Related: Groupes & listes de femmes
SIEFAR - Accueil 14 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Margaret Atwood Liste des femmes sur le Heritage Floor de The Dinner Party Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cette liste recense les femmes mentionnées sur The Dinner Party, une installation artistique de Judy Chicago. The Dinner Party, réalisée entre 1974 et 1979, comprend les noms de 1 038 personnalités féminines, mythiques ou historiques[1]. 39 de ces noms sont brodés sur un set de table, installé sur une table triangulaire, divisée en trois ailes. Aile I[modifier | modifier le code] Déesse primordiale[modifier | modifier le code] Partie centrale d'une grande mosaïque de sol provenant d'une villa romaine de Sentinum (actuelle Sassoferrato en Marche), v. 200-250 ap. Déesse primordiale (Primordial Goddess) ; Déesse mère, représentant la maternité, la fertilité, la création, la Terre. Déesse de la fertilité[modifier | modifier le code] Déesse de la fertilité (Fertile Goddess) ; déesse associée à la fertilité, la grossesse, la naissance, parfois au sexe et à l'amour. Ishtar[modifier | modifier le code] Kali[modifier | modifier le code]
John Petrie's Collection of Thomas Jefferson Quotes Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now. I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it. “Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it. The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him. I am not a friend to a very energetic government. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
The Dinner Party Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Description[modifier | modifier le code] La table comprend 39 places pour autant de femmes. Elle repose sur un socle, appelé « plancher de l'Héritage » (Heritage Floor), triangle équilatéral composé de 2 300 plaquettes de porcelaine sur lesquelles figurent les noms de 999 femmes mythiques et historiques associées aux 39 convives suivantes[1] : Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Réalisation[modifier | modifier le code] Judy Chicago réalise The Dinner Party entre 1974 et 1979, avec l'assistance de plusieurs bénévoles, dans le but de « mettre fin au cycle continuel d'omissions par lequel les femmes sont absentes des archives de l'Histoire »[2]. L'œuvre est conservée au Brooklyn Museum de New York, aux États-Unis[3]. Réaction[modifier | modifier le code] Premières réactions des critiques (1980-1981)[modifier | modifier le code] The Dinner Party a provoqué diverses réactions. Réactions postérieures[modifier | modifier le code]
Getting the facts straight about the Founding Fathers Invoking the Founding Fathers on Independence Day to celebrate our nation’s birth is a fine thing to do. Invoking them to score political points? Watch out. Take, for example, a Facebook post about Benjamin Franklin that circulated in May, a post that was actually aimed at making fun of tea party favorite Rep. It’s not just claims on social media. Talking about the First Amendment, radio host Bryan Fischer of American Family Radio said that "by the word ‘religion’ in the First Amendment, the founders meant Christianity." Our research and interviews with historians showed that the Founding Fathers pretty clearly meant all religion. On the other side of the political aisle, Keith Olbermann -- at the time a commentator on the liberal network MSNBC -- said that Adams as president signed the Treaty of Tripoli as an "outreach to Muslims." On the Second Amendment, we’ve looked into comments from U.S. Quite a few people have made claims about Washington’s commitment to Christianity.
Les aventures d'Euterpe Radicalizing Cathedrals Way Before Pussy Riot: Meet The Top 10 Feminist Saints (Disclaimer: I’m atheist-ish, but my mom is Catholic and I was baptized Lutheran, so I’ve got that going for me.) Since Pope Francis was inaugurated in March, he’s been up to a lot of liberal shenanigans. He thinks homophobia and debates over abortion are a waste of time and is showing by example how love and humility are at the core of what it means to be Christian, from washing the feet of women to turning down the papal apartment. But long before the current pope shocked the world by not being a terrible person, there have been saints who exemplified what it means to be a good Christian. (listed in chronological order) 1. While many female saints are celebrated simply for their virginity, Mary’s case is a bit more interesting. “I’m the queen of heaven, nbd.” from the Ghent Altarpiece by Hubert van Eyck 2. 3. Wanting to avoid marriage, Apollinaria was allowed to go on a pilgrimage instead. 4. 5. 6. Catherine, you’re probably going to want a mirror to do that. 7. 8. 9. 10.
10 intriguing female revolutionaries that you didn’t learn about in History class We all know male revolutionaries like Che Guevara, but history often tends to gloss over the contributions of female revolutionaries that have sacrificed their time, efforts, and lives to work towards burgeoning systems and ideologies. Despite misconceptions, there are tons of women that have participated in revolutions throughout history, with many of them playing crucial roles. They may come from different points on the political spectrum, with some armed with weapons and some armed with nothing but a pen, but all fought hard for something that they believed in. Let’s take a look at 10 of these female revolutionaries from all over the world that you probably won’t ever see plastered across a college student’s T-shirt. Nadezhda Krupskaya Many people know Nadezhda Krupskaya simply as Vladimir Lenin’s wife, but Nadezhda was a Bolshevik revolutionary and politician in her own right. Constance Markievicz Petra Herrera Nwanyeruwa Lakshmi Sehgal Sophie Scholl Blanca Canales Celia Sanchez
15 Trailblazing Women and How They Made the Internet | Autostraddle Another day in the world, another diversity report from a tech company that is overwhelmingly not diverse. In fact, women only make up 12% of computer science graduates in 2012, a massive decline from 37% in 1985. Reasons for this trend abound, but I think a small part of it is the historical erasure and downplaying of outstanding women in the field. To fill that niche and rectify the past a little, I’ve assembled this list of 15 pioneering women in the history of computer science and early web. 1. The original programmer. 2. In 1945, the Army agreed to fund an experiment to build the first all-electronic digital computer (as opposed electromechanical machines or machines programmed with punched tape). 3. Grace Hopper was a goddamn American hero, and that’s before she created the first code compiler that took computers beyond mathematic calculations (which people at the time told her was pointless because computers were only for numbers or whatever), just like Ada Lovelace envisioned.
Photographer Captures 100 Female Artists In Their Homes And Studios A great portrait is more than just a frozen reflection of the subject's appearance. It's a chance moment, blanketed in natural light, in which the subject's authentic self is visible in her expression, her stance, her aura. A great portrait blurs the line between a subject and her surroundings, all contributing equally to the overall impression of a singular human being. Photographer Barbara Yoshida captured not one great portrait, but 100. Louise Bourgeois, 1911-2010. Beginning in 1990, the Portland-born photographer began documenting female artists, ranging from well-known art stars to emerging newcomers, those working in feminist performance, biomorphic sculpture, found object assemblage and West African textiles. With each woman, Yoshida would engage in conversation with the artist, discussing details and memories of her life and work. Hannah Wilke, 1940-1993 Copyright ©Barbara Yoshida. Copyright ©Barbara Yoshida.
LES FEMMES DE LA BEAT GENERATION ET LA POESIE / par Jacqueline STARER. | éditions d’écarts Elise Cowen, Diane di Prima, Joyce Johnson, Hettie Jones, Lenore Kandel, Eileen Kaufman, Joanne Kyger, Joanna McClure, Nancy Peters, Janine Pommy Vega, Anne Waldman, Helen Weaver, ruth weiss et les autres… « L’importance littéraire du mouvement beat n’est peut-être pas aussi évidente que son importance sociologique » disait Burroughs. En va-t-il de même des femmes que l’on peut qualifier de beat parce qu’elles avaient la même philosophie de la vie, ont vécu et écrit selon les cas plus ou moins silencieusement près des écrivains de la Beat Generation, ou après eux, s’imposant alors de leur propre voix, de manière tout à fait audible ? Les hommes de la Beat Generation, poètes et prosateurs, appartenaient essentiellement aux années 50 et 60 même si leur influence était encore forte dans les années 70 et, pour ce qui concerne les années 50, il serait difficile de nier qu’y régnait une réelle misogynie, même si ce terme doit être un peu nuancé.
Women who changed the world •Biography Online A list of famous influential women, including women’s rights activists, poets, musicians, politicians, humanitarians and scientists. Sappho (circa 570 BCE) One of the first known female writers. Much of her poetry has been lost but her immense reputation has remained. Plato referred to Sappho as one of the great 10 poets. Cleopatra (69 BCE–30 BCE) The last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt. Cleopatra sought to defend Egypt from the expanding Roman Empire. Mary Magdalene (4 BCE–40BCE) Accounts from the Gospels and other sources suggest Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ most devoted followers. Boudicca (1st Century CE) Boudicca was an inspirational leader of the Britons. Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179) Mystic, author and composer. Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122–1204) The first Queen of France. Joan of Arc (1412–1431) The patron saint of France, Joan of Arc inspired a French revolt against the occupation of the English. Mirabai (1498–1565) Indian mystic and poet. Susan B. Queen Elizabeth II Related pages: