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Adrienne Gear Reading Power homepage
Adrienne Gear has been a teacher in the Vancouver School district for over 18 years working as a classroom teacher, ESL teacher, teacher librarian and District Literacy Mentor. She is currently teaching two days a week at Sexsmith Elementary. Adrienne developed Reading Power almost 10 years ago and has been since working with teachers in many districts throughout the province presenting workshops, giving demonstration lessons and facilitating Reading Power leadership teams. She has also presented workshops in the United States in Atlanta, Kansas and Pennsylvania. She is the author of two books, Reading Power – Teaching Students How to Think While They Read (Pembroke, 2006) and Nonfiction Reading Power – Teaching Students How to Think While They Read All Kinds of Information (Pembroke, 2008) and has just completed her third book Writing Power.
Nonfiction Text: Reading with a Purpose
As adults, when we read nonfiction, we are reading for a purpose. I pick up an article about the 13 colonies because I need to learn what the major settlements were for my lesson. Or I find an article about what coarcation of the aorta is so that I am better prepared when I visit the cardiologist for treatment discussions. I don't just pick up a nonfiction article to read for the fun of it. I always have a purpose. It is the same in class.
Place Value with The Three Little Pigs
We have really been drilling place value. It's so important to have a deep understanding of place value in order to move on to other concepts like double-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping. We spent about two weeks on tens and ones and another two weeks on hundreds.
Minds in Bloom: Ideas for Using Writing in Math
Writing across the curriculum has been a movement in education and my school district is no exception. With the recent changes to common core and PARCC testing, I found myself at a loss for how I was going to get my students to write in math class. Math is just numbers and symbols right? I had to convince myself otherwise, as the only writing I had ever experienced as a student in math class was a written response for how I solved a story problem. I attended a conference where a presenter had quirky prompts for responses to literature.
10 Word Cloud Generators You Have Probably Never Tried
A few days back, we looked at five great ways to incorporate word cloud generators into your classroom. There are obviously many more uses out there for them – but that is a discussion for another post. We’ve mentioned most of these before – in a post from way back when – so I won’t go into too much detail about each individual one, but we’ve added a few notable ones to the list. (Of note, the list is in no particular order).
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