Basecamp is everyone’s favorite project management app. Arrêter de fumer - Méthode douce Date : Jeudi 4 février 2016 De : Mike Fink Cher Fumeur, Mike FinkMaster en Psychologie de Yale University Vous avez essayé d'arrêter de fumer plusieurs fois. Puis vous avez senti le manque et vous avez été obsédé par la cigarette. Vous êtes peut-être devenu irritable et nerveux avec votre entourage. Voir des gens fumer autour de vous vous donnait encore plus envie de fumer. Vous avez mis des patchs ou mâché des chewing-gums de nicotine, mais cela n'a pas enlevé votre envie de fumer et votre obsession de la cigarette. Les médicaments n'ont pas marché ou alors que de façon temporaire et vous vous êtes peut-être senti très mal à cause des effets secondaires. Alors vous avez craqué et repris une cigarette en vous sentant coupable et en désespérant de ne pas avoir de volonté… Les peurs que vous avez d'arrêter de fumer Peur de devoir renoncer à votre béquille ou à votre plaisir. Toutes ces peurs ne sont que des exemples d'une plus grande peur. Peur que cela soit difficile et douloureux ! 1. 2. 2. 3.
researchers build Quad HD TV chip It took only a few years for high-definition televisions to make the transition from high-priced novelty to ubiquitous commodity — and they now seem to be heading for obsolescence just as quickly. At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January, several manufacturers debuted new ultrahigh-definition, or UHD, models (also known as 4K or Quad HD) with four times the resolution of today’s HD TVs. In addition to screens with four times the pixels, however, UHD also requires a new video-coding standard, known as high-efficiency video coding, or HEVC. Also at CES, Broadcom announced the first commercial HEVC chip, which it said will go into volume production in mid-2014. At the International Solid-State Circuits Conference this week, MIT researchers unveiled their own HEVC chip. The researchers’ design was executed by the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, through its University Shuttle Program, and Texas Instruments (TI) funded the chip's development. In the pipeline Fine-tuning
DIY Project: Floral Garland Mirror Materials: mirror or frameblack acid-free papercraft glue or PVAwirescissorspliers and wire cutterstaple gunspray finish, matte or glossyoptional: black paint and paintbrush for frame Steps: 1. If it is necessary to paint your frame, remove the mirror, apply black paint, and seal with the spray finish according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When dry, return the mirror to the frame. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. www.FOURCC.org - Video Codecs and Pixel Formats 10 Things you Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do | The Gentlemans Journal | The latest in style and grooming, food and drink, business, lifestyle, culture, sports, restaurants, nightlife, travel and power. Ah the iPhone. A wonderful piece of technology that has made it come to be that no one can go 10 minutes without checking them and needs them permanently attached to their hip. Yet, despite us all being obsessed with our iPhones, we really don’t know all they can do very well at all. Here are 10 things might not know about what your iPhone can do. Take a Burst of Photos at Once Hold down the shutter and it will take lost of photos in quick succession.The Power of Airplane Mode Put your phone in airplane mode and it will charge at double the speed! If you type something you want to delete, just shake your iPhone and it will come up with a message to undo typing. If you press and hold on the screen for a second when taking the photo, a yellow icon that reads “AE/AF Lock” will show. It you ask Siri to read your emails to you, she of course will announcing the sender, the date/time of the message and the subject line.Enter your Own Shortcuts
What to eat before, during and after the London Marathon - Women's Health © Shutterstock It has finally arrived; the London marathon is back for another year! You've been training hard and eating right for weeks, so now is the time to ensure that all your hard work doesn't go to waste. Before your run The days before the marathon is the time to focus more on your carbohydrate intake, increasing it by about 10% to ensure you have a productive and successful run at an endurance-testing event like the London marathon. A few hours before your run, have a balanced but light meal that includes some, but not too many, fibres (fibres could cause stomach problems during your race, so be careful with that) such as oatmeal, a chicken sandwich or whole-grain cereal. During your run During the run, you want to stay focused on drinking fluids with a good percentage of carbohydrates, glucose and sodium to keep your blood sugar levels up. After your run You did it - congratulations! Lovisa Nilsson is an experienced runner who runs 10km in an impressive 44 minutes.
You are one? You are alone? You are by yourself? - The scenic route back to Kathmandu with my imaginary friends.... Advertisement "Yes, yes, yes I know, I'm a billy no mates and have no friends", is what I felt like saying after the 6th person in two hours spoke or gestured, combined usually with a look of concern or confusion, to ask whether I was on my own. I was beginning to get the feeling that in everyday Nepal, ie. outside of the tourist bubble I'd been living in, perhaps women didn't travel on their own.... I was staying in Bandipur, some three hours from Pokhara, having decided to take the scenic route back to Kathmandu. The next morning I was in a taxi to the local bus station (again less 'station', more random roadside... The guide book described Bandipur as a quiet hillside town so I was quite perturbed walking along the main street looking for somewhere to stay to find that almost every building was a hotel, guest house or had rooms. a sweet older couple and actually despite my initial reservations I loved it here. The next day I went on a wall out to the small There are more photos below
Kieron Donoghue’s blog – here.org.uk | Kieron Donoghue's Blog Music Thing Microsiervos Oddity Central - Weird Places, Odd Events, Bizarre News, Strange People and A Lot More The Hilarious Adventures Of Vladimir Putin 1. Forumla 1 Putin 2. Sporting Pro Putin 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 45,000M Butterfly Stroke Putin 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. You really do have to hand it to Russian Prime Minister (and former KGB Member) Vladimir Putin & his insatiable thirst for adventure. He is literally everywhere! If he's not driving a formula one car, he's feeding deer, if he's not doing that he'll be whizzing around via snowmobile and if the weather permits he might do a bit of topless hunting in the bush. Thanks to these candid photos taken by Yana Lapikova (the new personal photographer of the man himself) you're about to see another side to one of the most revered, respected and divisive characters in global politics today. Say what you like about his policies, you have to give the man credit - at least he's not like 99% of politicians delivering 30 second sound bytes on the local evening news dressed in a dour soulless suit.