Voki Don’t have a Voki Classroom account? Easily manage your students' work with class accounts. Manage Students Add and manage your students. Assign students to one or more classes and give them each a unique login. There's no need for students to register! Browse Content by SOL Browse Content by SOL K1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th Kindergarten SOLs English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com English Dictionary The English dictionary is based on WordNet 1.7.1 (Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved). It contains around 150 thousand terms with examples, synonyms, antonyms, and related words. To use the dictionary, you may search using the search box above or you may browse the word listings by letter of the alphabet below: Other Terms
TaskStream Podcasting 101 Podcasting-- the practice of capturing, producing, and disseminating new ideas and information via audio recording-- is "catching on" as an effective method for teaching, learning, and assessment. This session will provide an introduction to the practice of podcasting, examples of how Podcasting is being used in classrooms, a demonstration of how a podcast is created, and access to resources of use to classroom teachers. Presenter Information: Clare Kilbane is an associate professor in educational technology at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. She is a former K-8 teacher and has worked with learners of every grade level in a career spanning over 15 years.
Make a Video Online. GoAnimate Protagonize: collaborative story & creative fiction writing community Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine Urban Dictionary, January 23: fartriloquism Faculty Conversation: Carol Tomlinson on Differentiation » Articles » Curry School of Education In education circles, Carol Ann Tomlinson is known as the guru of differentiation. Her research-based work is in such high demand that she has made more than 700 presentations and keynote addresses to school districts and professional associations across the country and abroad since joining the Curry School in 1991. She has authored 17 books on the topics of differentiated instruction and curriculum, some of which have been translated into twelve languages. In this Curry conversation, Tomlinson offers her take on what makes differentiation so important for students. Carol Tomlinson
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