Related: Consciousness & Awakening
Brainwaves Brainwaves There is extensive research into the anatomy and functions of the brain. Studies into the the frequencies of brainwaves have led to the classification of various conscious states. Normal waking consciousness: Low amplitude beta wave, or beta rhythms above 12 Hertz (12 transitions or cycles per second) includes multiple and varying frequencies when we are awake. Higher Mental Activity, Perception and Consciousness: Gamma waves, 40 Hertz (Hz), can often be between 26 and upwards of 70 Hz. Meditation:Alpha waves, 12.39 ~ 8.2 Hz, are commonly detected by electroencephalography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG) and originate from the occipital lobe during periods of relaxation, with eyes closed but still awake and during drowsiness. Trance:Theta waves, 8.19 ~ 4.3 Hz, includes light trance, partial loss of awareness to deeper trance associated with various sleep and wakefulness states. Panning: 0.49 ~ 0.01 Hz Where Have You Gone?
Social Consciousness: 10 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” -Lao Tzu What highly conscious people talk about (from the film 'My Dinner With Andre') “Watch your thoughts; they become words. 10 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness Becoming more conscious is the progressive realization of conscious mastery over your mind. 1. First, accept the truth. Secondly, speak the truth. The more you’re able to accept and speak the truth, the more conscious you become. Yes, there may be consequences when you switch from lies and half-truths to the full truth, but highly conscious people know that crossing that bridge is well worth the effect. A short-term adjustment is nothing compared to the joys of living honestly and openly. 2. Courage is the gatekeeper between unconscious growth and conscious growth. A powerful guiding principle to adopt is, “Whatever I fear, I must face.” 3. 4. 5. 6. First and foremost, know thyself. 7. 8. 9. 10.
10 Ways to Raise Your Vibrations All your thoughts and feelings are energy, and energy is vibration. Learn to Raise those Vibrations and watch your life change dramatically. 1. Find something beautiful and appreciate it. Beauty is all around us, from the morning dew to the evening stars and everything in between. Most go through life not noticing all the beautiful things that are around them, and yes it's every where, so take the time to notice them, and appreciate them when you see it. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Bridge......Crossing to a New Reality 20th January 2014 by Celia Fenn The Importance of Grounding. It has been an intense and rather chaotic beginning to the year of 2014! Most of the questions that I get from people are about how to cope with these powerful energies. So, briefly, let’s look at why the energies have been feeling so intense. This only works well when the person is grounded and can allow the energy to flow through them and into the Earth where it is absorbed and used by the Earth. So, it really is up to us to start new creations and begin to ground these new creations. It simply is that with our history of 20th Century Psychology, we seem to imagine that we need to heal and process for ever. In this way we can step into the Full Power of the New Galactic Human Template and enjoy the intense creative power of the Solar Light Codes as they are received on the Earth. So, with all this happy “Sun Dancing” that we have been doing, we have also been doing a Moon Dance with the energies. www.starchildglobal.com Related
Measuring Consciousness Levels (Dr. Hawkins) Measuring Consciousness Levels (Dr. Hawkins) Source: SpeedofLightFilms.com Consciousness has been defined loosely as a constellation of attributes of mind such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience, and the ability to perceive a relationship between oneself and one’s environment. The progress toward the attainment of higher consciousness can be derived through the research of David Hawkins, in Power vs. According to Dr. According to Dr. The scale advances logarithmically. Shame (20) – Just a step above death, this is the consciousness level of one contemplating suicide or thoughts of death. Guilt (30) – This is a step above shame, yet perhaps still having thoughts of suicide. Apathy (50) – Feeling hopeless or victimized; the state of learned helplessness. Grief (75) – A state of perpetual sadness, loss and depression. Fear (100) – Seeing the world as dangerous and unsafe; paranoia. Pride (175) – The first level where one start to feel good, but it’s a false feeling. Like this: Related
10 Steps to Enhance Your Natural Telepathic Abilities Galactic Transmission HJ: We all have telepathic abilities, but like any skill, it takes a bit of practice to get good at it and when you don’t use it, it tends to fade. For most of us, our telepathic abilities come in flashes here and there, randomly and without warning. While this is proof that they exist, results are haphazard at best. Despite what many people believe, however, there is an actual art and science to mastering telepathic abilities. In the article below, Abhishek Agarwal gives some great advice towards boosting your telepathic abilities with minimal effort. To offer a bit of insight, the principle on which telepathy operates is the ability of the subconscious mind to connect with anything — people, objects, spirits, plants, guides, etc. Finally, you’ll want to be sure at the end of the practice to cut/sever all links/connections you formed with any people you practiced with. - Truth 10 Steps to Master Telepathy–Mind to Mind Communication
Humanity In An All-Out Effort to Save Itself From Government Bernie SuarezActivist Post The experience of humanity is driven and defined by our own consciousness, which is a product of our sophisticated brain functions. We are consciousness in every way shape and form. Control of this miracle of consciousness is sought by a few individuals who are actually suffering from a mental (disconnect) disorder. What psychiatrists sometimes refer to as the psychopathic mind. Unfortunately, one of the characteristics of being a psychopath is that the individual exhibiting the psychopathic behavior has little to no insight into their own actions. One could measure this phenomenon scientifically by documenting physiological body changes that occur when humans are exposed to images or ideas that reflect "non-consciousness" related items (images of war, government oppression) versus measurable body changes seen when exposed to consciousness related items (love, compassion, human rights issues, etc). Edward Bernays (propaganda) Effect Now Backfiring?
The Spiritual Dynamics Academy 11 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland Regardless Of Your Age Kristopher Love A little history behind the pineal gland (from wikipedia): “The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the third eye) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. How does it work? -Enhanced mental imaging -Clearer and more accurate perception of your life’s purpose -Enabling or enhancing one’s ability to see what is known as the “awareness matrix/grid” -Easier discernment of peoples true intention -Easier Astral Projection While the physiological function of the pineal gland has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools have long known this area in the middle of the brain to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Calcification of the Pineal Gland Most people’s pineal glands are heavily calcified by the time they are 17 years old, so much so that they show up as a lump of calcium during an MRI. How To Decalcify Your Pineal Gland 1. 2. 3.
Prophecy and creation (Sophia Love) We have arrived, or better said, noticed now, a spot that is constantly adjusting – seemingly to our every thought. This is the beginning stage of consciousness; awareness. Until now, terms such as “the law of attraction” seemed like magic – only distant, occasional possibilities. As you swim in a sea of reports and predictions about violence, catastrophe and collapse, it will benefit you astronomically to remember who is at the wheel. There are no greater powers than those you hold. For sure remain aware of global events as they unfold, yet focus on your own life. It can change in an instant and at your command – with each re-focus of intention and attention. The slavery mindset with its continual complaint about its hopelessness only perpetuates the hopelessness felt and experienced. All events co-created are unable to be precisely predicted. Choose, intend and focus on the scenario that serves you. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia
The Hijacking of Consciousness by Elva Thompson Toy bewitched.Made blind by lusts, disinherited of soul,No common centre Man, no common sireKnoweth! A sordid solitary thingMid countless brethren with a lonely heartThrough courts and cities the smooth savage roams,Feeling himself, his own low self, the whole. Coleridge: Religious Musings. Frequency War Many of us are waking up to the fact that the world we live in is being engineered into a nightmare of controlled reality. Many horrific events in this world don’t make sense to sanity…but they do make sense in terms of frequency. The satanic cabal of Luciferians that run the circus in this density are physical and energetic parasites. Everything in our multiverse is in a state of vibration and we are immersed in a sea of electro-magnetic resonance, being both transmitter and receiver of vibratory information. Nothing happens by chance It is no accident, we are overwhelmed with negativity, in fact, it is deliberate. Glamour…the art of deception. The awakening
Discovering the Purpose of Your Incarnation The divine Gift of Beingness. It seems to me so many are trying to figure out exactly why we are here, in this incarnation right now. And in a world of increasing craziness, exactly what are we here to do? The Universal Law of Attraction In my perspective on reality, it's not that each of us is here to do a specific thing, although it may at times - for very good reasons - look like that (I'll return to why in a moment). To me, practically, everything works according to the Universal Law of Attraction, which in essence means: Everything works in the universe according to the configuration of consciousness. So to me, our destiny is not something that we do - although we will do many things. Simply amazing gifts of beingness I briefly mention these as words, but each alone is so incredibly bundled with possibility and expression, it is impossible to properly capture their quintessence. By the word 'vehicle' I mean a situation, event, occurrence or experience. Mirror mirror on the wall Open