American Chemical Society

Skip Navigation Links to other American Chemical Society websites: Log In Menu You are here: American Chemical Society Pause ACS 2014 National Election Results ACS 2014 national election results are in! Provide an Essential Foundation Provide an essential foundation for students and teachers to explore the wonders of chemistry. Spring 2015 National Meeting & Expo Registration Discount Join ACS to attend the Spring 2015 national meeting in Denver, Colorado and save up to $335 on your national meeting registration. Member Get A Member Invite a friend or colleague to become an ACS member and receive a periodic table of the elements blanket. Middle School Chemistry Investigate the world of atoms and molecules through free hands-on inquiry-based activities and molecular model animations. previous slide next slide 5 slides in carousel jump to slide 1 jump to slide 2 jump to slide 3 jump to slide 4 jump to slide 5 Announcements: ACS National Elections Results are in! Cool Science Chemistry Quiz What molecule am I?
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Chemistry News
Study Paves the Way for New Photosensitive Materials Apr. 22, 2021 — Scientists are investigating the molecular dynamics of titania clusters. Such research is a basic step toward the development of more efficient ... Silver Ions Hurry Up, Then Wait as They Disperse Apr. 22, 2021 — Chemists quantify the release mechanism of silver ions from gold-silver nanoparticle alloys. The nanoparticles are being studied for use as catalyst in hydrogen evolution and other ...
Media and Technology Committee
The Media & Technology (M&T) Professional Network represents museum professionals and others who use technology to serve the field in a broad array of areas ranging from the production of media resources for interpretation to defining standards and from the building of databases to the creation, maintenance and support of any number of growing technologies that museums use to further their missions. The network strives to identify, access and advocate a broad variety of uses for media and technology that help museum professionals meet the needs of their diverse publics. Some of our activities include:
'Chemistry Life Hacks' Will Let You Chill Beer Faster Than You Ever Dreamed Possible
You bring home a case of beer, and all you want to do is crack open a cold one. But you have to wait more than an hour for your beer to cool down in the fridge. Sound familiar?
All Nobel Prizes in Chemistry
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002 "for the development of methods for identification and structure analyses of biological macromolecules" John B. Fenn and Koichi Tanaka "for their development of soft desorption ionisation methods for mass spectrometric analyses of biological macromolecules"
Diversity Committee
The vision of the Diversity Professional Network (DIVCOM) is to create a vibrant and thriving museum community that reflects the dynamically diverse communities we serve at every level and requires active commitment to inclusion for every rating of excellence in museum practices, operation and reputation. The Diversity Professional Network supports the Alliance as a robust source and advocate for best practices in diversity and inclusion by sharing the business case for diversity and inclusion in museum operation, programming and governance and providing critical support for underrepresented emerging and current museum professionals. Dr. Robert Davis, Chair President & CEO Zoological Society of Milwaukee
Multimedia Archive
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Mass spectrometry in your hand
If you're out in the field doing environmental testing, food checks, forensic work, or other chemical analysis, mass spectrometry is an extremely accurate detection tool with one huge drawback: You can lose days in sending samples back to the lab for analysis. MIT researchers now have developed technologies that promise to enable mass spectrometers that are handheld and much more inexpensive than today's lab systems. "The opportunity in mass spectrometers is to bring the analytical power of brick and mortar laboratories into the field," says MIT's Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) Principal Research Scientist Luis Velásquez-García. "We think we could make something the size of a smartphone that does the same analyses as much larger systems without sacrificing performance, and at a fraction of the cost. This will allow us to put mass spectrometry in many places where it can't be done now."
WWW Chemistry Resources
WWW Chemistry Resources Please note that the new Virtual Library: Chemistry site is located at WWW Chemistry Sites Academic Institutions || Non-profit Organizations || Commercial Organizations || Other Lists of Chemistry Resources and Related WWW Virtual Libraries || Special Projects || Publications ||Announcements
BadgeOS™ is a powerful free plugin to WordPress that lets you easily create achievements and issue sharable badges as your users succeed. Activate the free BadgeStack extension to instantly create Levels, Quests and Badge Achievement Types — and start badging! Each BadgeOS site can be customized to your goals, community, visual identity, and the right mix of social and self-directed activity. You define the achievement requirements and choose the assessment options.
Occupation Finder
Search: Use the drop-down menu in one or more columns to narrow your search.Sort: Use the arrows at the top of each column to sort alphabetically or numerically. Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from 580 total entries) Entry-level Education