10 Content Marketing Growth Hacks [with Infographic] Growth Hacker + Content Marketer = Content Hacker [Where the ladies at?] By now, you’ve heard of growth hacking. Introduced by startup marketer Sean Ellis, growth hacking is a startup marketing methodology that turns clever tactics into fast-paced growth. Content marketing is all about growth, too. Creating, publishing and sharing valuable content with your audience is a surefire way to gain traffic and increase revenue. We need to become content hackers. Two Classic Content Hacks Hotmail What turns content marketing into content hacking? One of the earliest examples of growth hacks came from Hotmail in the late nineties. The link directed the reader back to the Hotmail homepage. In less than a year, Hotmail would boast more than 12 million email accounts, thanks, at least in small part, to this clever little growth hack. Guest Blogging While it has recently come under fire by the powers that be at Google, guest blogging is another great example of content hacking. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.