ActivTable - Multi touch interactive surface for schools The ActivTable encourages project-based activities where students interact and collaborate, sharing knowledge and working towards a common goal together. This multi-user interactive table allows up to six learners to simultaneously use individual tools, web browsers and resources as their personal efforts move the group toward accomplishing a common goal. Many ActivTable activities are aligned to US and UK national standards, and many can be modified by teachers to suit their learning objectives. Not only is the ActivTable a uniquely powerful tool for learning through small-group collaboration, but it is also a vehicle for building essential 21st century skills such as communication, creativity and critical thinking. With Promethean’s ActivTable Key Features Join the Conversation Models/SizesActivTable 46” (active area) Works WithActivBoard, ActivInspire and ActiView Connectivity Four USB-A portsOne 3.5mm mic in socketFour 3.5 mm stereo headphone socketsOne DVIOne Ethernet port and WiFi
CinePaint code_swarm An experiment in organic software visualization. A moment from the Eclipse project. [video] I've been studying software projects for a while now. Not the programming, but the people -- the way they interact with each other through collaboration and communication. My investigations have always been visual: I've built applications that create pictures of what is happening within software projects. This visualization, called code_swarm, shows the history of commits in a software project. Please have a look at the videos below. The code is open source and available at Created by Michael Ogawa with Processing. VIDI group, UC Davis Flash Player : Settings Manager - Website Privacy Settings Panel Note: The Settings Manager that you see above is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings. The list of websites above is stored on your computer only, so that you can view or change your privacy settings. Adobe has no access to this list, or to any of the information that the websites may have stored on your computer. Use this panel to specify privacy settings for any of the websites that you have visited. The name of the website The privacy setting for the website To specify privacy settings for a website, select the website in the Visited Websites list, and then change its privacy settings as desired. If you want to specify whether to allow or deny access to your camera and microphone every time the selected website tries to use them, select Always Ask.
Welcome to skoool.co.uk Triple Your Productivity Tomorrow | PickTheBrain Is work slowly suffocating you? To-do lists, projects and random chores all piling up until they surround you? When this happens, your best strategy is to get ahead. How do you do this? I’ve done hundreds of these Project-Kill days, so if you’re looking to start your own here’s how: Wake Up Early – If you aren’t normally an early riser, set your alarm clock early. Morning Exercise – This isn’t strictly necessary, but I find starting my early day with a run or even some push-ups in my room is another great way to build momentum. Create a Fixed To-Do List – Before you start the day, write down all the things you need to accomplish. Isolate Yourself – Most of my work is solitary. Cut the Cables – Television, web, Facebook, phones and instant messengers all go offline during your day. Big Rocks First – Leo of ZenHabits has an excellent strategy for organizing your work. No Mid-Task Breaks – Breaks of any kind should be minimized during your day.
GiftedMotion - Easy to use GIF Animator | Onyxbits When it comes to creating animated GIFs, there are a lot of commercial applications on the market for turning stock images into animations. Unfortunately, most of them cost a lot of money and require a considerable investment of time just to learn the basic operation. Feature bloat is often put before ease of use, simply because a long list of functions can be seen as a sales argument. The error in reasoning here being, that once customers pull out their credit cards, they want nothing less than buy the gold version, including everything and the kitchen sink. GiftedMotion was written with ease of use in mind. As an additional benefit, Giftedmotion also comes free of charge. The download link for Giftedmotion can be found at the bottom of this page, you can either download the software and store it locally on your computer or bookmark this page and start GiftedMotion directly from here, whenever you need it. Platform independent, runs on every OS.
Office Online Improves with Tons of New Features | Office 365 content from Paul Thurrott Microsoft this week announced various improvements to Office Online, its free web-based office productivity experience. The firm has added new features to Excel Online, Word Online, PowerPoint Online, and OneNote Online. And it has added Office Online—gasp! Here's what's new. Excel Online Excel picks up a wide range of new functionality: Authoring comments. Edit a workbook that contains VBA. Hide and unhide rows and columns. Tell Me support. New and customizable status bar aggregates. GoTo. Word Online Word Online also picks up a long list of new features. Comments. List improvements. Footnotes and endnotes. Simpler document export. Improved tables. PowerPoint Online PowerPoint Online picks up a number of changes. Text editing improvements. Tell Me support. Other improvements. OneNote Online OneNote Online gets exactly two updates in this release, but they're both big. Printing. Multi-column section and page navigation. Office Online in the Chrome Web Store No, Hell hasn't frozen over.
Creating Web 2.0 Effects With Photoshop, Part 1 [Software Tutorials] The visual style that has come to be associated with the term Web 2.0 has exploded in popularity; everywhere you look, corporate sites, web service sites, ecommerce sites, and even personal blogs are making use of clean, minimalist design coupled with fancy graphic effects. If you’d like to jump on the bandwagon, this is the article for you! Using Photoshop, I’ll show you how to add Web 2.0 graphic goodness to your site design using non-destructive techniques. It may even take your site from boring to trendy! I won’t assume too much, nor should it matter if you’re not using the latest version of Photoshop. If you’re a Photoshop veteran, no doubt you’ll be happy skimming through the first few tips while we cover the basics. Oh, and one other thing — whenever I mention a tool for which a keyboard shortcut can be used, I’ve indicated that shortcut key in parentheses. Let’s get started then, shall we? Creating a Simple Gradient 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Variations Creating a Background Gradient 1. 2. 3.
Le « App Smashing » pour optimiser le potentiel créatif du iPad Le App Smashing est un concept popularisé par Gregory Kulowiec qui est un ancien enseignant d’histoire du Plymouth South High School et du Virtual High School. Il est maintenant associé sénior au EdTechTeacher. J’ai eu l’opportunité de le rencontrer et d’assister à sa conférence au iPad Summit de Boston 2013. Le concept du App Smashing est simple.Créer du contenu avec une application;Créer du contenu avec une autre application;Fusionner les contenus ensemble (Smashing);Publier le résultat sur Internet. La plupart du temps on demande aux élèves de réaliser quelque chose sur le iPad avec seulement une application. La grande majorité des applications de création de contenu offre la possibilité d’enregistrer dans le iPad. Les possibilités sont énormes. Vous pourriez aussi utiliser l’application Explain Everything si vous voulez ajouter de l’animation comme dans l’exemple suivant. 1) Trouver les fonds d’écran En premier lieu, il a trouvé deux fonds d’écran de couleurs bleu et vert.
Mac OS X Python Packages for Universal Python 2.4 on Mac OS X 10.3.9 and later (Intel and PPC) Universal Python 2.4 (Mac OS X 10.3.9 and later, Intel or PPC) This repository contains packages for Universal Python 2.4, which is compatible with Mac OS X 10.3.9 and later on both Intel and PPC. Currently, the latest Universal Python is available from this site. Make sure to get "Universal-MacPython-2.4.3-2006-04-07.dmg" or later, as earlier versions were compiled without compiler optimizations and will perform poorly! Python Pythonpython-2.4.4-macosx2006-10-18.dmg (MD5: 3b7a449a1ae321a1609912c1e507d005) Packages aggdrawaggdraw-1.2a3_20060212-py2.4-macosx10.4.zip (MD5: 637faf3d048e76b69d5453170722d4a1) egenix-mx-baseegenix_mx_base-2.0.6-py2.4-macosx10.4.zip (MD5: ec667e7d63d40da51d743f0a8ca449e9) matplotlibmatplotlib-0.87.7-py2.4-macosx10.4-2006-12-12.dmg (MD5: ec7fbc65b9d89b7f2cce7acb6262d51b) MySQLdbMySQL_Python-1.2.1_p2-py2.4-macosx10.4.zip (MD5: 327db18bf20863077693ed5d2f4232cb) numarraynumarray-1.5.1-py2.4-macosx10.4.mpkg.zip (MD5: c8deae0c936698fb28499bd2b62c2542) bob@redivi.com
LearningApps.org - modules d'Apprentissage Interactifs et multimédia