Related: Climate Change
Saul Griffith: Climate Change Recalculated Good evening. How are we for signal, very good, I am Stewart Brand from the Long Now Foundation. You maybe wonder what this Twitter thing is about. This data, it turns out is helpful helpful for funders of Long Now and of these talks. They could find out what the sort of watershed of people that feeds into this of event is. How many people have been the one of these before? Effects of Global Warming Water Crisis Hitting Food, Energy – And Everything Else Advancing Deserts, Africa, Development & Aid, Energy, Environment, Featured, Food & Agriculture, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Natural Resources, Peace, Poverty & MDGs, Reframing Rio, United Nations, Water & Sanitation, World - How much water does it take to turn on a light? It took 10,000 litres to make your jeans. Another three big bathtubs of water was needed for your two-eggs-toast-coffee breakfast this morning. Piped water has made life easier for this Laotian boy, who no longer has to help his parents fetch water from afar. We are surrounded by an unseen world of water: furniture, houses, cars, roads, buildings – practically everything we use and make needs water. “There is no way to generate energy without water,” said Zafar Adeel, co-chair of the UN-Water Task Force on Water Security and director of the Institute for Water, Environment and Health in Canada. Even solar panels need regular washing to perform well.
The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media | Connecting scientists, journalists, and communicators World Meteorological Organization Extranet | www.wmo.int Redefining development: a new role for foundations | . Jay Naidoo 15 August 2012 www.alliancemagazine.org I have participated in endless conferences about the business of development. I think back to our struggle against apartheid in the 1970s. We were triumphant but unrelenting repression smashed our fledgling aspirations. The emphasis on supply-side innovation and business models fails to understand or locate the role of the people. Ten years of working at a global level has shown me the fault lines in the modern system of development assistance. Worse still, recipients desperate for financial support take donor aid knowing that the chances of programme success are minimal. In third-wave democracies in sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe, democratic transition has tended to worsen inequality and corruption and has failed to redress the very factors that brought it about. Then we are confronted by the caricature of a constant stream of celebrities to countries in the South to ‘raise awareness’ about social issues.
Carbon Visuals: Home Observatoire national sur les effets du réchauffement climatique – ONERC | Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Énergie et de la Mer Rapports « Le climat de la France au XXIe siècle » Le ministère en charge de l’Environnement a sollicité, en 2010, l’expertise de la communauté française des sciences du climat afin de produire une évaluation scientifique des conditions climatiques de la France au XXIe siècle. Jean Jouzel a été chargé de diriger cette expertise, réalisée par des chercheurs du CNRS/INSU/IPSL et LGGE, de Météo-France, du BRGM, du CEA, du CETMEF et du CNES. La série « Le climat de la France au XXIe siècle » rassemble les résultats de ces travaux. Elle fournit les indices climatiques de référence qui doivent servir de base à l’élaboration des mesures d’adaptation au changement climatique. Cet outil est indispensable aux nombreux acteurs de l’adaptation que sont, notamment, les collectivités locales, le secteur économique public et privé, les associations, les services de l’État. Cette action a bénéficié du soutien financier du ministère en charge de l’Environnement.
sspp.proquest.com/archives/vol8iss2/1012-067.pearce.html Abstract: The task of providing for basic human necessities such as food, water, shelter, and employment is growing as the world’s population continues to expand amid climate destabilization. One of the greatest challenges to development and innovation is access to relevant knowledge for quick technological dissemination. However, with the rise and application of advanced information technologies there is a great opportunity for knowledge building, community interaction, innovation, and collaboration using various online platforms. This article examines the potential of a novel model to enable innovation for collaborative enterprise, learning, and appropriate technology development on a global scale. Keyword: innovations, technology transfer, developing countries, databases, experiential education, Intranet Citation: Pearce J., Albritton S., Grant G., Steed G., & Zelenika I. 2012. Introduction Examples of Community-Knowledge Building Using Information and Communication Technologies M.S.
The Climate Group Tech Trends 2013 | The Elements of Postdigital Download full report Select chapters to download View all videos Deloitte’s annual Technology Trends report examines the ever-evolving landscape of technology put to practical business use. This year’s theme, Elements of postdigital, looks more deeply into the five forces of postdigital enterprise that we introduced last year: analytics, mobile, social, cloud and cyber. We invite you to view the brief three-minute overview video, and explore each of the 10 trends through the links below. Our 2013 trends are grouped into two categories: Disruptors are opportunities that can create sustainable positive disruption in IT capabilities, business operations, and sometimes even business models. Enablers are technologies in which many CIOs have already invested time and effort, but which warrant another look because of new developments or opportunities. Each of the 2013 trends is relevant today.
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