CDDP de l'Oise - Créer sa bande dessinée en ligne | Documents pédagogiques et des ressources FLE, FLS, FLM about 2 years ago - 5 commentaires Français langue maternelle (FLM), Français langue étrangère (FLE) et Français langue seconde (FLS) L@ngues_en_ligne Des dossiers pédagogiques en ligne pour l’enseignement des langues étrangères arabe, allemand, anglais, chinois, espagnol, italien, japonais, portugais, russe, Fle, Fls à 350 dossiers prêts à l’emploi et indexés sur les niveaux du CECRl à une entrée dans la langue étrangère… Cartoon Maker histoire de bande dessinée dans la salle de classe about 4 years ago - 8 commentaires L'histoire Cartoon Maker a été conçu en mettant l'accent sur l'application de l'apprentissage des langues. 40 ans Festival BD Angoulême – 31 janvier au 3 février 2013 about 4 years ago - Aucun commentaire Le Festival d'Angoulême fête ses 40 ans ! Les langues étrangères (3 sites de ressources gratuites) about 4 years ago - Aucun commentaire about 4 years ago - Aucun commentaire
OpenEd Student Blackboard Collaborate™ Mobile – Collaborate on your mobile device! With Blackboard Collaborate Mobile, you can join web conferencing sessions right from your Android device. NOTE: This app must be enabled by your institution to function and is free for you to download. To find out if Blackboard Collaborate Mobile is available at your institution check in with your helpdesk or IT department. With Blackboard Collaborate Mobile, participants can join a live web conference for online classes, meetings, one-on-one tutoring, group projects, office hours, and much more. With Blackboard Collaborate Mobile, participants can: To attend sessions via Blackboard Collaborate Mobile, your institution must have a hosted enterprise Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing license version 12 or higher. Now engaging and convenient access to your web conferencing sessions can be as mobile as you are.
Puffin Web Browser - The fastest mobile browswer with Flash support over cloud on iPad, iPhone and Android. Tikatok - Everyone has a story. What's yours? PresentationTube: Record & Share PowerPoint Video Presentations Pilot KnowRe · KnowRe We are conducting a nationwide Pilot Program this fall. Our aim, throughout the pilot, is to gauge the potential of KnowRe’s technology, collected student data, and engaging game-like features. While we received an overwhelming amount of interest from schools and organizations throughout the U.S. and the globe, we were only able to invite a small portion of the applicants to join the program. The Pilot will stretch across 34 cities and 17 states in the United States and Canada and has approximately 150 teachers and 8,000 students participating. Stay up to date on pilot news and updates here! Not a part of the pilot program? Not being part of the pilot program means you don’t yet have access to the data-displaying Teachers’ Dashboard. Why bother using KnowRe now? Here are 3 ways KnowRe can make your classroom experience better, even without the Teachers’ Dashboard: Get to know our pilot schools To view our press release, go here. Pilot Chatter Read the full interview. “I’m super impressed!
Free Flash Animation Tool – Vectorian Giotto | Free Flash Animation Software Features We created Giotto for designers, not coders Giotto is the free Flash animation package made for you to design, not to code. With Giotto you can relax and focus your imagination on creative concepts, integrating stunning graphics and music into masterpieces of design. The latest versions of Adobe® Flash® are moving away from designers. Giotto has full support for ActionScript 2, but we made built-in effect generators that will help you create outstanding effects without any scripting at all. Vector drawing, animations, sounds, filters… Create complex vector illustrations in Giotto, anything from simple shapes to custom ones like polygon, star, or rounded rectangle. Organize all objects in the Library, create symbols like Movie Clips and Buttons for multiple use. Animate objects with motion tweens and shape tweens. Powerful animated effects without any scripting at all Giotto comes packed with more than 50 great effects that can be applied to both shapes and text. Screenshots
eduCanon 10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use by Janis Beem Whether you’re new to blended learning or a seasoned veteran of blended learning, there’s always more to learn. Take a look at 10 of the top resources for blended education, also known as hybrid learning, from some of the most notable names in the field. So, in addition to great resources like YouTube, iTunesU, and a variety of blogs and social media channels, here are 10 of the most popular blended learning resources teachers use. 10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use 1. Perfect for: Blended learning beginners and teachers preparing to teach their first blended courses. 2. Perfect for: Educators using a blended learning concept for a broader audience, such as education students, education administrators or parents. 3. Perfect for: Teachers creating blended learning courses or administrators learning more about the real-world work required. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Perfect for: Teachers across subject areas curious about course flipping.
Metta. Creer des lecons en video Metta est un outil en ligne qui permet de créer des présentations multimédias sous la forme de vidéos interactives. Metta est un formidable outil pour élaborer des leçons en vidéo en agrégeant des contenus et mixant facilement textes, photos, sons et vidéos. Un des points forts de Metta pour un enseignant ou un formateur c’est la possibilité offerte d’intégrer à vos présentations des questionnaires et des quizzs très facilement. L’outil est assez simple à utiliser et s’apparente aux outils de montage vidéo comme iMovie par exemple. Une leçon est donc composée de différents clips qui viennent illustrer votre propos. Dans ces vidéos vous allez enfin pouvoir insérer en un tour de main des sondages ou enquêtes interactives qui permettent de vérifier que les principaux points de la présentation ont été compris. Voici un exemple d’une vidéo créée avec Metta: Lien : Metta Sur le même thème
blubbr - Play & create video trivia games CDE Office of Online & Blended Learning - Blended Learning What is Blended Learning? Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace and at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home. (Horn and Staker, 2012) Information About Blended Learning: The Clayton Christensen Institute formerly the Innosight Institute, has released various reports regarding different aspects of blended learning. Blended Learning Models Definitions-Diagram illustrating the various forms of blended learning based on research by the Clayton Christensen Institute. Blending Learning: The Convergence of Online and Face-to-Face Education (PDF) This publication, released by iNACOL, discusses definitions of blended learning and explores ways in which blended learning is being developed by numerous schools. Blended Learning Models In Schools Around The Country: Blended Learning In Colorado: