blind artist envisions world - hypnotizing gifs click 2x
sep 09, 2015 blind artist envisions the world through hypnotizing animated gifs blind artist envisions the world through hypnotizing animated gifsall gifs courtesy of george redhawk artist george redhawk has turned a loss into a gift — after the artist became legally blind, he began to explore the realm of photo manipulation with a desire to show the world as he sees it from his damaged sight. through the use of computer softwares that aide the visually impaired, redhawk — who works under the name darkangeløne — has realized the ongoing series of animations titled, ‘the world through my eyes’.
Aurora australis as seen from the Australian and New Zealand mainlands
Updated The swirls, twists, and curtains of light of the aurora australis were visible from the Australian and New Zealand mainland overnight. The natural light display caused a flurry of excitement, captured on social media. As explained by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, the phenomenon is caused when electrically charged electrons and protons accelerate down the Earth's magnetic field lines and collide with neutral atoms in the upper atmosphere — usually about 100 kilometres above the Earth. "These collisions cause the neutral atoms to fluoresce, emitting light at many different wavelengths. The most common aurora colours are red and green, caused by the fluorescence of oxygen atoms, while nitrogen atoms can throw bluish-purple lights into the mix," it said.
Ten Inexplicable And Creepy Photographs
(Before It's News) Shadow People Shadow People – Hat Man This is creepy. You can see through the shadow behind the woman. “This photo was taken the day of these three ladies mother’s funeral.
ukiyo-e woodblock prints animated gifs 2 clicks
aug 18, 2015 japanese artist brings ukiyo-e woodblock prints to life through animated gifs japanese artist brings ukiyo-e woodblock prints to life through animated gifs(above) katsushika hokusai’s ‘yoshida at tokaido’ animated all gifs courtesy of segawa thirty-seven from the 17th through 19th centuries, ukiyo-e woodblock prints and paintings populated the japanese art and cultural movement. artist katsushika hokusai popularized the trend with his series of ’36 views of mount fuji’, depicting scenes of the renowned mountain captured in different seasons and weather conditions, from a variety of different places and perspectives. these compositions were created through a cooperative effort of craftsman, who each adopted traditional techniques to sketch, carve and colorize the works. a spaceship shocks figures in ‘azai hall – 500 rakan temples’
These 'Mind-Blowing And Humbling' Instagram Photos Will Remind You Of Earth's Wild Beauty
Sam and Amanda Ciurdar often find themselves retreating into nature, captivated by Earth’s beauty. The Southern California couple, both devout Christians, take every opportunity to travel into the wilderness with their cameras in tow. Whether it's the forests of Oregon or the sand dunes of their home state, nature is the place for them to meditate and be present.
Drawing Lessons
Drawspace Pro Lessons are designed for artists of all levels and educators, and are logically organized into resources and activities. Eventually, all lessons and E-books authored by Brenda Hoddinott will be available here: four to eight brand new lessons and newly-revised older lessons are being added every month! Upgrade Now: Download all 310 lessons and 4 e-books! Try for Free: Download lessons marked as "Free"! 1.1.R1 Glossary Of Art Terms Definitions of art-related terms used in the resources and activities of Drawspace Curriculum (updated February 2013)
Jheronimus Bosch - the Garden of Earthly Delights
About this project The interactive documentary Jheronimus Bosch, the Garden of Earthly Delights provides an in-depth tour though The Garden of Earthly Delights. In a web interface the visitor will be taken on an audio-visual journey, including sound, music, video and images to enrich the storytelling.
18 Remarkable Photos of Nature Reclaiming Civilization
Source: danjur Humanity is often proud of its great feats of engineering, we are dazzled by the structures we can create, by our mastery over our surroundings, and all of this is for good reason. The science and mathematics behind the structures of civilization are amazing, but nature shows no particular respect for all the hard work. One way or another, things that are left to decay will be taken back by the unstoppable forces of nature. The mysterious sense of desolation and thriving life at the same time make for striking photographs, as these 18 pictures of nature taking back our “civilized” world will show.
Illustrator draws faces, lets 4-year-old draw bodies, ends up with adorably weird art [14 pics]
When artist Mica Angela Hendricks got a new sketch book a while back, her 4-year-old daughter was insistent upon being able to try it out herself. Hendricks tried to say no, but her daughter used a phrase on her mom that she must have heard a few times herself… If you can’t share, we might have to take it away…
Photos: Amazed southern Chinese experience first snowfall ever, make teeny-tiny snowmen
Just as the US’s eastern coast was hit by a historical blizzard over the weekend, China suffered its coldest weather in decades. On Sunday (Jan. 24) morning, 25 cities across the country registered record low temperatures. The chill swept across the country last week, but is lifting today (Jan. 25), according to the National Meteorological Center (link in Chinese): The cold wave brought plenty of excitement for southern Chinese citizens, many of whom have never seen sleet—needless to say snow—in their lives. Southern Chinese cities including Chongqing, the “Flower City” of Guangzhou, and the so-called “Green City” of Nanning saw snow mixed with rain over the weekend for the first time in decades. Residents in downtown Guangzhou were particularly amazed, because the city’s sleet on Sunday was the first since 1949 (link in Chinese), when China started keeping meteorologic records.
The joy of cloudspotting: 10 incredible visions in clouds
A “cloud on the horizon” means that something bad is about to happen. Meanwhile, someone with their “head in the clouds” is thoroughly out to lunch. As Gavin Pretor-Pinney points out in today’s talk, clouds get a bad rep when it comes to language. Gavin Pretor-Pinney: Cloudy with a chance of joy “But I think they’re beautiful, don’t you?”
Spectacular Moleskine Doodles Explode with Energy
Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes proves that doodling can be so much more than scratching unintelligible scribbles on paper. Through his Sketchy Stories blog, Rosanes shares his wonderful world of doodling in a simple Moleskine sketchbook. Equipped with an ordinary Moleskine, a few Uni Pin drawing pens, and his innate gift for drawing, the artist is able to transport viewers to a world where tiny, cartoonish creatures explode with gusto to make up larger entities. Each of the illustrator's complex and crowded sketches are filled with minute details that allow the eye to wander and discover new characters and designs at every turn.