105 Twitter Apps for PR
Twitter is no longer a little known platform for bloggers to communicate on. These days, even large corporations are realizing something many smaller businesses have known for a while . . . Twitter is a powerful PR tool. Making the site even more useful for public relations and networking are the myriad of third party applications that seem to be multiplying at an exponential rate.
The Truth About the Average Twitter User [STATS]
A new study from security firm Barracuda Labs provides some interesting insights into the state of the Twitterverse. Unfortunately for the microblogging startup, the stats say that most of its users aren't very active. The study looked at around 19 million Twitter accounts (PDF) in order to figure out how people are using Twitter. It started with one assumption: An active or "True" Twitter user has at least 10 followers, follows at least 10 people and had tweeted at least 10 times. By that definition though, only 21% of Twitter users are active users. There's a great deal of interesting data in the breakdown.
Followbase: A Twitter CRM Starter Kit
Although there is no shortage of businesses large and small making great use of Twitter, many are still trying to make heads-and-tales of how to harness its power to communicate with existing and prospective clients. CoTweet and HootSuite are trying to meet this opportunity with feature-rich CRM applications, but for businesses who are Twitter newbies, these apps can be daunting. Followbase saw this opportunity-within-an-opportunity and designed a simple, bare-bones Twitter CRM app that could form a stepping stone to the more heavy-duty apps.
Fast & Easy Unfollowing for Twitter
Have you asked yourself this? Well you're in luck - ManageFlitter has the answer! Click "Connect to Twitter" below to connect your account. We'll process data on your followers and within a few seconds you'll see the screen below - a list of all the people who have unfollowed you. If you feel like it, you can then select some people and unfollow them quickly by clicking the button on the right. What else does ManageFlitter do?
The Twitter Clock. Real-time Twitter Growth Statistics.
When it comes to social networks, Twitter users are extremely active. They create, share and comment on content at high rates. According to ExactTarget, they are three times as likely to upload photos, four times as likely to blog, three times as likely to post ratings and reviews, and six times as likely to upload articles. View this chart.
Search Dominates Social Networking For Product Discovery, Study Says
Search engines are the number one way that consumers find out about new products, according to a new study commissioned by commerce software developer ATG. The survey was conducted online and polled 1,002 U.S. adult consumers in July 2010. One question asked respondents to list up to five ways they discover new products. 53% of respondents across all age groups said they discover products through search engines. Only 8% said they discover new online products via “links or information on social networking sites.”
Social media users grapple with information overload
By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY Updated 2/2/2011 10:55:31 AM | SAN FRANCISCO — Jose Huitron had just hit the digital wall. Frank Franklin II, APAn iPhone user accesses his Twitter account.
LIVE: Twitter’s Big Announcement
Twitter is about to make the biggest change to its interface in years when it adds photos and videos in the stream. What will it look like? Will it be a game-changer, or will Twitter's users revolt?
No Swearing in Utah « Cartastrophe
I’ve got a map on the cover of the latest issue of Cartographic Perspectives, and some colleagues of mine have been so kind as to spread it around Twitter and Facebook and all those other popular social media which I’ve never gotten in to. It’s been a while since I’ve subjected my own work to this blog, so I thought I’d take advantage of its temporary boost in popularity in a small corner of the Internet to do so again. Click to download PDF (~12MB) This time, though I’d like to try an experiment. If you would be so kind, gentle readers, I would like to turn this critique over to you.
Facebook’s June 2010 US Traffic by Age and Sex: Users Aged 18-44 Take a Growth Break
[Editor's Note: The data cited in this article is excerpted from Inside Facebook Gold, our membership service tracking Facebook's business and growth around the world. Please see Inside Facebook Gold to learn more about our complete data and analysis offering.] Facebook’s growth slowed down in the United States in June, following a burst of activity through April and May. The country picked up only 320,800 new monthly active users in June, compared to the outstanding 7.8 million it gathered in May. It’s not uncommon to see a saturated country like the US take a breather after a spurt of growth.
Twitter now has 75M users; most asleep at the mouse
News January 26, 2010 12:02 PM ET Computerworld - The number of Twitter users has climbed to a lofty 75 million, but the growth rate of new users is slowing and a lot of current Twitterers are inactive, according to a study released today. The rate of new user growth peaked last July at about 7.8 million a month.
Twitter saw 2 billion tweets in May
Are you tweeting more these days? Seems somebody is. Last month, Twitter users hit a new milestone.
Reaching Teen Influencers with Social Messages
eMarketer estimates about 80% of US teen Internet users visit social networking sites at least monthly, but it may seem difficult for marketers to reach them there when they’ve signed on mainly to chat with their friends and post personal updates. A May 2010 survey by myYearbook and Ketchum looked at the power of teen influencers and how brands can influence them in turn. About 10,000 myYearbook users were surveyed, with the top 15% most active and engaged members defined as influencers. myYearbook is the most-visited Website by teens, according to comScore, and Quantcast data shows its users skew female—not unusual for teen social sites—and white. The most influential users there care a lot about what their friends say, and are down on marketers. Just 5% trusted what they heard from ads most, and another 5% trusted information from companies.