Guide for Writers: Latin Phrases
It’s a matter of taste and style, but not long ago American writers attempted to demonstrate their credentials to the world by including Latin and French phrases within works. A dash of Latin was expected of the moderately educated throughout the Western world. annus mirabilis - wonderful year arbiter elegantiae - judge of the elegant; one who knows the good things in life bona fides - good faith; credentials
Wireless power for the price of a penny?
The newspaper-style printing of electronic equipment has led to a cost-effective device that could change the way we interact with everyday objects. For a price of just one penny per unit the device, known as a rectenna, which is presented August 10, in IOP Publishing's journal Nanotechnology, can be placed onto objects such as price tags, logos and signage so that we can read product information on our smartphones with one simple swipe. This type of technology, which is known as near-field communication (NFC), has already been implemented to allow fast money transactions; however, this new device could lead the way to large-scale adoption at a low cost. The rectenna, created by researchers from Sunchon National University and Paru Printed Electronics Research Institute, could be implemented onto everyday objects so that they can harness the power given off by the smartphone's radio waves and send information back to it via printed digital circuits.
ABC News: Tornadoes Caused by Military? Recent Events Fuel Conspiracy Theories
+42 more posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:03 AM well... lets see then. We are on the internet 10 to 12 hours a day, we dont read newspapers, dont watch the news, we're crazy, we only get the news from crazy websites... BUT we're extremely well educated.
11 Technologies in Danger of Going Extinct
Intro <p></p><p>It's a common story: The hottest technologies on the market are often upstaged by the next big thing. As new advancements are made, products that once changed our lives are left in the dust and swapped for the new, the shiny and the updated. Here are 11 devices — some you'd expect and some you might not — that are still roaming the streets but facing rapid extinction.</p><p></p> <strong>Fax Machines</strong>
100 Amazing Web Tools for Hobbyist Scholars
Art & Design A student attending a school of art and design must learn how to communicate ideas through visual language. They study contemporary and classic artists, and learn traditional and modern methods of creating art, covering media like paint, sculpture, textiles, or digital design. With solid foundations in drawing, developed discipline and knowledge, students may pursue a variety of careers in graphic design, product design, conceptual art, illustration, and other fields. Read More About Art & Design Subjects -Select a Subject-
With mind-reading speller, free-for-all conversations that are silent and still
Researchers have come up with a device that may enable people who are completely unable to speak or move at all to nevertheless manage unscripted back-and-forth conversation. The key to such silent and still communication is the first real-time, brain-scanning speller, according to the report published online on June 28 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication. The new technology builds on groundbreaking earlier uses of fMRI brain scans to assess consciousness in people described as being in an unconscious, vegetative state and to enable them to answer yes and no questions. fMRI (or functional magnetic resonance imaging) is typically used for clinical and research purposes to track brain activity by measuring blood flow. The new evidence shows that the answer to that thought question is yes.
Dwight Howard pictures: Dwight Howard aids Alabama tornado cleanup
Pro wrestlers no longer with us Former professional wrestler The Ultimate Warrior died Tuesday night at the age of 54, becoming the third pro wrestler to pass away this year. The Ultimate Warrior, who legally changed his name to Warrior but was born Jim Hellwig, joins Big Daddy V... The Ultimate Warrior dead at 54 One of the most iconic and best known wrestlers of the past 25 years The Ultimate Warrior — who legally changed him name to Warrior and was born Jim Hellwig — passed away on Tuesday night. He was 54 years old.
In Which We Reveal The Top CES 2012 Trends Without Breaking Embargoes
CES 2012 is going to be a crapshoot of predictable products. How do we know? Meetings, lots and lots of pre-show meetings.
See Graphic Design Workflow Software In This 5 Minute Digital Vi
GridIron Software is now FileTrek . Click here to learn more . Monitor Your Sensitive Data FileTrek's Worklog Data Collectors capture and analyze your unstructured data in motion.
Has anyone seen an application of this technology yet? by cassius Mar 5