What NASA Can Teach You About Social-Media Marketing Image credit: Edwin Verin / Shutterstock.com When you think of NASA, you probably think of spaceships, telescopes and lunar expeditions. What you might not know is that the organization is also a powerhouse when it comes to social-media marketing. An achievement they’ve reached without the benefit of a social-media budget. The agency has nearly 500 social-media accounts across multiple social networks that are managed by employees at 10 different field centers. I recently spoke with John Yembrick, NASA’s head of social media about how the agency manages its award-winning social-media efforts. Here's a look at three of the strategies Yembrick shared with me that business owners can put to work for their own social-media marketing campaigns. Related: 3 Smart and Creative Ways to Use Foursquare for Marketing 1. Are you using social media to tell the story of your business? One way to tell a story is by giving your most popular flagship product its own voice. 2. 3.
Facebook Is a Fundamentally Broken Product That Is Collapsing Under Its Own Weight Mark Zuckerberg in 2012 with all the features Facebook has added. In 2008, Mark Zuckerberg laid out his theory about people sharing content on Facebook. "I would expect that next year, people will share twice as much information as they share this year, and [the] next year, they will be sharing twice as much as they did the year before," he said. The New York Times called it "Zuckerberg's Law," a playful homage to Moore's Law, named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, who said, "The number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 24 months." In 2011, Zuckerberg reiterated his theory on sharing, saying that it was still growing at an exponential rate. Recent Articles From Business Insider And Zuckerberg is right about that. But the exponential growth of sharing may not, actually, be helping Facebook. Specifically, Facebook is now trying to cram so much "sharing" through a single service that it is overwhelming many of its core users.
Facebook Finally Introduces Embedded Posts: What You Need to Know Yesterday, Facebook launched a new feature that we've always wanted: the ability to embed Facebook posts on websites. Just like tweets, this new feature will allow you to embed all public statuses, photos, videos, and hashtags -- and users will be able to interact directly with the embedded content. They can like and share the post, like or follow the post author, or view the author's Timeline without leaving the page the post is embedded on. Unfortunately, it's currently only rolled out to a handful of select whitelisted publications -- folks like CNN, Mashable, and Bleacher Report are the only ones who can embed Facebook posts on their sites. While we're all anxiously waiting to get our websites approved (*fingers crossed*), we wanted to give you all the run-down of how this new feature works, plus a few ideas to jumpstart your marketing efforts once your site is whitelisted. Once Facebook Flips the Switch, Here's How You Embed a Post: 1) Find the Facebook post you'd like to embed. ...
We Are Social - Social Media Agency / Social Media Marketing / Online PR Agency - London, UK, Europe, Global Google Plus for Business - How to Create a Google Plus Page The following is the second part in a series that will break down the fundamentals of Google Plus for business, and how to build and utilize company pages, so that you can fully take advantage of this valuable tool. View part one here. When you create a Google Plus page, you create new business opportunities across all of Google’s products. From bringing you closer to the top in Google searches, to having a Google map with directions to your store appear when someone types in your brand name, these are not benefits you’ll want to miss out on. The good news is that it’s fairly simple to create a Google Plus page. Here’s how you do it: Create a Google Plus Page in 4 Steps To create a Google Plus page, you must first have a personal profile (create yours here). The second step involves choosing a category that defines your business. The third step to create a Google Plus page involves filling out your page to make it informative for followers (and potential customers). To summarize:
Ferramentas para Blog Esqueça o Blogger. Nem pense em utilizá-lo. WordPress é a plataforma número 1 para publicar um blog. É grátis e totalmente customizável. Depois de fracassar com outros, finalmente encontrei na Media Temple o serviço de hosting em que pude confiar totalmente. Criar um blog profissional nunca foi tão rápido e fácil! Não é à toa que tenho duas camisas e um gorro do Mailchimp. O software responsável por me conseguir a posição #1 no ranking do google e 100.000 pageviews em uma única palavra-chave extremamente disputada. Muito mais do que um software para SEO. O Férias Sem Fim é o curso do Bruno Picinini, que explora em detalhes como montar, monitorar, rentabilizar o seu negócio online com pouco dinheiro e ainda viajar o mundo com total liberdade de tempo. Como ser produtivo hoje em dia com tantas distrações? Software que utilizo aqui no Viver de Blog para saber exatamente como se comportam os leitores: Onde eles clicam? Software muito bom para testes de usabilidade no seu site. Blogging
What It's Like Growing an Inbound Company Culture Most people think of a transition to inbound marketing solely as a marketing decision. But it’s really a cultural decision. When you go inbound, it takes a whole lot of confidence -- and maybe even a little bit of arrogance. Because what you’re saying is that you know something important -- that you have something worth saying out loud -- and that the rest of the world needs to hear your message. You’re saying that you can change the lives of your customers. And when you start affecting the lives of others, it’s hard to look at it as a tactical strategy. People don't always understand inbound marketing at first. The first thing that always happens when I start to explain what it really means to adopt an inbound marketing strategy is the response ... Because like anything hard, it takes patience -- so sometimes, the natural thing to do is to water it down and oversimplify it. Don’t think for one moment it’s that simple. It’s hard trying to convince people to start blogging, for example.
Alcance orgânico de publicações de marcas no Facebook chegará a zero Facebook Zero: alcance orgânico de publicações de marcas será nulo Com o objetivo de estimular publicações pagas, o Facebook vem restringindo cada vez mais o alcance orgânico do conteúdo produzido por páginas de empresas e marcas. Em 2012, houve uma restrição notória de cerca de 16%, valor que diminuiu ainda mais em dezembro de 2013. E a situação deve piorar: em breve, afirma o site Social@Ogilvy, esse alcance chegará a zero. A popularidade da rede social sempre chamou a atenção de empresas que querem vender seus produtos e serviços, pela facilidade de montar e divulgar páginas, ganhar curtidas e manter uma proximidade maior com seu público-alvo. De acordo com uma análise do Social@Ogilvy, baseada em mais de 100 páginas comerciais, em fevereiro de 2014 o alcance orgânico alcançava uma média de 6%, o que representa uma queda de 49% comparado aos níveis recordes no último mês de outubro.