Blog - The Arabist Accueil | Collectif Confluence An Anthropologist Goes Techno - techantropology.blogspot.com (HTTP) American Anthropological Association ZERO ANTHROPOLOGY Blogs – Zunguzungu Strangers are not simply those who are not known in this dwelling, but those who are, in their very proximity, already recognized as not belonging, as being out of place. –Sara Ahmed, Strange Encounters Daily Nation: “Police have arrested 657 suspects in Eastleigh, Nairobi following Monday night terror attack that left six people dead.” Somalianewsroom: In one shockingly tweeted photo, a group was shown en masse in a cage, prompting a commentator to ask “Gorme xoloo noqoney?” - When did we become livestock? Kenya is Sliding Down a Slippery Path: “Kenya is rapidly becoming a rogue state, and it seems there is nothing that the country’s leadership can do about it. Daily Nation: “The government has sent security agencies in Eastleigh and they are killing and robbing residents,” said former deputy speaker of the National Assembly Farah Maalim…The Somali community occupies the largest area in the country and yet it is treated the worst. Somalis: The Kenya Police Cash Cow: 1000 and counting:
Une heure de peine... Open Access Anthropology — Promoting Open Access in Anthropology - blog.openaccessanthropology.org (HTTP) Linguistic Anthropology