10 Amazing Augmented Reality iPhone Apps While Lawnmower Man may have led us to believe the future was a virtual one, it seems that in fact augmented reality (the overlaying of digital data on the real world) is where we're headed. A buzz technology right now, augmented reality apps are quickly gaining momentum on the iPhone. So to add to the quick overview of six AR apps we brought you earlier, we sort the digital wheat from the pixellated chaff to bring you ten AR apps for the iPhone that vary from functional, to educational, to just plain fun. 1. Le Bar Guide Although the wisdom of getting drunk people to wave their iPhones around on today's mean streets is questionable, if you drink responsibly, as this Stella Artois-backed app urges you to, this could be a handy tool. 2. Another corporate-backed app, this time by Plantronics, is WorkSnug, an iPhone app that finds digital nomads a place to lay their weary laptop. 3. This star map app will spell out the stars, planets and constellations for you. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. iPew
freemixx Generative Machines by Michael Chang (@mflux) / #threejs #javascript #webgl A few months ago Michael Chang at Google Creative Labs was asked to make some visuals for Google IO, building on from the procedural circuit-board diagrams he did in the past. After spending few weeks experimenting in both Three.js and Processing, he gravitated towards one concept – the idea of a procedural exploding view diagram of “Generative Machines”. It wasn’t enough that I simply had rivets and slots coming together, I also wanted to make an overall structure that looked as if, when assembled, became a machine that forms a whole that was more than the sum of its parts.This got me thinking about creating procedural shapes that I can cut up. My first exploration into this was creating a one dimensional exploding axis, where elements can fly forward or back, and adding a radial dimension where elements could be chopped up and exploded outwards. The result is a collection of self-assembling machines which live on a skeleton. Generative Machines via Cedric Kiefer
blprnt.blg | Jer Thorp CONT3XT.NET MAT 594O - Sensors and Interfaces for Media Art (Winter, 2010) MAT 594O - Sensors and Interfaces for Media Art (Winter, 2010) Overview The MAT Sensors and Interfaces course explores the use of multimedia sensor technologies and embedded microcontroller systems for interactive environments/installations and responsive artwork/performance systems. We will start with an introduction to the theories of space in art and human-computer interaction (HCI), and proceed to an in-depth analysis of current art-HCI technologies. Course Topics Space & gestural interaction Human-computer interfaces: ergonomics & haptics Emerging interface technologies Transducers, sensors, signal capture & conditioning Pressure, position, optical, inertial, capacitive, and ultrasonic sensing techniques Sensor applications and signal conditioning electronics Microcontrollers & interfaces -- communication protocols, signal processing, feature extraction, and mapping schemes Instructors Stephen T. Meeting time and place Tues/Thurs 5:00 - 6:50 PM Music 2215 or South Hall 4340 Down-loads
Search Animated GIFs on the Web - Giphy marianne: Context Free software Generative art made by Leonel Cunha with Context Free :www.contextfreeart.org Context Free is a program that generates images from written instructions called a grammar. The program follows the instructions in a few seconds to create images that can contain millions of shapes. Chris Coyne created a small language for design grammars called CFDG. These grammars are sets of non-deterministic rules to produce images. Digital Performances & Cultures MEMBRE DU RAN* PWM and Arduino: fading an LED and playing melodies on a Piezo Speaker Submitted by fabio on Mon, 2010-07-26 12:49. In the past blog posts, we already saw how to read and write digital signals on the Digital Input Output pins of the Arduino. We also used the analog reading capabilities of Arduino to read values from variable resistance components such as potentiometers, thermistors, or LDRs. We still don't know anything about how to produce an Analog Output signal with Arduino. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM): analog outputs with digital means Digital boards and processors, like the Arduino board and its ATMega 328 microcontroller, usually have some problems providing an Analog Output, a variable signal which can range from eg 0 to 5V. Fortunately, there is the Pulse Width Modulation or PWM technique which permits getting an analog result using digital means. The Arduino PWM tutorial describes how PWM works: Digital control is used to create a square wave, a signal switched between on and off. In Arduino, we have the function analogWrite() which implements PWM.
Nick Briz Context Free Art Le blog de multimedialab.be Concours d’œuvres radiophoniques 24 mars 2014 Un concours organisé par l’atelier de création sonore radiophonique dans le cadre du festival MONOPHONIC. Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#14 par Marc Wathieu 21 mars 2014 “J’apprends en m’amusant : le graphisme”, sur Radio Rectangle. Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#13 par Marc Wathieu “Sport et santé : la course à pied”, sur Radio Rectangle. Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#12 par Marc Wathieu 21 janvier 2014 “J’apprends en m’amusant : les mathématiques”, sur Radio Rectangle. Lire la suite > Court-Circuit : identité visuelle 19 janvier 2014 Workshop communication visuelle à la HEAJ (Haute École Albert Jacquard) à Namur. Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#11 par Marc Wathieu 14 décembre 2013 “Loisirs et détente entre amis : l’alpinisme”, sur Radio Rectangle. Lire la suite > Couvrir / Découvrir 28 novembre 2013 Novembre 2013 : 3e exercice : constitution d’une collection d’images et travail graphique (dessin, collage). Lire la suite > Émission HOBBY#10 par Marc Wathieu
The MEDEA approach to co-production research methodology In Medea, co-production is a given when it comes to planning the research processes of knowledge construction. We find this to be a favorable premise, in general terms for asserting relevance and ecological validity, as well as specifically for addressing the collaborative nature of the new media. However, some general methodological considerations must be noted that follow from a strict co-production approach to scientific research. This page was created on Apr 20, 2010, and last revised on Feb 4, 2011. First, co-production research involving academic researchers in collaboration with external partners always entails the integration of multiple agendas. Moreover, the researchers and partners bring complementary sets of expertise to the co-production table. The interventionist aspect of action research leads on to design research (Archer 1981, Cross 1999, Roth 1999, Nelson and Stolterman 2003), which is the second methodological cornerstone of co-production research processes. References