8 Great Free Digital Presentation Tools For Teachers To Try This Summer A mix of web apps that can help you make presentations that are fun, eye catching, and engaging (great for students too)! In this month's free online workshop, we're learning about the wonderful variety of free digital presentation tools available on the Internet today, and ways we might use them in our classroom. For the last assignment, I want to let participants select from a list of applications we haven't tried yet. I've been searching out new ones, as well as revisiting tools I've used before or known about, and I've listed a handful here. This interactive image is an example of a Glogster “poster” I tossed together in about 25 minutes, without any previous knowledge of using the tool. Note the different functionality for video and images – click an image to see it zoom and straighten for a better view, and the videos clips actually play! If there are other free digital presentation tools that you like to use, please comment and let us know about them!
HippoCampus About ARVS About ARVS As a virtual public school program, the Arkansas Virtual School (ARVS) makes it easy for you to get actively involved in your children's education. With the help of teachers, parents guide their children's education using comprehensive educational materials provided by ARVS in conjunction with K12 Inc., our school's curriculum supplier. When you enroll in ARVS, you receive everything you need* for an excellent education: K12® Curriculum – Comprehensive curriculum for grades K–8, based on proven learning methods and traditional academic content and accessed via the Internet Computer – A computer system with printer, loaned from the school, and reimbursement for an Internet connection Materials – Instructional materials including textbooks, workbooks, manipulatives, art supplies, maps, science equipment, music CDs, and more * List of provided equipment, materials, and supplies is subject to change without notice.
Google Sites Now Open to Public Google today announced the widespread availability of the new Google Sites app. Launched back in February, the site was initially limited to use by companies and organizations. Integrated into Google Apps, Sites gives users the ability to create Web pages that can be securely hosted by Google at The new app lets you create Web pages "from scratch with the click of a button," according to Google. Also like Docs, Sites gives editors a variety of privacy levels, making sites created with the app vieawable only by those who have been given access. Google suggests a wide variety of projects that can be created using the new program, including, team projects, company intranets, community groups, classrooms, clubs, and family updates.
Free Online MIT Course Materials for High School | Highlights for High School Online High School | Online Middle School | Grades K-12 | Florida Virtual School What is FLVS? We're glad you asked! Florida Virtual School is a public school but, as you can probably tell, we're not just any public school. We're online. This means no matter where you live you can access more than 120 courses, from Geometry to AP Art History and everything in between. Just getting started with online learning? How is FLVS Free? Yes, FREE. From core courses to electives, you're sure to find something that's right for you in our course catalog. Courses There's more to taking an FLVS course than clicking through a few screens. For more information or to browse our full course catalog, click here. myFLVS Log in, join and connect—myFLVS is where it happens. Visit myFLVS and see what other Florida Virtual School students are up to right now.
Daily Herald | Teens say e-mail just doesn't cut it Kate Leipprandt recalls her first glimpse of the future of teens' communication. "My daughter texted me, and I thought, 'Well, what's this?'" said the Arlington Heights mother of two. "Then I got the bill and I said, 'We're not doing this anymore.'" As it turns out, however, the family is doing it. But what about e-mail, which not only is more familiar to most parents but also remains the primary form of communication in office settings? It's not that suburban teens never use e-mail. "In one of my classes, my teacher will let you turn a paper in by 9 o'clock at night and it'll count as credit for that day," explained John Hersey High School freshman Ali Manno, "so you can e-mail him the project when you're at home." Other teens confirm that they utilize e-mail only for what they identify as business purposes, when they're dealing with adults or no other mode of communication makes sense. 'Wherever I go' That ubiquitous presence, Leipprandt realized, could work to her advantage. About what?
MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. Although there has been access to free online courses on the Internet for years, the quality and quantity of courses has changed. Access to free courses has allowed students to obtain a level of education that many only could dream of in the past. This has changed the face of education. In The New York Times article Instruction for Masses Knocked Down Campus Walls, author Tamar Lewin stated, “in the past few months hundreds of thousands of motivated students around the world who lack access to elite universities have been embracing them as a path toward sophisticated skills and high-paying jobs, without paying tuition or collecting a college degree.” Although MOOCs are the latest trend, not everyone agrees that schools should offer them. There may also be some issues for students who lack motivation. For those who desire a free education and have the motivation, the following includes the: Top 10 Sites for Information about MOOCs:
Georgia Virtual School > Home Animoto: Turn Photos into Video, Free What's the best way to send your photos to friends? For most people, it's email, pure and simple. There are alternative methods. though, and this one is very cool (and free... I'm all about free): Animoto. Using Animoto's browser-driven interface, you upload 10 to 15 photos, choose some music (theirs or yours) and wait. In a few minutes, your boring photos have been magically transformed into a 30-second snappy video, which rocks! "The heart of Animoto is its Cinematic Artificial Intelligence technology that thinks like an actual director and editor," says the company. The 30-second limit actually works in your favor. Here's a little Animoto video I plan on exhibiting at Cannes next year: Post by Geoff Fox
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