Luxury LA Property With Stunning Views | Luxury Property, Interior Design, Exclusive Travel & Bespoke Furniture Luxury LA Property With Stunning Views This contemporary LA property, currently for sale with LA Classic Estates, with its clean lines and modern interior design, also features jetliner views over LA`s Sunset Strip. The property is built using a combination of steel, glass and stone intertwined with state-of-the-art lighting and electronic finishes. About Richard Barker Love Interior Design & Exotic Travel? April 17, 2010 | Property | View comments Contemporary Hewlett House with views across Bronte Beach, Sydney, Australia Sydney-based architectural practice MPRDG have completed the Hewlett House project. Monastery To Modern Como Loft, Milan Milan-based design studio JM Architecture have completed the Como Loft project.
Basketball Court Converted to Fantastic Home - StumbleUpon “The Apartment” group worked on everything from the architecture to the decor. New building techniques were applied and even an indoor garden was built. “The Apartment” group wanted to retain some of elements of the old basketball court, and so decided to keep the basketball court flooring in the private areas of the house, such as this bedroom. The wallpaper was even designed by “The Apartment” company themselves. A 12-person home theater was installed. A 30-foot long kitchen was designed and built by “The Apartment.” Upon its realization, the “basketball apartment” was the setting for various tv shows, movies, and photo-shoots, including “Ugly Betty” and the film, “Music and Lyrics.” Images are via The Behance Network.
Yellow Brick House - Vilnius, Lithuania This residence in the Pavilniai Regional Park, near the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius, is one of those that we just have to point out, although it is neither brand-new nor unfamiliar to many readers. The confident combination of history and modern needs of an upscale family was achieved by the architectural firm G. Natkevicius & Partners. Located by in the valley of river Vilnia that gave the city its name, the park and the city have a rich history with the oldest written records dating back to 1323. The Puckoriu escarpment in the park has rare rock formations from the Ice Age. A large munitions factory on the site dates back to the 17th century. It seems that in Vilnius private residents can buy pieces of such storied land, and when the current owner of the site - a banker and collector of antique books - bought it, a single bright-yellow building stood on it.
Space Saving Apartment, New York This tiny but highly sophisticated studio apartment in the East Village of NYC has made us very proud, thanks to JPDA. Not only was it built as a super efficient multi-functional unit but with the use of detailed mill work, the storage capacity was very cleverly executed and resulted in a super stylish studio with a decent amount of floor space. Shouldn’t all NYC dwellers aim to live like this? You decide… A schematic rendering demonstrates a realistic plan for this tiny apartment. Although we’re not too sure how realistic that cubbyhole at the crown of the loft is in a NYC apartment building, the rest of the space makes perfect sense. This tiny living/work space is beautifully masked with natural light and looks so inviting! This mezzanine bedroom is constructed with beautiful teak wood that houses hidden storage compartments… What great use of typically neglected storage space…. Well lit and highly efficient modern kitchen has beautiful appliances and plenty of counter space.
Powerhouse Company Rooms with many views Villa 1 was Powerhouse Company’s first project: our chance to present our manifesto to the world. We were a fledgling practice then, working from kitchen-table offices in Rotterdam and Copenhagen. The design of Villa 1 was inspired by the site, the clients’ paradoxical desire to live “in a modern glass house with all the cosiness of an old farmhouse”, and by Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House and the work of Saarinen. The project embodies our ideas about professionalism. The site: a manufactured forest The plot was in a wood which, like so much of Dutch nature, is entirely manmade. Because the house’s spatial needs required twice the volume allowed by the regulations, we designed it upside down, placing all the bedrooms underground with the daytime functions on top. With half of the building placed below ground, maximizing daylight became an essential feature of the project. Our clients’ desires were rather contradictory The brief: contradictory desires Why oh Y?
Old Garage turned Mini Dream Home Hello there! It’s been a busy week with a trip to Seattle for the Picasso exhibition and a drive out to the coast but I knew I had to share this amazing remodel with you before the week came to a close. Everyone loves good makeovers and the ones involving tiny spaces, creative design and ingenious solutions are my all time favorites! Check out how Seattle artist, designer and welder, Michelle de la Vega, created this beautiful little 250 sq. ft. haven… The before… This lonely little detached garage is just begging for some love. The after! A cozy, light filled sleeping loft is so perfect for the space. The kitchen is well organized and accessible with open storage solutions. The rustic wood burning stove becomes sculptural in this room along with Michelle’s own art installations. The glass boxes housing pillow forms are actually a tribute to Michelle’s father. You know I am a big fan of great bathroom design and this one delivers. How many of us have garages that only house our junk!?
Aoki Jun. La Maison N. Le nouveau bâtiment conçu par Aoki Jun s’appelle N. Il entre dans la série des maisons projetées marquées par différentes lettres de l’alphabet. Le représentant brillant de la « troisième vague » de l’architecture japonaise contemporaine, Aoki Jun a commencé à faire ses maisons-lettres en 1993, deux ans après le début de son activité indépendante. Avant cela il a fait ses études à l’Université de Tokyo, en section de projets d’études d’architecture et il a travaillé chez Arata Isozaki & Associates. En 1991 Aoki Jun a décidé d’être indépendant pour pouvoir créer « ce qui semble intéressant » – des maisons privées, des bâtiments publics, des magasins dont la série de boutiques Louis Vuitton. N, érigée dans la ville de Kohoku, est le seizième objet « en lettres » de cet architecte japonais populaire. Selon les vœux du client – photographe professionnel avec sa femme et ses deux filles – la maison devait s’harmoniser avec le paysage, non en s’y mêlant mais en « s’assimilant » à lui.
Voronoi - Yacht Yacht for Entertaining Yet another intriguing concept from yacht enthusiast Hyun-Seok Kim. The Voronoi mega-yacht is named after the voronoi pattern of the irregular honeycomb lattice structure that encases it’s upper levels. This yacht was made to entertain. Designer: Hyun-Seok Kim Maison de ville suédoise | Elding Oscarson Journal du loft » Maison loft Dans la vie, il ne faut assumer ses convictions. La preuve avec cette maison de ville contemporaine qui vient s’implanter en plein milieu d’une zone pavillonnaires composées exclusivement de maisons traditionnelles. Située dans la petite de Landskrona en Suède, cette maison moderne au design cubique fait figure d’intrus dans le paysage local. En savoir plus sur cette maison de ville contemporaine Suédoise Architecte : Elding Oscarson Localisation : Landskrona (Suède) via Gessato et Totonko
Sleepbox Images credit Arch Group/Ivanov Ilya. When I first wrote about the Sleepbox two years ago, I was dubious that it would ever see the light of day, noting "It is an interesting exercise in seeing how small a space one can comfortably live in, but one suspects that the opportunity for, um, misuse might keep this idea of the 15 minute hotel room from going mainstream." But it has, with a working prototype set up in Moscow. Designed by the Arch Group, about the only change from the original proposal is that it is made of wood instead of plastic (common for prototypes, and the minimum time has increased from 15 minutes to half an hour. They appear to have given up on one my favourite features of the original concept, the automatic bed-changing system: [bed] is equipped with automatic system of change of bed linen. Instead they have gone for conventional linen. The architects write: Imagine the situation where you are in a modern city, you are not a local resident, and you have not booked a hotel.