Poll: Majority Believe In Ghosts
Actress Naomi Watts, director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu and actor Sean Penn pose during a party after the premiere of "21 Grams" at the Academy Theater in Beverly Hills, Calif., Nov. 6, 2003. GETTY This Halloween may be filled with trick-or-treaters in scary costumes, but for more than one in five Americans, some costumes might be real: they told CBS News pollsters they have seen a real-life ghost in some form. And whether or not they've seen one, even more Americans believe that ghosts actually do exist. Nearly half of Americans say they believe in ghosts, or that the dead can return in certain places and situations. Yes
Shadow people
An artist's impression of a shadow person as a paranormal entity A shadow person (also known as a shadow figure, shadow being or black mass) is the perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, particularly as interpreted by believers in the paranormal or supernatural as the presence of a spirit or other entity.[1] Many methamphetamine addicts report hallucinations of "shadow people", as a result of sleep deprivation. History and folklore[edit] The Coast to Coast AM late night radio talk show helped popularize modern beliefs in shadow people.[2] The first time the topic of shadow people was discussed at length on the show was April 12, 2001 when host Art Bell interviewed Native American elder Thunder Strikes, who is also known as Harley "SwiftDeer" Reagan.
Shadow people
An artist's impression of a shadow person as a paranormal entity A shadow person (also known as a shadow figure, shadow being or black mass) is the perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, particularly as interpreted by believers in the paranormal or supernatural as the presence of a spirit or other entity.[1] Many methamphetamine addicts report hallucinations of "shadow people", as a result of sleep deprivation. History and folklore[edit] The Coast to Coast AM late night radio talk show helped popularize modern beliefs in shadow people.[2] The first time the topic of shadow people was discussed at length on the show was April 12, 2001 when host Art Bell interviewed Native American elder Thunder Strikes, who is also known as Harley "SwiftDeer" Reagan.
Spiricom Report 1
We present here the Original Report from George W. Meek edited for better use in the Internet. No content changes have been made.
Top Ten Powerful Law of Attraction Tips: Simple Secrets to Attract What You Want
I have gathered some of the most potent tips to create your reality that I know of. The Secret and the Law of Attraction teach us to visualize and feel our goals. This is a start, but if we really want to manifest more of our desires, more wealth, better and more conscious relationships, and all the goals in our heart that make us want to celebrate life, we need to relinquish EVERYTHING which does not serve us and step into a realm of true magic where our attraction power is natural and effortless. I’ve gathered ten of the best tips I know to support this inner power. Let’s explore them now: 1.
16 Signs That Your House is Haunted
How do you know if that persistent rapping on your walls is bad plumbing or a mischievous spirit? Here are some of the signs of a haunting You hear heavy footsteps in the upstairs hallway when you know no one is up there. Doors slam unaccountably. Commonly used items disappear and reappear without cause. The kitchen light turns on by itself.
Five Meaningful Methods of Meditation
In my last article, A Layman’s Guide to Mindful Meditation, we discussed the “why” of meditation. In this article we will discuss the “how.” There’s a myriad of methods for meditation. Some are easy and some are difficult. All require daily practice to perfect.
Herbal First Aide
Insect Bites & Stings Essential Oils – Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lavender Mix any or all with a little Olive or vegetable oil and apply Cedar Wood Essential oil – kills houseflies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches in a concentration of 1 %
The Principles of Wiccan Beliefs
The Principles of Beliefs 1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal quarters and cross-quarters.
Astrology, Horoscope and Teachings - The Saturn Return
This article investigates the time of life when the current position of Saturn exactly corresponds to the placement of Saturn in the birthchart. From ancient times, Saturn has been known as the planet of karma. It represents the tests and boundaries of physical existence. Every soul has to come under this discipline and instruction in order to evolve from self-centredness to a recognition of universal kinship.
Interpreting the Solar Return
Your birthday horoscope is a wheel-shaped chart indicating the positions of the planets in relation to the earth at the time of the yearly return of the Sun to the exact position it held when you were born. This chart shows what is in store for the coming year. It's rather like an auxiliary of your birth horoscope, painting a picture of this one-year period.