The Book of Jasher Sacred-textsApocrypha Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel Faithfully Translated "Is not this written in the Book of Jasher?"--Joshua, x. 13. This is one of the apochrypal Books of Jasher. There is also another spurious Book of Jasher, published 1750, in which Jasher is treated as the name of the author. This text covers much of the same ground as the traditional Mosaic books of the Bible, from the creation of the world to the death of Moses, albeit with several minor variations. Adam Was Black The Archaeology Channel Video Guide Welcome to our video area! We’ve been offering streaming video since 2000, so by now our video content has grown substantially and comes in a variety of categories. Video Guide List - A complete list of stand-alone video titles. Video Guide Summary - Go here to see the stand-alone video titles displayed with their descriptive information and to select a player option (either Flash or Windows Media Player). Video Guide Map - A world map displaying the locations featured by our stand-alone videos. Video News from TAC - A half-hour video newsmagazine each month bringing you stories from the wide world of archaeology. Video Interviews - Interesting people with interesting things to tell us.
1bread.org Sacred texts What is sacred? How do we extract meaning from sacred texts? Where do religious stories come from? Sacred Stories Open the books in this beautiful interactive to explore twelve stories from six different religions. Understanding Sacred Texts This interactive investigates the Abrahamic scriptures by posing a range of questions to a panel of 'experts': faith leaders, educators, young people, theologians and an atheist philosopher. This interactive, featured in the Sacred exhibition, provides background and contextual information for each of the abrahamic faiths. To access further resources, including videos, podcasts, blogs and online texts, visit the British Library's Sacred Contexts pages. ShareThis
J - Jewish Education & Entertainment (Learn Hebrew, Jewish Games) Nimrod - Who was he? Was he godly or evil? (WebBible™ Encyclopedia) - ChristianAnswers ChristianAnswers.Net WebBible Encyclopedia <div><a href="/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi">Search our site</a></div> by Bible archaeologist Dr. Originally established by Nimrod (Gen. 10:11), and today known as Nimrud, Calah became an important city in Iraq. Nimrod was a very significant man in ancient times, the grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah. This was also part of Nimrod's kingdom (Gen. 10:11). Often attributed to Nimrod, the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:19) was not a Jack and the Beanstalk-type of construction, where people were trying to build a structure to get into heaven. Nimrod revealed The Bible states… Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the Earth. Many consider this to be a positive, complimentary testimony about Nimrod. Cultural Connections in the Ancient Near East Besides the stories of the Creation and Flood in the Bible there ought to be similar stories on clay tablets found in the cultures near and around the true believers. The Gilgamesh Epic
YHWH is El 70 metal books found in Jordan cave could change our view of Biblical history By Fiona Macrae Updated: 19:36 GMT, 30 March 2011 For scholars of faith and history, it is a treasure trove too precious for price. This ancient collection of 70 tiny books, their lead pages bound with wire, could unlock some of the secrets of the earliest days of Christianity. Academics are divided as to their authenticity but say that if verified, they could prove as pivotal as the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. Lines of inquiry: The metal tablets could change our understanding of the Bible On pages not much bigger than a credit card, are images, symbols and words that appear to refer to the Messiah and, possibly even, to the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Adding to the intrigue, many of the books are sealed, prompting academics to speculate they are actually the lost collection of codices mentioned in the Bible’s Book Of Revelation. Initial metallurgical tests indicate that some of the books could date from the first century AD. A 16th century painting depicting Jesus's death.
YHWHYahuahTransliteration study on the Name of the MessiahSabbathMessianicNatsarimIsraelYahushuaLewWhiteFossilizedCustomsTorahNazareneIsraelPaganChristianityKipa The Transliteration of the Name What Is the Hebrew Name for JESUS? It is definitely not "JESUS". For those who want to get to the answer, we'll be skipping the Greek and Latin to find out. A Very Hairy Situation Going backward through languages, "JESUS" becomes "ESAU" in Hebrew! Try to follow the logic here; we're going to use the same logical flow, only in reverse: Whenever we see discussions on the difference between "Yahusha" and "Jesus", it's important to realize it is somewhat like comparing apples with oranges. Many miss that the question is referring to "it", a singular identity for what people mistake to be 2 beings. Our Husband's Name is not Greek, it's Hebrew Also, the one incidence at NekemYah 8:17 is acceptable as an abbreviated form. In 216 of these, the spelling is: yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin: YAHUSHA #1954: HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (HUSHA), rendered in the KJV as “HOSHEA” (Dt. 32:44), and “OSHEA” (Num 13:16). this spelling is found 216 times, rendered in the KJV as “JOSHUA”. יהושע
The 20 Oldest Books of All Time If you were asked to name an old book, you would probably name something by Homer. Perhaps you might think of Beowulf. Someone religiously minded might mention Vedic texts, or perhaps the earliest writings found in the Hebrew Bible. While these literary classics are, indeed, old, a learned library science professional could probably tell you that the earliest books are from the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and the Middle East: Sumerian, Akkadian and Egyptian. The earliest examples of literature that we have date from 2600 BC, during the early Bronze Age. This literature is interesting, and offers a look at the thought process of early civilization. Sumerian No one is exactly sure where the Sumerians came from, but they may have come from Iran or India. Instructions of Shuruppak: Representing what is known as Sumerian wisdom literature, the Instructions of Shuruppak was meant to teach virtue and community standards.Code of Urukagina: This is a book of law. Akkadian Egyptian