Related: color
15 Useful Color Mixers For Effective Designing I wanted to create this list, because there are times when I struggle choosing my design colors - for me it’s not always easy task to just play with the colors and choose the right ones – of course, there are few favorite colors for everybody, but finding new great color combinations are not so easy task. That’s why there a lot of helpful resources to ease this task, and I am here to show You those! Hopefully this will help You to create new designs and the process will become a little easier. 1. Colourlovers This is a great resource that monitors different color trends. New color schemes are regularly created and examples of the way colors are used in the real world – and there are rating system to give You a chance to find out the most popular ones. 2. Kuler is nice place created by Adobe company, where You can browse popular created color themes and create Your own from colors, images and get really advanced options and possibilities to create something really great! 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9.
A Nice List of Great Photoshop Lists Lists have been around for a long while and are a hot topic today. I’ve even compiled some myself for my Photoshop Roadmap blog. They are perfect candidates for massive and steady traffic, and they are an interesting, if not fun, reading. If the compilation has been made with care and lots of research, the result may become a mini or micro web site itself. That’s the reason why content writers (artists and designers in this case) should become aware of this situation. Creating outstanding content will increase their chances to be part of a list. TIP: When writing a great tutorial, create big previews and images of the final result, to increase your chances to be included in blog posts and lists. Ok, enough blathering, here is my Nice List of Great Photoshop Lists. 70 horror, blood and gore Photoshop tutorials and brushes 100 Awesome High Resolution Photoshop Brushes The Best 80 Photoshop Text Effects on the Web A Complete Guide to Digital Makeover in Photoshop Photoshop Masters 1 point
21 Stimulating Color Palette Tools For Designers I’m always excited about the possibilities of a new design. At the very beginning, I never really know where it will end up, and I love that feeling. The whole process of choosing colors and creating a color palette for a site is usually one of my first (and favorite) steps. Even if I have the chosen colors from the client, I still use a series of color scheme tools to put together the final palette. So, here are 21 inspiration-stimulating online color palette tools that I could play around with for hours: 1. kuler This may be one of the most used tools, and it is also one of my favorites. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. Not enough? 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. How To Create a Web App This is the second post in our series on how to run a startup and develop a product. In part one, How To Bootstrap Your Startup, we outlined the process of bootstrapping your company into existence. In this post, we show you how to go from idea to specified product. By the end of it, youÄôll know how to build a mock-up of your business idea and write the most important document youÄôll write for the company: your functional specification. For a simple system the process outlined in this post should take you a month. A Word on Strategy Every good business begins with a solid understanding of the proposition and business plan - in short, your strategy. From Strategy to Development Whether you are out-sourcing or developing in-house there are two ways to build a system: Give your developers a rough idea of what to build and keep iterating the design as they build it; Give your developers detailed documentation of what to build. Your mock-up The Functional Specification A Word on AJAX Conclusion
Hybrid Mobile Apps: Providing A Native Experience With Web Technologies Advertisement According to a recent report1, HTML is the most widely used language for mobile app developers. The main reasons among developers for selecting web technologies2 are cross-platform portability of code and the low cost of development. We’ve also heard that hybrid apps tend to be sluggish and poorly designed. This article provides many hints, code snippets and lessons learned on how to build great hybrid mobile apps. What Are Hybrid Mobile Apps? Mobile apps can be generally broken down into native, hybrid and web apps. There are two approaches to building a hybrid app: WebView app The HTML, CSS and JavaScript code base runs in an internal browser (called WebView) that is wrapped in a native app. While both approaches are widely used and exist for good reasons, we’ll focus on WebView apps because they enable developers to leverage most of their existing web skills. Benefits Drawbacks So, how do you achieve a native look and feel? Make Your Users Feel at Home DIY vs.
The Art of Color Coordination Colors affect us in countless ways—mentally and physically, consciously and subconsciously. Psychologists have suggested that color impression can account for 60% of the acceptance or rejection of a product or service. Good color choices should never be neglected in web design. A bad color combination can have the same negative effect as poor copy and slow load times. In this infographic, we will briefly discuss color coordination and how you can use this to your advantage when designing your site. Special thanks to @speckyboy, @smashingmag and @onextrapixel. Click on the infographic below to view a larger image: View an enlarged version of this Infographic » Click here to download a .pdf version of this infographic. Want to display this infographic on your site? Simply copy and paste the code below into the html of your website to display the infographic presented above: Website Color Scheme Examples Complementary Colors – Naturestable.com Analogous Colors – Simplebits.com
Best of GIMP brushes: 35+ brush sets (1400+ brushes) GIMP is an open-source image editing program, one of the most popular image-editing programs. GIMP has a large library of free brushes that can be downloaded, to improve functionality of GIMP. Here is a large collection of GIMP brushes that you will find useful for various purposes. You may also be interested in related posts: Free GIMP brushes collection Feathers for GIMP NeverWinter Snowflakes I WinterBreeze GIMP Scratchies brushes Grunge Brush set 3 Grunge Brushes Splatter Brushes GIMP water brushes Butterflies brushes Butterflies brushes Blood brushes GIMP Brush sets/collections Grunge Brush pack Dead Trees Cubes
How-To: Create an iPhone Web App The iPhone OS is pitched as the entire Internet in your pocket…minus Flash. This works most of the time, but what if you just want to design a site or form that looks like a native iPhone App? This is where iWebKit comes in. iWebKit is a free framework package for creating websites and applications that are optimized for the iPod Touch, iPhone & iPad. I will be covering the web-form aspect of creating an optimized site, but iWebKit has many deeper features that can communicate directly with the OS. When designing for the iPhone OS, you should use the iPhone simulator available in the SDK to get an idea of where your design is heading. Getting Started Here is what the form looks like on the iPhone before we optimize it. It’s pretty dull looking, to say the least. This code needs to be in an HTML file in the same folder as the iWebKit framework. The first step is to add these lines between the <head> tags. These lines tell the iPhone browser that this page is designed for it. With this:
Smashing Magazine — for Professional Web Designers and Developers Color Explorer • Free tools for working with digital colors How to turn your photo into movie-like effect using Photoshop? « ebin What you need to have: Adobe Photoshop What you will learn: colour mood adjustments + depth of field effect + film effect PS: ⌘ key for Mac users / CTRL key for Windows users Colour mood adjustments 1. Adjust the Hue/Saturation: ⌘U/CTRL-U 2. Depth of field effect 3. 4. 5. 6. Film effect 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cinemascope (optional) 12. You can also add an extra step to twist the colour into this mood by using ‘Color Balance’(⌘B/CTRL-B). I like this post I’d like to donate to ebin.wordpress.com for the contribution.digg Like this: Like Loading...