? I can’t honestly say that I did actively decide on a career in the pharmaceutical industry. What qualifications and experience did you have when you entered the industry? When I entered the industry I was armed with my BSc in Mathematics from Sheffield University. Do you think additional qualifications or experience would be an advantage for someone entering the industry now? I studied for my MSc whist working, although not all roles within the pharmaceutical industry will have this as an option.