Earth from Above a collection of aerial photography "Earth From Above" is the result of the aerial photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand's five-year airborne odyssey across six continents. It's a spectacular presentation of large scale photographs of astonishing natural landscapes. Every stunning aerial photograph tells a story about our changing planet. Coal mine in South Africa Sha Kibbutz, Israel Military cemetery in Verdun, France Suburbs of Copenhagen, Denmark Elephants on the savannah, Botswana Favelas in Rio de Janeiro Ruins of the medieval city of Shali, Egypt Switzerland Gullholmen, Sweden Denver, USA Fraser Island dune, Australia Pena, Portugal Amazon River, Brazil Suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa Machu Picchu, Peru Walled City of Dubrovnik, Croatia The Changping District in Beijing, China Cattle near the Masai Mara National Park, Kenya Tasmania, Australia Boat Houses in Lagos, Nigeria Bazaar of Istanbul, Turkey Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany Hashima Island, Japan Stockholm, Sweden Boats stranded on the dry Aral Sea, Kazakhstan Varanasi, India
An Atlas of Cyberspaces- Historical Maps USENET in 1981. The topology of the BITNET in 1981 (partial map) The NSFNET infrastructure and topology in 1991. (Source : NSFNET postscript maps from | Introduction | Whats New | Conceptual | Artistic | Geographic | Cables & Satellites | Traceroutes | | Census | Topology | Info Maps | Info Landscapes | Info Spaces | ISP Maps | Weather Maps | | Wireless | Web Site Maps | Surf Maps | MUDs & Virtual Worlds | Historical | (© Copyright - Martin Dodge, 2007) Ancient People Are Still Awesome: Centuries-Old Japanese Tsunami Warning Markers Saved Lives "High dwellings are the peace and harmony of our descendants," reads the centuries-old stone tablet above. "Remember the calamity of the great tsunamis. Do not build any homes below this point." This marker, and several more like it, some more than 600 years old, "dot the coastline" of Japan, according to a report in The Canadian Press. Not all of them were quite as specific: Some acted more as general warnings, lasting reminders of a risk that might only recur every fourth or fifth generation. One, in the coastal town of Kesennuma, gave instructions: "Always be prepared for unexpected tsunamis. But in the tight-knit community of Aneyoshi, where marker pictured above still stands, the wisdom of their ancestors saved the homes and the lives of the tiny village's inhabitants. Everybody here knows about the markers. Image via the Star-Telegram; story via @stevesilberman.
Outbreeding depression In biology, outbreeding depression occurs when offspring from crosses between individuals from different populations have lower fitness than progeny from crosses between individuals from the same population.[1] The concept is opposed to inbreeding depression. This phenomenon can occur in two ways. First, intermediate genotypes may be disfavored. For example, selection in one population might produce a large body size, whereas in another population small body size might be more advantageous. Gene flow between these populations may lead to individuals with intermediate body sizes, which may not be adaptive in either population. It might be that, in a certain environment, having either a large or a small body is advantageous, whereas an intermediate-sized body is comparatively disadvantageous. A second cause of outbreeding depression may be the breakdown of biochemical or physiological compatibilities between genes in the different breeding populations. See also[edit] References[edit]
Urban Renewal by Mari Santos We're usually kinda "meh" about most T-shirt surgeries because we're just can't get into the hack'em, slash'em sartorial school of thought. Toronto-based Mari Santos, on the other hand, is such a genius with a pair of scissors we want to hitchhike across the border, kidnap her, head back south, and then set her to work against her will on the oversize T-shirts we seem to get for free by the pound. Except that it would probably be illegal. Her ethos: "Taking something old, frumpy and ill fitting and making it into something new." More pictures below the fold. [Via ::NotCot] Home | AAG The Origins of Electricity, Tesla vs. Edison More Infographics on Good
The Role of Inbreeding in the Extinction of a European Royal Dynasty The kings of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty (1516–1700) frequently married close relatives in such a way that uncle-niece, first cousins and other consanguineous unions were prevalent in that dynasty. In the historical literature, it has been suggested that inbreeding was a major cause responsible for the extinction of the dynasty when the king Charles II, physically and mentally disabled, died in 1700 and no children were born from his two marriages, but this hypothesis has not been examined from a genetic perspective. In this article, this hypothesis is checked by computing the inbreeding coefficient (F) of the Spanish Habsburg kings from an extended pedigree up to 16 generations in depth and involving more than 3,000 individuals. The inbreeding coefficient of the Spanish Habsburg kings increased strongly along generations from 0.025 for king Philip I, the founder of the dynasty, to 0.254 for Charles II and several members of the dynasty had inbreeding coefficients higher than 0.20.
Hobo Stove | Practical Survivor Urban survival is a tricky subject to discuss. There are advantages to urban survival. Anywhere you look there are items in trash cans and dumpsters that can be used to improve a survival situation. Cardboard boxes can be used for shelter, newspapers can be used for insulation and to the practical survivor another persons trash can be a treasure. In this case we will use a coffee can to build a stove. Keep an open mind during any survival situation. Whether backpacking, camping, or surviving, having a way to cook can make a huge difference. A coffee can or large vegetable/ravioli can will allow you to build a stove and cook. Items used to build this stove: * Coffee can * Can opener * Tin snips * Drill and drill bits * Metal coat hanger There are many methods that could be used to build this stove. We use a metal coat hanger to build rods which will help hold up the cooking pot. The top side of a coffee can is already opened. We then used the tin snips to cut a small door. Materials:
Periodis Web - Maps to be Used for the History of Europe Euratlas Periodis Web shows the history of Europe through a sequence of 21 historical maps, every map depicting the political situation at the end of each century. Here, on the left, are 21 mini-maps giving access to 21 full maps and to 84 quarters of maps with more detailed views of the states, provinces and main cities.Moreover, each map offers a historical gazetteer. Thus you can highlight in red each sovereign state and in green each dependent entity. Navigation through the atlas is easy: on the left side of the pages, you simply need to choose a century for temporal navigation. Periodis is a historical atlas of a new kind. History by Periods History is a continuous string of events among which prominent facts sometimes emerge: wars, conquests, revolutions etc. Names Names of entities mentioned in the Periodis Historical Atlas are those officially used at the considered time.
New 9/11 Footage Reveals WTC 7 Explosions Video clip NIST fought tooth and nail to keep secret contains clear audible booms as eyewitness describes “continuing explosions” from direction of Building 7 Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet.com Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Newly obtained 9/11 eyewitness footage that NIST fought tooth and nail to keep secret contains what appears to be the sound of explosions coming from the vicinity of WTC 7 after the collapse of the twin towers, offering yet more startling evidence that the building, which was not hit by a plane yet collapsed demolition style, was deliberately imploded. The clip was released by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) as part of a 3 terabyte package of video and photo data in response to a lawsuit brought by the International Center for 9/11 Studies. The fact that NIST dragged their feet for so long in an attempt to block the release of these highly incriminating videos clearly indicates that they were part of an attempted cover-up. A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Concharte Drunken Coffee Jello Squares OK, kids: This is coffee. In solid form. It’s been sweetened with condensed milk and booze-ified with a healthy dose of Kahlua—then rubberized into a blissful, cocktail-hour finger food thanks to the magic of gelatin. (If you know me, you know how much I love coffee, so you can imagine how excited I was when I came across the recipe.) Now, you have to like Jello, or Jello-like food, for this to work. If you do, you’re in for a treat. Huge thanks to The Food Librarian for sharing their deliciousness. (If you haven’t checked out the Food Librarian’s blog, you should. So, years ago, I had several meals that ended with Classic American Jello Mold Torture. This is not that jello. This jello is the short and stout cousin of Vietnamese iced coffee, that fabulous concoction of espresso and condensed milk. This is jello that you could serve to your foodie friends. This stuff is silly. The short version of the recipe goes like this That’s it. Read on for step-by-step instrux of what that looks like.