Creating Seamless Textures and Seamless Backgrounds in Illustrator I think you’ll all agree that Illustrator is just plain awesome, and with the continual improvements we see with each new version, it keeps getting better and better. Previously, I created seamless textures for typography and seamless backgrounds for my web and illustration projects with Photoshop. But we’ve seen large improvements with the Appearance panel in more recent versions of Illustrator, so now I create these textures and backgrounds solely in Illustrator–it’s actually super easy! So in today’s tutorial, I’ll walk you through the steps on how to create a variety of seamless textures and backgrounds all in Adobe Illustrator. Tutorial Details: Seamless Textures and Seamless Backgrounds Program : Adobe Illustrator CC (You should be able to create this tutorial in CS4+ but some of the tutorial images might look different.)Difficulty: Beginner/IntermediateTopics Covered: Appearance Panel, Effects, Pattern Fills, Graphic StylesEstimated Completion Time: 15-20 minutes each Raster Effects
The Strange Attractor Icons DB - free custom icons Flat Mobile UI Design with Remarkable User Experience | Design Flat design means designing without the usual gradients, pixel perfect shadows, and skeuomorphism that’s been rampant in recent years (more on this later) to achieve what appears to be a “flat” interface. The most beautiful, modern and amazing Flat Mobile UI Design is right here. Today we’re picked up 50 Flat Mobile UI Design with Remarkable User Experience from behance and dribbble for inspiration. The actual fact of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) is that both UI/UX are the two sides of the same coin. If you need Flat UI Kits, Flat Elements or Flat Design Concepts for your website or mobile app then you can get in touch with us. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well. Subscribe to our RSS via email, simply enter your email address & click subscribe. The standard definition of UX is “a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service”. 1. Source 2. Source 3. Source 4. Source 5.
grain edit Où trouver de l'inspiration pour du design mobile Faire de la veille, trouver de l'inspiration et se tenir au courant de ce qui se fait dans le domaine du web fait partie de notre quotidien. Il n'est pas toujours facile de trouver rapidement ce que l'on cherche, surtout dans le monde du design mobile. Installer toutes les applications d'un store n'est pas non plus forcément une solution pratique. Je vous propose donc pour l'été une petite liste de sites bien sympathiques où trouver de l'inspiration en matière de mobilité. Bonne inspiration :) Android Ces trois sites proposent des captures d'écran d'applications Android Androidux.com Androidpttrns.com Android-app-patterns.com En bonus, j'ajoute androidpatterns.com qui vous permettra de découvrir et vous aidera à choisir entre différents schémas d'interaction sur Android iOS Ces quatre sites vous proposent de l'inspiration pour iOS uniquement. Mobilemozaic.com Ne propose que des applications iPhone Pttrns.com Propose des applications iPhone et iPad Tabpatterns.com Uxarchive.com Multiplateforme
15 Gorgeous Mobile UI Designs for Your Inspiration Just like learning to code, the best way to improve as a designer is to learn by doing. Still, that’s not to say that admiring and even copying (aka practicing) great work can’t do wonders. More than anything, seeing what other designers have done in the past can save you some serious time, because design has a history and everyone should learn from what works and what doesn’t. And so, we’ve gathered this list of 15 gorgeous user interfaces (UIs) for your design inspiration. 1. 76 Synthesizer: This is skeuomorphic design at its best, as the simulated textures actually help add clarity to how the app should be used. 2. Once again, the realistic elements in this app feel useful and subtle. 3. This super clean and engaging mobile UI compliments its Web counterpart perfectly. 4. A completely rethought take on FL Studio’s UI for iOS, this UI does the name justice. 5. Judging from these mockups alone, I’m loving the app-like user interface of this site. 6. 7. 8. 9. iOS Weather App Concept: 10.
Supporting Multiple Screens Android runs on a variety of devices that offer different screen sizes and densities. For applications, the Android system provides a consistent development environment across devices and handles most of the work to adjust each application's user interface to the screen on which it is displayed. At the same time, the system provides APIs that allow you to control your application's UI for specific screen sizes and densities, in order to optimize your UI design for different screen configurations. For example, you might want a UI for tablets that's different from the UI for handsets. Although the system performs scaling and resizing to make your application work on different screens, you should make the effort to optimize your application for different screen sizes and densities. In doing so, you maximize the user experience for all devices and your users believe that your application was actually designed for their devices—rather than simply stretched to fit the screen on their devices.
Mogollon Des travaux très hype-in-branchés, une bonne culture typographique, une jolie façon de composer avec les formes, voila ce que je retiens du studio Mogollon à New York :-) Blague à part, une personnalité assez marquée se dégage de toute ces réalisations et il y a des choses vraiment très interessantes. Android Tutorial for Beginners: Part 2 Update note: This tutorial was updated for the latest version of Android Studio by Darryl Bayliss. Original tutorial by Matt Luedke. This tutorial is the second of three parts. The first part of this series covered a lot of zoomed-out Android concepts, as well as the general structure of Android projects. By the time you’re done with this section, you’ll have an app with: An image from a PNG file;An editable text field for writing messages;A button to submit your input;A text view that shows your most recent message;A list that displays all your messages;An option to share your message through Facebook, Twitter, SMS or email; andA greeting that saves and retrieves your name each time you open the app. You should already be at the point where you have a “Hello World” app running on your emulator or device. It’s great that you’ve come this far — but now it’s time to take it to the next level! Getting Started First, open app/res/layout/activity_main.xml. XML Layout Basics Relative Layouts
Android niceties How to Create a Web Site Mascot A few times a each month we revisit some of our reader’s favorite posts from throughout the history of Vectortuts+. This tutorial by Scott Jackson was first published on May 8th 2009. In this tutorial, I'm going to give an overview of how developed a character from the initial brief through to the final site mascot and then to go on to create several poses for different parts of the site. This character was originally made for an Envato site which didn't take off, and the artwork wasn't being used, so I've reworked this a bit to become a Vectortuts+ character. Let's check out the process of making this website mascot and learn loads of tips along the way! 1. Character and mascot design are nothing new and have been around for a long time, but with the advent of the internet it has seen somewhat of a renaissance. I'll also be giving a roundup of some of the best character design sites on the web and dropping some tips as we go along. 2.Character Freebie 3.The Brief 5.Proportions