Spin Works 2.2 Turn text files into school worksheets - English Software
Dual WIN/MAC CD SpinWorks turns any text file into worksheets - quickly, easily - in seconds! SpinWorks is an easy-to-use way of producing individualised worksheets for students who have specific literacy needs. Have you ever wanted to produce language worksheets for an individual student based on a special piece of text - a story that's on a CD, or perhaps a piece of their own work?
Free Online Clock for Your Website or Blog! Get Flash Clock or Time Banner for Your Site!
Free Online Clock World Time Clock & Map Now you can get FREE online clock for your web site in 3 easy steps: 1. Choose the clock you want to put on your site and configure its size, color and time format. We have developed four different online clocks for you to choose from: simple digital clock, Flash analog clock, Flash digital clock and Time Banner. 2.
3 Tips for Professional Looking PowerPoint Slides
PowerPoint slides have long been an essential component of most business meetings and professional presentations, and for almost as long as people have been using PowerPoint for these functions, they have been searching for fresh ways to make their slides more engaging and eye catching. In an effort to spice up their presentations, however, many business people fall victim to the over-cluttered slide…or the chaotic image collage slide, or worst of all, one of those slides that has so much going on that no one quite knows where to focus their attention. Well fear not, we can help you avoid the pitfalls of PowerPoint “over design” with these three simple PowerPoint tips for more professional slides.
14 Websites To Find Free Creative Commons Music
We’ve introduced you to a variety of quality image sites where you can find Creative Commons images, but the Creative Commons license goes far beyond just images. Different types of content are licensed online using Creative Commons — videos, music, and even blog content. You’ll find plenty of it online to share, remix and use commercially.
TimeStretch Audio Player - 29a.ch
Offline mode enabled. You can use this application while offline. TimeStretch Player is a free online audio player that allows you to loop, speed up, slow down and pitch shift sections of an audio file. This makes it a great tool for practicing or transcribing music. It is developed by Jonas Wagner.
20 Ways To Provide Effective Feedback For Learning -
20 Ways To Provide Effective Feedback For Learning by Laura Reynolds While assessment gets all the press, it is feedback for learning that can transform a student’s learning.
How to Link to a Specific Line or Paragraph on a Web Page Using HTML
Tips on how to use HTML to point to the exact location on a web page by Christopher Heng, thesitewizard.com Linking to another page on the Internet is pretty much a standard part of designing a website, so much so that it is included as a basic skill in any course on creating a website.
10 Royalty Free Music Sites Every Online Video Creator Should Know
Finding free, legal music for your online videos can be difficult. As an online video creator you want the perfect soundtrack for your video masterpieces, but you also want to make sure that you don’t break any copyright laws. After all, there’s nothing more frustrating then working hard on a video only to have YouTube take it down because of a music copyright violation. Luckily there are some great sources online where you can find the perfect music for your video project.
Search for Words by Sound with the SoundFinder Tool
LessonPix.com Home About Us Tutorials Articles Pricing & Benefits Tips & Ideas Blog Request a Picture Try it Now! Find words with... Any word that contains your target sounds: Image Type
5 Heutagogical Tips to Empower Lifelong Learners Online
5 Heutagogical Tips to Empower Lifelong Learners Online Prior to joining the marketing team at SchoolKeep, I worked as an educational program manager for an experiential learning company. As the company grew, I was forced to take on new, intimidating marketing tasks. I realized I had quite a bit to learn. Instead of going back to school for a marketing degree, however, I found HubSpot’s blog, which led to their Academy, and then of course to Inbound.org.
Tumblr Tag Clouds
Paste this code into your theme html What is this? This is a tag cloud generator for Tumblr. It uses the Tumblr API to generate a tag cloud each time your site is accessed.