Web Design Review of Philosophersnotes.com I came across this site while doing research for GuruShot.com, our new Web2.0 quotes project. I simply love it, and I want to share it with you. PhilosophersNotes is a site that provides incredibly concise summaries of top personal growth books in just a couple of pages. Philosophersnotes.com is one of my very favourite designs of the moment. In this post, I’ll break down its design features and explain why it’s so darn great – and hopefully inspire you to apply some of the following six techniques in your own web design. Here’s the home page of PhilosophersNotes. Here are the features I see in its design (and the approach to design) that I think make it work. SimplicityPixel-savingDesign the contentFocusCall to actionPersonality Simplicity First of all, and most importantly, this site design is simple. Simple sites work better because (as “Save the Pixel — The Art of Simple Web Design” teaches), “Success is a function of Attention divided by Stuff”. Pixel-Saving Design the Content Focus
Skin Tones Tutorial, skin, tone, skin tone Why do we use a Pallette? Our eyes can sometimes deveive us. Everyone's eyes see slightly different colors. One person will see a purple color, while another will see a blue. Also, depending on the monitor that you own, you may see a different color than other computers. Also, these color pallettes are used professionally. You can also take colors from the lips, eyes and hair to help with realistic color of those. 350 Photoshop Tutorials | Best Photoshop Tutorials Photoshop is what makes the virtual world seem alive. Its nothing less than a blessing for designers. The Internet is full of Photoshop Tutorials and you will find a tutorial on each and every tool. With that being said, we understand that these tutorials require time and effort to find so we’ve saved you both. Who knows, after going through these tutorials, you may end up being the next big thing in the world of Graphic Design. This article is divided in 14 Sections: Advertisement Tutorials for Beginners 5 Common Photoshop Myths Solved for Absolute Beginners In this post, author will provide 5 Simple, Yet Useful Photoshop “How-to”s for Absolute Beginners. More Information on 5 Common Photoshop Myths Solved for Absolute Beginners How to Use and Create Brushes in Adobe Photoshop This tutorial will show you how to get and use brushes. More Information on How to Use and Create Brushes in Adobe Photoshop A Beginner’s Guide to Photoshop Masks – Part One Bridge is Going to be Your Best Friend Fire
Selective Color Photoshop Tutorial Selective color is a cool post-processing technique that can really make your subject and photo stand out. You might have seen a photo where one thing might be in color and the rest of the photo is all in monotone (black and white or sepia). Today, I’m going to show you how to achieve this effect in Photoshop by using a quick and easy technique. For this photo, I just want the red Union Jack part of the Australian flag to stand out, and the rest I want it to be in black and white. As you can see, there are other red colors present in this photo, so we need to firstly separate the Australian flag. 1.) Use the magnetic lasso tool to select the subject. Once you’re done, right click the selection and select Layer via Copy. Call this layer, Color Layer. 2.) Let’s make everything but the Australian flag black and white. You should end up with something like this: That looks good, but I just want the red Union Jack part to show. In the Edit drop down tab, change Master into Blues. Article by Yi
The 50 Best Photoshop Tutorials of 2009 By Callum Chapman Looking back this year (2009), we have had some incredible tutorials that have taught hundreds and thousands of people new skills in Adobe Photoshop. We’ve been searching the web from America to Germany to the UK and have managed to compile a list of the 50 of the very best Photoshop tutorials this year. Happy learning and wishing you all the luck in 2010! 1. Use various tools such as the Cloning tool to remove facial features and the Brush tool to create a realistic splatter merged with professional blending techniques to mould the paint splatter over a face. 2. Learn how to combine vector art with pixel art in this superb tutorial here at Six Revisions. 3. Learn to apply the Warp tool effectively (as well as a few other tricks) to manipulate real smoke to look like a skull. 4. 5. Use gradients and custom strokes to make flat objects appear three-dimensional – combine this with stock photography and textures to produce a vintage and very realistic radio icon. 6. 7. 8.
10 Very Useful Lightning Effect Photoshop Brush Packs 10 Very Useful Lightning brushes for photoshop These are handy and useful photoshop lightning effect brush packs which contains more then 300 ready to use lightning effect brushes. For a designer, Photo Manipulator these kind of brushes are very helpful and useful to create awesome effects in short period of time. Creating a lightning effect manually from scratch is a pain, for this purpose these brushes will serve you well. Installation : Download the zip/abr file you want by click on download button below the brush of your choice. Lightning brushes by ~vreid Download Lightning Bolt Brushes V1 by ~GhostFight3r Download Lightning Brush Pack by ~Kingskully Download 40 HQ Lightning Bolt brushes by ~GhostFight3r Download Lightning Pack by ~Kida-Ookami Download lightning brushes by altaria by ~altaria1993 Download [Ad1] Lightning Brushes Volume 1 by ~JonasKr Download Lightning brush set by ~gfx-shadows Download Lightning by ~elestrial Download Lightning Brushes by *crazykira-resources Download
BeautyJunkee 30 Beautiful Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials You will be Amazed with Designs Photoshop is one of the best graphic designing software. I don’t think that there would be any designers who have not used Photoshop. They are aware of the awesome power of Photoshop. You have to imagine the concept of your design and it can be easily done on Photoshop. Beautiful and creative text effects play a vital role in designing unique type of titles, banners, and even logos. Here, we have listed 30 Beautiful Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials which will assist you to create amazing text effect designs. Photoshop is so much powerful that even an experience designer finds it hard to explain its power. There is no limit what you can design on Photoshop. 1. 3D Effects 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3D Textured Text Effect 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Making Complex Selections in Photoshop - DesignFestival » For Web Design Trends | Inspiration | Design Theory | Colors | Web Fonts | UX | Photoshop | Tutorials and more Making precise selections in Photoshop is an essential skill that every designer needs. As a print designer, you will find yourself using selections to remove objects from their background to place within ads. As a web designer, you might extract an image and place it on a website with no background. So, what do you do when you have something that is extremely difficult to select with normal selection tools? Even with the masking and channels, you can’t make a precise selection consistently. You can try the quick selection tool, which does a great job of making a selection of the bulk of the image, but making a more refined selection is difficult with this method. In comes Refine Mask to the rescue. The Refine Mask menu is one of the best tools for refining your selection. Each view has its own purpose, but the best views for contrast would have to be On Black, On White, and Black & White. We can fix this by using the Smart Radius Slider. This is called fringe.
Dreamy, Magical and Lighting Effects Photoshop Tutorials About nine years ago, when I started The Photoshop Roadmap, tutorials were all about special effects. In fact, no matter how ugly, any kind of effect was well received, because designers and artists were starting to discover the Web as an invaluable source of inspiration. As time went by, the need for more complex, better looking and usable effects began to prevail. Tutorials writers replied with a new wave of awesome, eye catching well designed tutorials with loads of cool ideas inside them. Some of these new wave of tutorials can be found in previous selections I made, such as The Best 80 Photoshop Text Effects on the Web, 100 Wonderful Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials, A Complete Guide to Digital Makeover in Photoshop, 70 Horror, Blood and Gore Photoshop Effects and Brushes and Grunge and Dirty Photoshop Tutorials, Brushes and Textures. For this article, I collected perhaps the newest trend in tutorials: Dreamy, magical and lighting photo effects.
Cherry Bomb Beauty welcome - library.nu - StumbleUpon I have been playing a lot with the Displace filter in Photoshop and I still get impressed with how powerful it is. Even though I have written some tutorials using it, I decided to try to recreate a different effect that I saw in one of the images submitted for the Daily Inspiration. It was a brick wall deformed like it was made of cloth. So in this tutorial, or a quick-tips I will show you how to create a curtain made of bricks or how to deform a brick wall as it was a curtain. To do that we wil use a few stock photos, layer adjustments and the Displace filter in Photoshop CS5. The technique is pretty simple and the tutorial won't take you more than 30 minutes to go through it. Step 1 Open Photoshop and create a new document. Step 2 Let's import another image, now of a girl opening the curtains. Step 3 With the Lasso Tool (L) or the Pen Tool (P) select the empty white. Step 5 Now select the hands/arms of the girl and the curtains. Step 6 Step 7 Go to Layer>Layer Mask>Hide Selection. Step 8