The Hollywood Assistants Handbook Idol's Eye staring Robert De Niro to film in Chicago Here's a final item out of the recently concluded Cannes Film Festival, this one a Chicago crime story to be told by a highly regarded French director. Earlier this year Robert Pattinson of the "Twilight" franchise began talking about playing the lead in the forthcoming true-crime drama "Idol's Eye," to be filmed here and in Toronto beginning in the fall. Based on Hillel Levin's 2007 Playboy feature "Boosting the Big Tuna," it's about the grisly murders of a group of burglars who, in 1978, made the fatal mistake of stealing a 70-carat diamond from organized crime kingpin Tony "Big Tuna" Accardo. This week the casting news trended upward, with confirmation that Robert De Niro would be joining the cast. The director is Olivier Assayas, who has made films in several languages, including English, and whose works range in style and genre, from the Chekhovian "Summer Hours" to the two-part, five-hour terrorism mosaic "Carlos," about Carlos the Jackal (real name: Ilich Ramirez Sanchez).
GAC-SiGC Movie Speak enviedecrire.com | conseils d'écriture et coulisses de l'édition Terra i Sang . A medieval story (catalan) How to Write a Screenplay: A Guide to Screenwriting By Mario O. Moreno and Kay Tuxford It's easy to feel intimidated by the thought of writing a screenplay. The rules! The formatting! The binding! Combine that with the right screenwriting software, books and supplies, and you'll be ready to type FADE IN before you know it. Sample Screenplay Page Recommended Screenwriting Software for Writing a Screenplay What is a Screenplay? In the most basic terms, a screenplay is a 90-120 page document written in Courier 12pt font on 8 1/2" x 11" bright white three-hole punched paper. A screenplay can be an original piece, or based on a true story or previously written piece, like a novel, stage play or newspaper article. For example, it's crucial to remember that film is primarily a visual medium. The First Page of a Screenplay The top, bottom and right margins of a screenplay are 1". The very first item on the first page should be the words FADE IN:. Screenplay Elements Scene HeadingIndent: Left: 0.0" Right: 0.0" Width: 6.0" Example: EXT. Spec Script vs.
GENEFIC le site pour écrire des histoires. Interactive Drama | Justin Gibbs Interactive drama story has a long history and like most things, it sounds easy in principle but proves difficult in practice. Just trying to define it can prove difficult. It’s a fairly undefined and unproven thing, which makes it a lot of fun to think about, and attempt to build. Frustrating and humbling, too, of course.- Andrew Stern A lot of people refer to interactive drama as interactive story, Andrew included. interactive story - A form of real-time storytelling that reacts to input from the player within a rich environment. Almost any video game would fall under this definition. That is what makes drama and that’s what I want to make interactive, hence the term interactive drama. Another way to look at it is to lay things out on a spectrum. No one has yet been able to crack it If we add more names to the spectrum we would quickly see the game end fill up while the right would barely grow. It helps to first get our bearings and that starts with the classic narrative story. True agency