Social Media Checklist: Planning for a Very Social New Year by @EleanorPie Spin Sucks
By Eleanor Pierce It’s that time again! Time to start thinking about what kind of pies to make for Thanksgiving! (You don’t do this?
Typinator - the fastest text expander in town
Typinator is the best thing since sliced bread! Michele DeFilippo(Book designer) Typinator is the BEST utility I have purchased in a very long time. I tested a couple of other products before purchasing yours and only Typinator was 100% rock-solid.
Tips for New Twitter Profiles
Well, I had been hearing about “it” for the past week in various blog posts and tweets, and so I was excited to receive an email from Twitter finally telling me I could now access the new profile designs. The very first thing that springs to mind is: “Wow, this profile page is just like Facebook!”. These new profiles are now available to everyone, at least the desktop version.
What Would Seth Godin Do
Seth Godin advocates using cookies to distinguish between new and returning visitors to your site: “One opportunity that’s underused is the idea of using cookies to treat returning visitors differently than newbies. It’s more work at first, but it can offer two experiences to two different sorts of people.” (Source: In the Middle, Starting) I built this WordPress plugin to implement Seth Godin’s idea. It reduces the “work at first” to almost nothing.
Optimize Your Twitter Account In 4 Easy Steps
Today your consumers are the most detrimental members of your marketing department. They don’t spend hours analyzing and constructing best practices, they simply share and publish their raw emotion and opinion of your product to billions of people. If you are utilizing Facebook to join the conversation, you are among the 70 percent of small business owners. Currently, only 40 percent of businesses are utilizing Twitter- but this social media platform’s popularity is only predicted to increase. In fact, Twitter has been deemed the conversational search engine of our time.
Social Media Cover Photo Sizes and Templates - Design Crawl
As a professional designer, it’s all about the presentation. Trying to keep up with different social media image dimensions can be a pain. There’s already a ton of information we have to keep up with. Sometimes, you just need to see how something is going to look, instead of merely following guidelines. I decided to solve this problem by providing several social media templates you can use to try out images and graphics. You’ll be able to see ahead of time what your business graphics will look like, instead of doing the trial and error method.
Snagit, Mac and Windows screen capture software from TechSmith
Context is everything. Recording a video lets the person on the other end actually hear your voice. So the next time a webpage, PDF, or video edit is sent to you for feedback, consider dropping the red pen and record a video instead. With Snagit, there’s no waiting. You can record your video, and share it within seconds.
Get a free Twitter Brand Assessment & Action Plan
A Place of Record: Let The World Know Everyday people from all over the world register hashtags with Twubs. Registration provides you with a record of your claim that can be used in any trademark or other legal challenge. We record the date of registration and the important details regarding the registrant. Protect your future, register today.
PicFlow, InstaQuote, Repost iPhone Apps for Instagram - Red Cactus
Make delightful video slideshows for Instagram Create beautiful text images for Instagram Do more than like it - #Repost it Create handsome collages with your photos
Twitter Marketing Tips: 4 B2C Examples
If you are a B2C company, interaction on a social platform like Twitter can increase engagement and even sales if executed properly. Small businesses like Tender boutique in Birmingham, Michigan have promoted special offers on Twitter and sold out in just a few days. Social interaction via platforms like Twitter allow companies to gain a true understanding of their prospect base and serve as a real-time source of market research. Customer engagement is a key benefit of executing a B2C Twitter marketing strategy. A recent survey by Chadwick Martin Bailey found 67% of Twitter users are more likely to buy from or recommend a brand they follow.
How to Set Social-Media Goals That Will Move Your Marketing Forward
2.6K Flares 2.6K Flares × How do you know when spaghetti is ready to eat? Throw a noodle against a wall and see if it sticks. It’s a super simple hack for Italian dinner night. It’s not such a great metaphor for social media goal-setting.
My Tools by Michael Hyatt
I am often asked about the tools I use in my personal and professional life. I thought I would document them here. This is not a static list but one that I will update as my needs and tools change. Please note: the software tools are for Mac, since that’s the computer I use. Photo courtesy of © If there’s a tool I am missing or one you think is better than the one I am using, please let me know in the comments at the bottom of this page.
How To Optimize Your Twitter Bio
I don't know about you, but I am a huge searcher on Twitter. I search just about everything. Last night I must have stayed up searching the #TrayvonMartin case for hours upon hours. I doubt I'm alone on that score. Twitter is so powerful because it allows you to search in real time. I've talked about using Twitter Search on this blog before.
AdEspresso - Simple, Powerful Facebook Ads Manager
If you're serious about making your Facebook ads work, you have to use Adespresso. It has made my life much easier and my campaigns more effective.Emeric Ernoult, AgoraPulse AdEspresso seriously takes Facebook ads to the next level! I'm only using one feature, and it's doubling ROI/cutting spend in half. Whoa.Theo, Cart Smart I'm testing AdEspresso and I absolutely love it! I'd recommend this tool to every marketer that wishes to become the new King of FacebookMariano Favia We super impressed with Facebook Ads Compass by AdEspresso which is a Free Report & Benchmarking tool.Trued Social