VST 4 FREE - Free Audio Plug-ins Archives bidirectionnel Archives | TECHNICIEN DU SONTECHNICIEN DU SON Voici la suite de notre voyage au pays merveilleux des microphones. Nous allons développer aujourd’hui une des caractéristiques des micros parmi les plus importantes : la directivité. Selon nos conditions d’enregistrement, la directivité jouera un grand rôle dans le résultat sonore final. Il faudra donc, lors du choix de notre micro, y porter une attention particulière. Tous d’abord, voyons les 2 types de capteurs utilisés dans la conception des micros (aussi bien électrodynamiques qu’électrostatiques) Le capteur à pression Le capteur à pression est constitué d’une membrane et d’une cavité fermée : Une seule des faces de la membrane reçoit les vibrations sonores. Capteur à pression La cavité est percée d’une évent afin d’équilibrer la pression atmosphérique des deux côtés de la membrane. En théorie, un capteur de ce type reçoit les ondes sonores de la même manière, peu importe leur angle d’incidence par rapport à l’axe de la membrane. Directivité omnidirectionelle Directivité bidirectionnelle
Shuriken.se L'image sonore L'image sonore Image sonore désigne le lien établi entre une image visuelle et le son qui l'accompagne ; le cinéma n'est qu'une des occurrences de cette relation. Image sonore caractérise également une faculté propre au son. Ecouté seul, tenu hors de tout accompagnement visuel, le son engage en chacun de nous une production d'imaginaire. Lecture sans narration, les sons entendus entretiennent une polysémie toujours active. La question musicale n'est pas ici en jeu.
effects | de la Mancha plugins modulated multi-effect dbx® 165A style compressor random pitch modulation GTO peak compressor GTX RMS compressor 3-band vintage EQ Soft clipper with low freq bypass GTA muscle car compressor make your sounds fat ring modulation and LFO combined handy little compressor dual-band enhancer circuit bent FSU audio scrambler audio mind melt randomising multi-effect probability step-sequenced gate probability step-sequenced filter step-sequenced filter un-enhancer randomised multi-effect randomising cross-fader 3 band splitter LFO modulated multi-effect comb delay madness random FSU 3-band distortion midi-latched mute / gate midi-latched envelopes Music Scales - Frequency, Notes, Octaves, Tuning, Scales, Modes, Pentatonics, Transforms - Yala Abdullah undefined Synthesizers, Music & Television : -or- -or- © T. Yahaya Abdullah Links • Scales - HTML Version • Back to Main Page • • Frequency • Notes and Octaves • Tuning Notes • Equal-Tempered Tuning • Scales • Major and Minor Scales • Major & Minor Transforms • Modes • Modal Transforms • Pentatonics • Modal-Pentatonic Transforms • Example Application of Transforms • Scales Reference • Conforming to Classical Notation • Frequency Let's imagine you have a long hollow tube. The speed of oscillation or vibration is called "Frequency". When you hit a hollow tube, the shock-wave is actually travelling at a constant speed. Notes and Octaves A "Note" is a given name to describe a musical frequency. A , A# , B , C , C# , D , D# , E , F , F# , G , G#. "Octaves" of a note are just multiples of the original frequency. Tuning Notes Equal-Tempered Tuning Scales Modes
Download Free Grooves / drum kit plug-in: DrumCore Free by Sonoma Wire Works DrumCore gives songwriters and composers access to grooves and instrument sounds of over a dozen famous drummers and percussionists. It includes a library of both audio loops and MIDI grooves plus a software drum instrument for Mac OS X and Windows. DrumCore covers a multitude of styles – including rock, blues, metal, prog, alt-rock, pop, jazz, urban, funk, Latin, reggae and others. DrumCore FREE v3 is NOT just a demo that times-out. DrumCore FREE is a fully working version of the DrumCore 3 AU/VSTi/RTAS plug-in. DRUMKITSDrumCore FREE only includes two (2) kits vs. GROOVESDrumCore FREE only includes the Basic Beats "Rock Pop 101" GrooveSet (as both audio loops and MIDI) plus the Urban GT "HipHop Classics (1-4)" and Song Beat GrooveSets (as MIDI files) vs. the thousands of grooves in DrumCore and DrumCore Deluxe. DRUMCORE TOOLKITDrumCore FREE only includes the DrumCore plug-in, and not the toolkit app.
Sound Composition: Calm_Thunder_Storm 1. Choose a sound In order for nature sounds to start playing choose a sound from drop-down box for one channel and drag the volume slider up. 2. Add more sounds You can add more nature sounds to composition by choosing other sounds in other channels. 3. Pan the channel (with horizontal slider) to the left or to the right for stereo effects. 4. If you want the sound volume to fluctuate instead of playing continuously, click on a drop-down box with a green line and choose one of interrupted lines. 1. In order for nature sounds to start playing choose a sound from drop-down box for one channel and drag the volume slider up. 2. You can add more nature sounds to composition by choosing other sounds in other channels. 3. Pan the channel (with horizontal slider) to the left or to the right for stereo effects. 4. If you want the sound volume to fluctuate instead of playing continuously, click on a drop-down box with a green line and choose one of interrupted lines.
Free VST Plugins! Are you looking for high quality VST plugins which you can download and use for free? You’re certainly in the right place! On this page, you’ll find the core part of BPB – a constantly updated directory of essential freeware VST instruments and effects for Windows and Mac (formerly known as BPB Freeware Studio). Welcome and enjoy your stay! Alternatively, you can browse through all the freeware tools (including freeware plugins, host applications, free audio editors, etc.) which have been featured in our News section so far, by visiting the Free Software Archive on BPB. The archive features all the software tools which were featured on BPB, ever since the launch back in 2009! Two years ago, we started a series of articles covering the best freeware plugin releases from each year. Scroll below to see our directory of the finest free music making software. Free VST Plugin Directory Part 1: Best Free VST Host Applications Part 2: Best Freeware VST Effects Part 3: Best Freeware VST Instruments
Weekly sounds: gel-based speakers, sound to control devices and Audio Branding Congress program New post on Weekly Sounds, with the best resources on the world of Sound and Audio. Our picks of the week Most interesting news of this week are in the field of research, where many sources reported on going experimentations related to the use of Sound in novel and never seen directions. First article is about Harvard University, where Researchers build an audio speaker out of stretchy transparent gel, a flexible speaker with ionic able to produce high-quality sound. Sound Gives Objects A Human Touch reports the work of two researchers from Japan’s University of Tsukub, consisting of an experiment to use the phenomenon of sound resonance of objects to control a mobile or desktop device. The term 5 is ending for Carlo and then it’s time for game audio final project: read Drink coffee, kill the freaks from outer space and accomplish the game audio final project! Audio Branding congress 2013 finally published the final program for Moscow edition. The best from other Sound lovers Follow Me:
Top 50 Free VST Plugins Of 2015! | BPB With 2015 almost behind us, the time has come once again to look back and pick the best free VST plugins released this year. BPB brings you our biggest plugin roundup yet, a selection of the 50 finest freeware instruments and effects released in 2015. The list is organized into three sections: Top 20 freeware effects, Top 20 freeware instruments and Top 10 freeware utilities and MIDI tools in VST plugin format. Use the menu below to quickly browse the article and please make sure to share this page with your friends if you find it useful. Thank you in advance and make some great music in 2016! Effects Instruments Utilities/MIDI More info about each plugin available below, along with demo videos and download links. Free VST Effects #1 TDR Nova by Tokyo Dawn Labs (Windows, Mac OS) Previously known as Nova 67P, Vladislav Goncharov’s excellent dynamic equalizer plugin ranked as the #1 freeware effect in the 2014 edition of our freebie round-up. ↑ Back to effects #3 Sanford Reverb by Leslie Sanford
EARS: ElectroAcoustic Resource Site Top 40 Free VST Plugins Of The Year! (Best Of 2014) Free VST plugins are the best way to upgrade your music production setup with exciting new virtual instruments and effects. There are hundreds of free VSTs online, and finding good ones takes time. To help you focus on making music instead of testing audio plugins, we listed the best VST plugins for your digital audio workstation. We picked the best free VST plugins in each category. This makes it easy to find a free plugin for a specific music production task, whether mixing music, mastering, sound design, or composing. The listings are updated multiple times per year. We also selected the best free VST plugins for 2024. Check back regularly and keep your free VST plugins up to date! Free VST Plugins Welcome to the internet’s most up-to-date directory of VST plugins. We tested thousands (literally!) Select one of the free plugin categories below to start browsing. VST Effects Freeware effects in VST plugin format: VST Instruments A selection of free virtual instruments in VST plugin format: 1.
Top 20 Free VST Plugins (Best Of 2013) What better way to end the year on a website such as BPB than making a retrospective of all the best free VST plugins which were released in the past twelve months? Let’s take a look at 2013’s finest freeware instruments and effects and see if your VST plugin folder is missing out on something good! Please note that this Top 20 list only includes plugins which were released in 2013. If you’re looking for an all-time list of free VST plugins, take a look at our freeware VST directory. It contains links to hundreds of fantastic freeware effects and instruments, sorted into different categories for easy browsing. Don’t forget to spread the word by sharing a link to this article on your website, your favorite music production forum, or on Facebook, Twitter, etc. It’s time for this year’s freeware VST plugin countdown! #20 Brzoza by Saltline (Windows) I’ve decided to begin this year’s Top 20 list with Brzoza, an interesting freeware FM synthesizer plugin for Windows. Whaaat?! Final Words