Related: ADD/ADHD
Les TDA: Un trouble qui affecte aussi l'adulte Le trouble de déficit de l'attention (TDA) chez les enfants a fait l'objet de multiples recherches au cours des dernières années, ce qui a conduit à une meilleure compréhension de celui-ci. Jusqu'à récemment, on croyait que les symptôme du TDA disparaissaient à l'adolescence avec le développement du cerveau, les changements hormonaux et développementaux. Or, on reconnaît maintenant que plusieurs des symptômes persistent chez les adultes pour une majorité des individus présentant le trouble. En fait, l'hyperactivité se résorbe dans plusieurs cas à l'adolescence, mais les déficit d'attention persistent chez l'Adulte dans 30 à 70% des cas (Boisvert, 1999) Ainsi, en 1980, on reconnaissait dans la troisième édition du Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux (DSM), pour la première fois, que le TDA se poursuit à l'âge adulte chez certains individus, Par ailleurs, en 1990, le Dr. Alan Zametkin et ses collègues publiaient le premier article traitant du TDA chez l'adulte.
Managing Adult ADHD – The 5 Rules ADDers Should Live By Do you feel like you're on a treadmill? Managing the daily details of life with adult ADHD is hard. Deadlines at work come and go, unmet. Impulsive comments alienate friends and possibly cost you your job. You’re exhausted at the end of the day, and yet you feel that all your effort gets you nowhere. ADHD medication can level the playing field, but you can do more. It's hard to resist impulses. Your boss proposes doubling your sales goals for next year, and before you can bite your tongue, you laugh and say, "Are you crazy?" Your neighbor buys a new lawn ornament and asks you if you like it. You see a gorgeous pair of designer shoes in a store window and rush in to buy them, even though every penny of your paycheck is already spoken for. You don't give yourself time to think and measure your words and actions. STRATEGY: Make a list of the situations in which you are most likely to behave impulsively. ”My Bedroom is Where Pintrest Projects Go to Die!” page 1 2 next »
TDAH - Trucs pratiques Vous trouverez dans la section TRUCS des documents d'information et des conseils pratiques dont plusieurs ont été développés par l'équipe de Clinique FOCUS, en collaboration avec d'autres professionnels pour soutenir les personnes atteintes de TDAH et leurs proches. Ces ressources ne remplacent pas une consultation avec un professionnel. Il n'y a pas de recette magique ou de solution miracle pour mieux vivre avec le TDAH. Voici des Stratégies pour prendre soin de son attention, qu'on ait ou pas un TDAH. Nous vous invitons à consulter les différentes sections de TRUCS et ASTUCES proposés et y choisir les outils qui vous conviennent. Certains opteront pour aller chercher une aide extérieure pour implanter de telles stratégies. Soyez vigilants dans vos sources d'information pour guider vos choix de stratégies ! Quelle est la place du neurofeedback et de l'entrainement cognitif ? Les tests génétiques permettent-ils de prédire la réponse aux médicaments TDAH?
What Causes ADHD? ADHD is a disorder of the mind, affecting attention, behavior, and other so-called “higher mental functions.” As such, its underlying cause is complex and not completely understood. The human brain The brain is responsible for controlling most aspects of bodily and mental function. Medical researchers long ago discovered that different parts of the brain controlled different functions, such as muscle movement, detection of sounds heard through the ears, and psychologic and behavioral capacities such as emotion, memory, and social interactions. All of these jobs are coordinated through a complex system of neurons, which communicate with each other through chemical signals called neurotransmitters. In these PET scans (a type of radiologic imaging), the brain of the ADHD patient (right) shows less activity, especially in the frontal areas (top of the image) compared with the non-ADHD patient (left). So what causes ADHD? Genetics plays a big part in the development of ADHD.
DAHA: Accueil The A.D.D. Clinic is an outpatient psychiatric office specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of, A.D.D. Clinic, Inc Las Vegas, NV dodson Real-World Office Management of ADHD in Adults This article is reproduced with permission from William Dodson, M.D. …In the real world of psychiatric practice, we see every patient who comes through the door. We use only active treatments, and we persist until we find the best one for a particular patient. Because we are dealing with complex human beings, who often have other coexisting illnesses, we examine every aspect of their lives to find the best possible combination of therapeutic options. We treat individuals, not averages, and must adjust the treatment to the unique needs and responses of each patient. Our understanding of ADHD and its treatment was changed by a 2004 study from the New York University Child Study Center 1*. The findings have led to the relatively new concept that ADHD is not a disorder characterized by deficits or effort, character, willpower, brain activity or size, or integrity. A DIFFERENT NERVOUS SYSTEM – interest based rather than importance based Stage 1
William Dodson, M.D. | ADDitude: Information on Attention Deficit Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Parenting and More Dr. Bill Dodson is a board-certified adult psychiatrist who has specialized in adults with ADHD for the last 23 years. Dr. Feature Articles This Is Why You're Always So Tired Sleep disturbances caused by ADHD have been overlooked for a number of reasons, including the... Ask The Expert Q & As ADHD Sex Drive: Do Medications Help or Hurt? Blogs Vaccines, ADD/ADHD, and Autism "I have heard many concerns about the risks of vaccinations and immunizations for children and... ... Adderall: Complete ADHD Medication Overview The most critical information available on the stimulant medication Adderall, including its common usage guidelines,... more » Does Your Child Have ADHD or Bipolar Disorder?
Women and ADHD: Hormones, Puberty, Menopause, Menstration, Period | ADDitude - Attention Deficit Information Slide 1 of 5 ADDitude Magazine Do your ADD symptoms worsen at certain times of the month? Is your thinking a little fuzzier the week before your period? Are you organized and efficient at mid-cycle? Doctors who treat women with ADHD have noted correlations between ADHD symptoms and hormonal fluctuations, not only monthly but over the lifetime of a woman. "The average age of diagnosis for women with ADHD, who weren’t diagnosed as children, is 36 to 38 years old,” says Patricia Quinn, M.D., director of the National Center for Girls and Women with AD/HD, and author of Understanding Women with ADHD. When doctors diagnose girls and women with ADD, they rarely consider hormonal fluctuations when developing a treatment plan. Next: ADHD and Adolescence This article comes from the Spring 2009 issue of ADDitude. To read this issue of ADDitude in full, buy the back issue. slide 1 2 3 4 5 next » Share your comments, questions and advice on ADDConnect!
Healing ADD Dr. Hallowell's Blog | Dr Halowell This month’s Note from Ned is not from Ned, but from my dear friend Rick Fiery, who is a pioneer in helping young people with ADHD, whom he names “Inventives.” I’d like to see ADHD renamed Inventive, wouldn’t you? His institute, which he describes, is heaven on earth for people who can’t do college but who have lots of talent and ambition. I urge you to check it out, Inventive Labs. I also urge you to go to their Kickstarter page and view the projects Rick’s amazing Inventives are developing. Thanks! Necessary Brilliance Society is at a crossroads. Now, let’s talk about the workplace. So this is where society faces its challenge. Our view is that society is sidelining what we call “necessary brilliance”. At InventiveLabs, it is our mission to change this paradigm. Our Inventives are launching some new products on the Kickstarter crowdsourcing website. Click here to take a look at their Kickstarter pages or visit our website at www.inventivelabs.org. Warm regards, Rick Fiery
ADHD Emotional Overreaction: Got Too Many Feelings? There’s a lot of helpful information for people with ADHD — about medication and diagnoses, about how to get things done or finished faster, how to feel more confident about your decisions. The problem is that we can’t use the information until we confront the fallout from the stress of life as an ADHD adult. To confront that emotional stress, we have to acknowledge its existence. Who wants to do that when the mind’s natural instinct is to fight, run off somewhere shiny and exciting, or freeze? When I introduced my clients to what I call Emotional Distress Syndrome, they got it. What Is EDS? Emotional Distress Syndrome (EDS) is the cumulative effect of the neurological processing differences and behavioral changes associated with ADHD. As with other ADHD symptoms, there’s good news and bad news, and you have choices to make: > EDS won’t disappear by itself. There will always be emotional storms. Maybe, like my newer clients, you’re skeptical. That’s survival thinking. Self-Esteem and ADHD
12 Best Tips for Coping with ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms can easily disrupt your daily life. Fortunately, there are many ways you can successfully manage your symptoms. Below, experts — some of whom have ADHD — share their best strategies. 1. Accepting your diagnosis is key because it paves the way to positive action, such as learning about ADHD and finding strategies that work for you. Click through to read 11 more great tips… 2. She suggested checking in with yourself throughout the day. Exercise also is key for ADHD. Taking care of your health makes it easier to manage everything else. 3. Also, when you haven’t gotten a full night’s sleep, it’s hard to determine whether your medication is working, Maynard said. Unfortunately, people with ADHD tend to have sleep problems or sleep disorders, Olivardia said. 4. 5. 6. She also suggested keeping a pad of Post-It notes and a pen by every phone. 7. 8. Start with one room and put everything in either bags or laundry baskets, she said. 9. 10.