The 27 Principles to Teaching Yourself Anything (aka The Self-Guided Education Manifesto + PDF download “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” —Mark Twain Note: This post is intentionally long. It’s meant to be our compass for learning the skills that matter in the world and throwing theory out the window. Read it. At the end of this post I’ve even provided two free PDF downloads to further guide you towards learning what matters (one is a list of over 30 of the best online resources for creating your own passion-filled curriculum). Enter the Unofficial Self-Guided Education Manifesto… Last week’s article on The Birth of Self-Guided Education caught like wildfire. When that happens, I know a topic deserves some respect. Many of last week’s comments blew my mind. Living Legends create their own education. The truth of the matter is every Living Legend (whether they dropped out of high school or got a couple PhD’s) took their education and their learning into their own hands. So without further ado… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. “90% of my education was outside of the classroom.” 7.
Structure Your Presentation Like a Story - Nancy Duarte by Nancy Duarte | 8:00 AM October 31, 2012 After studying hundreds of speeches, I’ve found that the most effective presenters use the same techniques as great storytellers: By reminding people of the status quo and then revealing the path to a better way, they set up a conflict that needs to be resolved. That tension helps them persuade the audience to adopt a new mindset or behave differently — to move from what is to what could be. Here’s how it looks when you chart it out: And here’s how to do it in your own presentations. Craft the Beginning Start by describing life as the audience knows it. After you set that baseline of what is, introduce your vision of what could be. What is: We fell short of our Q3 financial goals partly because we’re understaffed and everyone’s spread too thin. What could be: But what if we could solve the worst of our problems by bringing in a couple of powerhouse clients? Once you establish that gap, use the rest of the presentation to bridge it
Top Ten Delivery Tips | Garr Reynolds Official Site 1. Show your passion If I had only one tip to give, it would be to be passionate about your topic and let that enthusiasm come out. Yes, you need great content. Yes, you need professional, well designed visuals. 2. You’ve heard it before: First impressions are powerful. 3. Humans have short attention spans when it comes to passively sitting and listening to a speaker. 4. Get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium. 5. To advance your slides and builds, use a small, handheld remote. 6. If you press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote slide is showing, the screen will go blank. 7. Try looking at individuals rather than scanning the group. 8. If you are speaking in a meeting room or a classroom, the temptation is to turn the lights off so that the slides look better. 9. If you are presenting to a small group, then you can connect your computer to a large TV (via the s-video line-in). 10.
Psychologie des Dialogmarketings | Tipps, Trends, wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse zu Offline-, Mobile- und Onlinemarketing About Us 11 Secrets of Highly Persuasive Speakers A highly persuasive speaker targets to steer the audience to accomplish an explicit action or convert the audience to adopt the assumption or opinion of the speaker. As a tycoon, understanding the art of persuasion could be a treasured talent. Whether you are giving a sales presentation, or in the boardroom, or in a conference or in a company meeting, winning the audience could be a feeling of triumph. After a great examination and research here are few doctrines that appear to be evident in a highly persuasive speaker, whether in a public speaking conference, workshops or seminars. 1. Seeming confident is one of the most imperative parts of being persuasive. 2. At most conferences, the way a persuasive speaker is introduced that make the audience look forward to hearing his story. 3. The most important tool for maximizing interface between the speaker and the audience is the body language of the speaker or the presenter. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Featured photo credit: flickr via flickr
denkfaul.de Was soll man noch sagen. Da wird immer noch diskutiert, ob denn Griechenland ein Problem darstelle, und Japan und die USA (und gelegfentlich auch Großbritannien) sollten doch zuerst ihre eigenen Schulden betrachten. Dabei sollten doch diejenigen, die das behaupten, erst einmal die unterschiedlichen Strickmuster der jeweiligen Schuldenstrukturen untersuchen, bevor sie sich zu solchen Äußerungen hinreißen lassen. Heute war in einem Online-Videokommentar zu hören, dass zu bedenken sei, dass 600 der 730 Millionen, die an Griechenland fließen sollen, aus Zentralbank-Gewinnen stammten. Unter anderem deshalb sei jegliche Empörung unangebracht. Ach. Einerseits begegnen wir hier der Illusion des mehrfach vorhandenen Kapitals. An dieser Stelle scheint noch ein moralisches Argument Einzug zu halten. Das klingt im ersten Moment plausibel, ist aber heikel. Einerseits steht hier den Gewinnen auch ein Risiko gegenüber. Und jetzt denken Sie von diesem Punkt aus zurück. Genau. Nein.
Wie man die besten Marktstudien findet 24. Februar 2010 Robert K. Bidmon Im Internet erfolgreich suchen, heißt die goldene Nadel im Terabyte-Heuhaufen finden. Hier die Tipps von Robert K. Startseite Wikipedia Erste Informationen bietet häufig ein Wikipedia-Eintrag zu dem Produkt, das im Mittelpunkt der gesuchten Marktstudie steht. Erfolg mit Suchstrategien Der häufigste Startpunkt für eine Suche im Internet ist in Deutschland Google.de. Einige Google-Tricks Die erste Überlegung konzentrierte sich auf die Worte, die die gesuchte Marktstudie möglichst genau beschreiben. Jetzt kommt die zweite Überlegung zum Zug: Die Suchergebnisse werden meist besser, wenn man nur nach bestimmten Dokumentarten sucht: Dazu klickt man rechts neben dem Google-Suchfeld auf „Erweiterte Suche“. Google findet nur wenige Informationen aus dem Internet Nach Schätzungen weist Google nur zwischen 0,25% bis unter 10% der Informationen nach, die man über das Internet finden kann. Suchmaschinen für Markt-Studien Verbände liefern Marktdaten Linkverzeichnisse
The Ultimate Lifehack Guide to Become a Better Lover Valentine’s is a big day for many couples. Personally, I’m not a big fan because it has become too commercialized in recent years. However, it’s good for us to find a day to review our love life. Here at Lifehack, we don’t just talk about how to celebrate Valentine’s day, we are going to provide you with a guide that is much deeper, from reviewing your current relationships; enriching your love life; to dealing with hardship in a relationship. This guide provides you all the materials to build a better relationship and helps you to develop a long-term commitment with your partner. Here is a Quick Way to Diagnose Your Relationships Where are you at in your current relationship? Stop! Common Relationship Mistakes: 4 Simple Ways to Destroy A Relationship 10 Ways We Hurt Our Romantic Relationships 8 Easy Ways to Improve your Relationships Instantly We can’t stay in the honeymoon period forever. 10 Keys to a Successful Romantic Relationship How to Improve Your Relationship with a Weekly Review