A Docker primer – from zero to a running Django app August 30, 2013 by Csaba Okrona Let's create a docker container and run a basic Django app - step by step. Docker is a great tool for creating and managing lightweight isolated application environments, a.k.a. containers. Docker is a wonderful layer on top of Linux containers (LXC). Let's get started! If you're already using linux, you can skip the next part, but on OS X, you need to run docker using a Virtualbox linux image at this point. Installing Vagrant (only neccessary for non-Linux hosts) Vagrantfile: Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = "raring" config.vm.box_url = " # we'll forward the port 8000 from the VM to the port 8000 on the host (OS X) config.vm.network :forwarded_port, host: 8000, guest: 8000 config.vm.synced_folder("vagrant-docker", "/vagrant") # add a bit more memory, it never hurts. Create the shared folder Boot up the VM with Vagrant Now ssh into the VM: Whoa.
How are you? — Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins - part I We have been using Docker in our staging environment for a month now and are planning to make it part of our production setup once the first stable version gets released. We’ll be discussing the staging environment setup today with the promise of following up on the production environment at a later date. Docker is a utility for creating virtualized Linux containers for shipping self-contained applications. As opposed to a traditional VM which runs a full-blown operating system on top of the host, Docker leverages LinuX Containers (LXC) which run on the same operating system. We have converted our entire staging environment from a handful of AMIs to a single bare metal host running Docker. Whenever a new github branch gets started, Jenkins, our Continuous Integration server, automatically attempts to build a new Docker container from it. We couldn’t find any clear guide on integrating Docker with Jenkins so we’ve decided to contribute one. 1. 2. 3. 4. github service hooks "How are you?"
How Does the Ops Skillset Need to Change in a Cloud & DevOps World? How Does the Ops Skillset Need to Change in a Cloud & DevOps World? Title: How does the Ops skillset need to change in a cloud & DevOps world? A question was posed in the LinkedIn EMC Cloud group about how the skillsets of Operations professional will need to change in a Cloud (andDevOps) world. I wrote a quick reply listing the first 3 ideas off the top of my head but I think they’re worth sharing to see if we can stimulate a wider debate. (1) Learn how your business generates value & makes money The days of "I'm just an IT guy in the IT department - it doesn't really matter what the company does I just manage my servers" is dead. Modern Operations is expected to be far more agile and responsive than ever before - it's about right-sizing infrastructure to meet loads, it's about deploying stuff faster and more reliably so your organisation can get its products/ideas to market faster. (2) Learn to script (3) Become "application-centric" - @DevOpsGuys
Seven Steps to Start Your DevOps Initiative Analyst(s): Ronni J. Colville Step One: Define DevOps for You There are many definitions of DevOps that can be found, depending on where you look. DevOps emphasizes people (and culture) over tools and processes, and seeks to improve collaboration between operations and development teams. Guidance: The definition is only as important as getting everyone on the same page. Step Two: Pick the App While there are no specifics in the DevOps philosophy that negate applying DevOps to all types of applications, its core use case is in agile development or Web-enabled applications. Figure 1. Source: Gartner (September 2014) Guidance: For best results in introducing DevOps to your IT organization, seek out new applications that are designed for change and have a much higher tolerance of risk. Step Three: Pick the Team People are the main ingredient in a successful DevOps initiative. Guidance: Build a required skills list before selecting or assigning people to the initiative. Figure 2.