award entry - androp Bell This is an interactive music video game for the song "Bell" by the Japanese band "androp". “Bell” sings about expressing emotions and difficulty in communications. As we listened to this upbeat track, some keywords such as ‘words’ ‘future’ ‘run’ stood out from the lyrics. These words led us to think of a visual experience around the theme of ‘delivering a message’. These days, communications are established so easily using technologies such as mobile phone, email, Twitter, etc. Whenever you hit an enemy, the letters will be swapped out one by one. Mouse: 1〜4 letters Rabbit: 5〜17 letters Dog: 18〜30 letters Horse: 31〜45 letters Rhino: 46〜55 letters Giraffe: 56〜68 letters Elephant: 69〜80 letters The shape of the house at the end changes depending on the number of followers the addressee has. 0~49 followers 50~299 followers 300~2999 followers 3000~9999 followers 10000~ followers 50 days after the site has launched, we have gained total of 150,532 game play.
» 8 People Who Will Ruin Your Party Throwing a party is a lot of work, so it’s a real disappointment when somebody you invited ruins it. Here’s 8 types of people to watch out for before you make your next invite list. 8. Person Who Insists On Cleaning Up Your Party While It’s Still Going On WHERE YOU CAN FIND THEM: Right in front of you, asking if your drink is finished. WHY THEY WILL RUIN YOUR PARTY: Drinking a beer, much like sex, is far less enjoyable when someone is asking you if you’re finished every five minutes. WHERE YOU WILL FIND HIM: Right by the fridge, bro, cause that’s where all the beer is! HOW HE WILL RUIN YOUR PARTY: From the moment this guy shows up, everything he says has an exclamation point at the end of it. 6. WHERE YOU CAN FIND THEM: About two feet to the right of you, standing silently, staring at either you or the person you’re talking to. HOW SHE WILL RUIN YOUR PARTY: The worst part is that this girl isn’t crying because her parents just died or she lost a limb. 4. 3. 2.
Weapon thought... 10 Most Awesome Tree Houses Too High Teahouse Completed in Spring, 2004, Terunobu Fujimori, a professor of architecture at the University of Tokyo, built his boyhood dream hideaway in Takasugi-an (Chino, Nagano), a teahouse on stilts, in the bottom of his father's garden. So said his father when he saw it: "There goes Terunobu, making something wacky again." World's Largest tree house The halcyon days of our youth where a few 2x4s pounded into an old elm with rusty nails constituted the coolest tree house on the block are not just long dead, but now embarrassingly overshadowed by the richest kid on the street, Lord Northumberland, and his World's Largest tree house. Located on the grounds of Alnwick Gardens just 95 miles south of Edinburgh (and next to the Alnwick Castle, the very one used in the Harry Potter films), this 6,000-square-foot tree house leviathan soars 56 feet above the ground and is connected with 4,000-square-feet of suspended walkways. Nescafé Treehouse Free Spirit Spheres The Dome O2 Treehouse
Area 51 Front Gate Local anchors: White Bus Cameras The road to the front gate is long and dusty, but good enough to travel at the rated speed (45 MPH) most of its length. This view is from route 375 looking down Groom Road. The puffs of smoke are the dust trails from vehicles going down the road. After collecting a quarter inch of dust on your rear bumper, you will eventually arrive at the front gate of Area 51. You can read about the Internal Security Act at and the restrictions against photography at . Warning Signs January 2010 Note the paved (sealed) road at the right side of the photograph. Older winter photograph This photo at the front gate shows that some people can head straight past the warning signs, and some people have to make a U-turn. January 2010 photograph. Animal tracks in the snow (January 2010) OK, OK, just maybe I'm starting to believe those space alien rumors.... Snow on cactus White Bus Cameras
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The 5 Greatest Things Ever Accomplished While High Cracked.com's new book is now on sale. What follows is one of the classic articles that appear in the book, along with 18 new articles that you can't read anywhere else. Any dreadlocked white guys finding this article after Googling "Drugs Rule" should know that we've given this list about drugs a rule. To make the cut, an accomplishment has to be considered great by people who could pass a field sobriety test. So no Grateful Dead music. In fact, because we're masochists, we gave ourselves a strict no music policy, leaving us with ... well, not a whole lot actually. Francis Crick Discovers DNA Thanks to LSD The Accomplishment: For the few Cracked readers not versed in the history of human genetics, Francis Crick is the closest that field gets to a rock star, which is pretty fucking close as it turns out. Above: Science? Odile had no idea what they were celebrating. The Drug: LSD. Drugs? Why It Makes Sense: The double helix is essentially the Sgt. "It's so fucking beautiful." Cocaine. Acid.
Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs - Technology News LAKE WORTH, Fla. —Edgar Mitchell's suburban Lake Worth home is a small shrine to the nine hours and 17 minutes he spent walking on the moon. Because of his experience, Mitchell's recent comments about unidentified flying objects and aliens are getting a lot of attention. "It's incredible to think that we might be the only intelligent, living system in the universe. That's not credible anymore," he told WPBF News 25 Friday. The Apollo 14 veteran said that he believes the U.S. government has been covering-up the truth for more than 50 years. "Military pilots, airline pilots, mostly, from all over the world, for 50 years, have reported these things, but they've quit because they're told to shut up and not talk about it by military and intelligence people," Mitchell said. The 77-year-old said the deception began after the alleged alien landing in Roswell, N.M., in 1947. Ever since, Mitchell claims, the government has been keeping proof of alien life -- and alien visits -- under wraps.
Best Homer Simpson quotes | Best quotes, quotations Bart, with $10,000, we’d be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things like……love! !! I’m normally not a praying man, but if you’re up there, please save me Superman. Maybe, just once, someone will call me ‘Sir’ without adding,”You’re making a scene.” What do we need a psychiatrist for? How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? All my life I’ve had one dream, to achieve my many goals. Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. If The Flintstones has taught us anything, it’s that pelicans can be used to mix cement. Old people don’t need companionship. Operator! If he’s so smart, how come he’s dead? I’m going to the back seat of my car, with the woman I love, and I won’t be back for ten minutes! Did you hear that, Marge? Dear Lord.. Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Related quotes:
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