Free Photo Editing Software (Photo Editor) Download MediaLiteracy.com -- Gateway Site for Media Literacy Education Inside Search iLearn Technology Inkscape. Draw Freely. Edtech541 web page Glogster: Intellectual Freedom: Art, Music, & PE In today’s global society, cultural acceptance is key to preventing censorship by protecting intellectual freedom rights to include freedom of ideas, freedom of speech, and the freedom to seek information. This activity will allow students to learn about the arts from other cultures and help them understand the need for tolerance in our diverse world. After exploring all resources linked to Glogster: Intellectual Freedom: Select three countries you would like to research further from the “Three countries You Ought to Know About” videos.Create your own Glog with information about your three countries.Include at least one link to resources representing: art, music, and dance or sports for each of your three countries.Add at least one audio or video for each country.Your Glog will include at least nine links with one link for each country representing art, music, and dance or sports. Lesson Plan for TimeToast and Google Map Banned Book List 2010
Breaking news, latest news, and current events - breakingnews.com Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog home 10 Life Lessons From A Navy Seal. I Will Always Remember #4. Naval Admiral William H. McRaven returned to his alma mater last week and spoke to the graduates with lessons he learned from his basic SEAL training. Here’s his amazing Commencement Address at University of Texas at Austin 2014 from Business Insider. The University’s slogan is,“What starts here changes the world.”I have to admit—I kinda like it. Watch the video. Share this with your friends and family by clicking the button below.
AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Skip to main content ALA User Menu Search form A Division of the American Library Association You are at: ALA.org » AASL » Learning Standards & Program Guidelines » Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Share this page: Share on Facebook Share on Google+ Share on Pinterest Print Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Standards for the 21st-Century Learner offer vision for teaching and learning to both guide and beckon our profession as education leaders. Rights and permission on the use of the learning standards. Downloading & Ordering You can download the Learning Standards as an eight-page full-color pamphlet: You can also purchase the learning standards in packets of 12 from the ALA Online Store. Prices are $13.50 for members; $14.95 for non-members. *This publication complements the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action and Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs. © 1996–2015 American Library Association
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