Septembre - Octobre : Exposition Le Pli - art contemporain - Galerie Nathalie Béreau Disponibilité des œuvres, prix et livraison > Contact Le Pli art et curiosités Exposition du 12 septembre au 26 octobre 2013 Camille Meire Simone Pheulpin Maryline Pomian Vincent Floderer Daniel Rietsch Pietro Seminelli Inauguration des nouveaux aménagements et de la décoration du 6, Mandel Le 6, Mandel 6, avenue Georges Mandel - 75116 Paris - M° Trocadéro Tél. 01 42 27 27 93 www.6mandel.com Exposition : Entrée par le 1, rue Greuze, du mardi au samedi de 14h30 à 19h00 (sauf en cas de privatisation ponctuelle du lieu) Contacts : > Jean-Christophe Stöerkel (Le 6, Mandel) : contact@6mandel.com > Commissaire de l’exposition/presse : Galerie Nathalie Béreau Cette nouvelle exposition intitulée "Le Pli" - sur une idée de Jean-Christophe Stöerkel, propriétaire du 6, Mandel - réunit six artistes, dont deux jeunes diplômés de l’école Boulle, en partenariat avec leur école. L’exposition réunit 4 artistes confirmés et reconnus, et deux jeunes diplômés de l’école Boulle, Camille Meire et Daniel Rietsch.
Lost At Sea I've said goodbye to NYC, but that doesn't mean the fun has to end! Follow all my latest scouting posts from the West Coast at: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | TikTok. One of my favorite public art pieces in New York City is probably familiar to anyone who has ever waited in line for the Liberty Island Ferry. Located on the west side of Battery Park, the American Merchant Mariners’ Memorial is a haunting tribute to commercial seamen who lost their lives, for whatever reason, on the water. The memorial, designed by artist Marisol, was based on a true event during World War II, in which a Nazi U-boat attacked an American merchant marine vessel. As you can see above, two men are desperately crying for help while a third tries to pull a victim from the water. There is an unbelievable desperation in the piece, as the man struggles, veins practically bursting out of his arm, to grab hold of the seaman above and salvation as the merciless ocean tries to drag him down.
Plier, déplier : Simon Hantaï, un portrait - Création Radiophonique par Christian Rosset réalisation Gaël Gillon "Tabulas", vue de salle exposition Simon Hantaï © Adagp Paris 2013 photo Hervé Véronèse, Centre Pompidou Simon Hantaï, né à Bia (Hongrie) en 1922, s’installe à Paris à l’automne 1948. Depuis ce retrait, quelques accrochages ponctuels, mais nulle rétrospective de l’œuvre prise dans sa totalité. Dans la résonance de la mort de Simon Hantaï, Dominique Fourcade a écrit (dans Manque, POL) : “À Meun, il y avait une théière ébréchée qui enregistrait non seulement les thés, mais toutes les conversations. "Peinture (Écriture rose)" et "À Galla Placidia", vue de salle exposition Simon Hantai © Adagp Paris 2013 photo Hervé Véronèse, Centre Pompidou Portrait du peintre Simon Hantai vers 1970 © photo Edouard Boubat, Rapho Avec Les commissaires de l’exposition Simon Hantaï au Centre Pompidou : Dominique Fourcade (écrivain ; Sans lasso et sans flash ; Manque, POL), Isabelle Monod-Fontaine et Alfred Pacquement.
Designers Spin Spidey-Worthy Webs From Packing Tape Packing tape has gotten MacGyver out of many a jam, but he never managed to make an entire home out of the stuff. So he could probably learn something from Viennese/Croatian design collective For Use/Numen. The team uses nothing but packing tape to create huge, self-supporting cocoons that visitors could climb inside and explore. Installed three times in the past year, the next deployment will be next week from June 9–13 at DMY Berlin's International Design Fair, which is now in its 8th year. The installations, which look like the work of horrifyingly large arachnids, grew in scale and scope as the year progressed, first deployed inside a small Croatian gallery, then an abandoned attic during October’s Vienna Design Week. At the last installation inside Odeon, a former stock exchange building in Vienna, the group used nearly 117,000 feet and 100 pounds of tape.
pli Partie repliée sur elle-même d'une étoffe, d'un papier, etc., et formant une double épaisseur : Les plis d'un éventail. Chacune des ondulations d'un tissu non tendu : Arranger les plis d'une draperie. Marque qui reste à l'endroit où un objet a été plié : Découper le papier selon le pli. Endroit de la peau formant une sorte de repli, marquant, creusant un sillon : Les plis des cuisses potelées d'un bébé. Extraordinary Sculptures by Jin Young Yu Extraordinary Sculptures by Jin Young Yu 2009 October 1st 0 Comments When I first saw the first image I thought it was a digital painting using some technique to give it the transparent look, but these are actually real life transparent sculptures. These extraordinary sculptures were made by Korean artist Jin Young Yu. To see more of Jin Young Yu’s work click here. You can read an interview with the artist here. Share this post with your friends in your favorite social network: More Posts from Pixelelement: You must be logged in to post a comment. Search Follow Us Random Post Brand New Rod Hunt Illustration Website Launched Excellent Illustrations by Janine Rewell Trona - 24 Original Online Animation Episodes Very Realistic 3D Dinosaur Video Animation by Pantural Categories Archives Patterns by DinPattern.comYou're reading - pixelelement.net“Simply Ornate” theme brought to you by Evan Eckard.
Jérémy Gobé Laine tricotée et bois. en partenariat avec l'atelier Maille Emma. Dimensions variables Exposition collectives Avec motifs apparents CENTQUATRE-Paris Carte Blanche Centre St Cyprien, Toulouse © Lyes Hamadouche © Marc Domage Installation - 2 ÉTUDE GRAPHIQUECrayon sur papier50*65 cm Mind Blowing Hyperrealistic Sculptures Artists that produce photorealistic sculptures, for the most part, aim to show us our bodies and life as it really is. Technically, artists who strive for a high resolution level of detail in painting or sculpture are called “hyperrealists”, although all hyperrealists are also considered to be photorealists. Every detail is slavishly recreated as close to the real life model as possible, even if the sculpture is larger than the original scale. Photorealistic sculptors create truly amazing sculptures that will make you feel wonder, revulsion and the sense of looking in someone else’s mirror. In this post we feature sculptors Ron Mueck, Evan Penny, Jamie Salmon, Duane Hanson, Sam Jinks and Adam Beane who produce sculpture that seems alive in every detail, right down to veins and rashes on skin. Ron Mueck Ron Mueck is one of the premier names in the photorealistic sculpture field. Evan Penny Age spots, wrinkles, and every detail of a face are featured in the work of Toronto artist Evan Penny.