Lori Piestewa Early life[edit] Piestewa was born in Tuba City, Arizona, to Terry Piestewa and Priscilla "Percy" Baca.[4][5][6] Her father is a full-blooded Hopi Native American, her mother is a Mexican-American.[7][8] photo The couple first met in 1964 and married in November 1968.[9] The Piestewa family had a long military tradition; her paternal grandfather served in the U.S. Army in the European Theatre of World War II,[10] and her father Terry Piestewa was drafted in the U.S. Army in September 1965 and served a tour of duty in the Vietnam War before he returned home in March 1967.[9] Ambush in Nasiriyah, Iraq[edit] Piestewa was a member of the US Army's 507th Maintenance Company, a support unit of maintenance and repair personnel. The families of soldiers in the 507th heard almost right away of the ambush and fatalities in the unit. Honoring Piestewa[edit] Jessica Lynch has repeatedly said that Piestewa is the true hero of the ambush and named her daughter Dakota Ann in honor of her fallen comrade.
Reinventing business research | timetric.com White House Council Launches Interagency Subcommittee on Privacy & Internet Policy Posted by Cameron Kerry and Christopher Schroeder on October 24, 2010 at 10:10 AM EDT As part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to promoting the vast economic opportunity of the Internet and protecting individual privacy, the National Science and Technology Council has launched a new Subcommittee on Privacy and Internet Policy. Populated by representatives from more than a dozen Departments, agencies and Federal offices, and co-chaired by the two of us, the subcommittee will develop principles and strategic directions with the goal of fostering consensus in legislative, regulatory, and international Internet policy realms. In this digital age, a thriving and dynamic economy requires Internet policies that promote innovation domestically and globally while ensuring strong and sensible protections of individuals’ private information and the ability of governments to meet their obligations to protect public safety. Cameron Kerry is General Counsel at the Department of Commerce
SmartBlog On Social Media » A cheeky look at Gov 2.0: Questions In advance of tomorrow’s Sweets and Tweets event, Social Networking: the Two Dirtiest Words in Gov 2.0, we had the chance to fire some questions at one of the speakers and leading voices on Government 2.0, Mark Drapeau. Mark (@cheeky_geeky) is a biological scientist, as well as a government and private-sector consultant. He writes on science, technology, innovation, government, social media and society at O’Reilly Radar, Federal Computer Week and Washington Life. There’s a lot of talk about how social networking can improve the process of government. Where, in these early stages, do you see the most significant progress? The most progress is being made by individuals who — in their spare time for the most part — use new media tools to expand their social networks to get a better finger on the pulse of their areas of expertise, discover news and information and meet people in all the nooks and crannies of the government. What tools are being used most effectively? Remains to be seen.
3 Hawaii Marines charged in Afghanistan hazing case POSTED: 09:23 a.m. HST, Aug 25, 2011 LAST UPDATED: 09:27 a.m. HST, Aug 25, 2011 U.S. Lance Cpl. Three Hawaii Marines have been charged with multiple offenses ranging from assault and maltreatment to violation of orders and dereliction of duty for alleged hazing leading up to the April 3 death of fellow Marine Lance Cpl. Lew, 21, committed suicide April 3 after being hazed by two other Marine lance corporals, the Marine Corps Times said, citing an investigation into the death. The Marines are assigned to 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment at Kaneohe Bay. The Marine Corps Times said the alleged hazing happened after Lew had fallen asleep several times while manning a guard post in southern Afghanistan. NBC News reported that according to the investigation, Lew, of Santa Clara, Calif., put the muzzle of his M249 Squad Automatic Weapon in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Lt. Hill said today those charged July 11 and the accusations are: Lance Cpl. Sgt. Lance Cpl.
10 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2010 Data visualization and all things related continued its ascent this year with projects popping up all over the place. Some were good, and a lot were not so good. More than anything, I noticed a huge wave of big infographics this year. That's what stuck out in my mind initially as I thought about the top projects of the year. One of the major themes for 2010 was using data not just for analysis or business intelligence, but for telling stories. So here are the top 10 visualization projects of the year, listed from bottom to top. 10. Scott Manley of the Armagh Observatory visualized 30 years of asteroid discoveries. 9. Hannah Fairfield, former editor for The New York Times, and now graphics director for The Washington Post, had a look at gas prices versus miles driven per capita. 8. This weekender by Matt McKeon of the IBM Visual Communication Lab explored the changes of Facebook privacy policies over the years. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Fischer also had a fine series on race and ethnicity.
Grondwet-site brengt spelregels Nederlandse samenleving helder in beeld - Europa NU maandag 23 augustus 2010, 18:39 Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin heeft vandaag de nieuwe website www.deNederlandseGrondwet.nl in gebruik gesteld. Hij deed dit tijdens de opening van de zomerconferentie van het Montesquieu Instituut dat als motto 'Bouwen aan Vertrouwen' heeft. Nederlanders vinden de Nederlandse Grondwet belangrijk, maar weten nauwelijks wat er nu eigenlijk in de Grondwet geregeld wordt. Dit was de conclusie van een in 2008 door het ministerie van Binnenlandse zaken ingesteld onderzoek. De nieuwe website www.deNederlandseGrondwet.nl wil het burgers, ambtenaren en bestuurders eenvoudiger maken om snel kennis te nemen van de betekenis en bedoeling van de afzonderlijke artikelen, die feitelijk de officiële spelregels van de Nederlandse samenleving vormen. De nieuwsoverzichten die bij veel artikelen beschikbaar zijn, laten zien hoe de Grondwet ons dagelijks leven mede bepaalt. De website is een initiatief van het Parlementair Documentatie Centrum van de Universiteit Leiden.
In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World Ever wondered how politicians use Twitter? Who are the most active politicians on Twitter? Who do they follow, and who follows them? Who are the political strategists and media personalities that politicians follow? Sysomos decided to explore these questions to get a handle on how Twitter is emerging as a new and powerful political tool. The focus on Twitter and its use within the political landscape received a huge jump-start during the last U.S. presidential campaign when Barack Obama's enthusiastic and effective embrace of social media made a significant impact on how many politicians are now using social media. In particular, Twitter has emerged as an increasingly popular tool because it gives politicians a user-friendly platform to talk about new developments and issues, while connecting with their constituents. Group 1 - Politicians Group 2 - Political strategists, bloggers and media personalities Group 3 - News organizations that cover politics Overall, U.S. Twitter Users of Note