Piccole (e grandi) contraddizioni del noleggio nel 2011
Il noleggio nel 2012 tra vecchio e nuovo Il “mestiere più vecchio del mondo” si appresta a vivere probabilmente una delle sue ennesime rinascite, ma di sicuro c’è che si è da poco lasciato alle spalle una delle sue annate peggiori. L’anno vecchio si chiude però col botto: Edmondo Colliva di Italnolo sparato sulle pagine di Repubblica (22 dicembre) e, qualche giorno dopo, assonnato ospite televisivo a Unomattina, sempre entusiasta nel diffondere il (suo) verbo. Se avessi filmato le sue interviste di dieci anni fa, potremmo fare il giochino “Trova la differenza”.
Flogger of the month Oobafit Online Fitness.
Visit Oobafit online fitness website Flogtube Flogger of the month Oobafit Online Fitness We offer a wide variety of plans whatever your goal or level of fitness. If you want to look like Beyonce, lose some weight, get ripped, go snowboarding, improve your bad back or go ballroom dancing there is a plan for you.
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Depuis le début de la semaine 175 kg 2404 km Depuis le début du mois 212 kg 5937 km
Stabili i livelli di fiducia del noleggio in Europa
Situazione stabile per il noleggio in Europa Secondo l’ultima indagine ERA/IRN RentalTracker per il quarto trimestre 2011, i livelli di fiducia nel settore del noleggio in Europa sono pressoché stabili, e non c’è stato quel crollo che ci si aspettava in seguito alla crisi che sta coinvolgendo l’Unione Europea. Nel complesso, il saldo medio tra ottimisti e pessimisti è rimasto positivo, anche se di pochissimo (+0,6%). Si tratta del livello più basso dalla fine del 2009, e si inserisce in un trend di peggioramento iniziato a metà 2010.
Sell and Recycle Used Electronics - Gazelle
The collaborative economy in your neighborhood: welcome to StreetBank
The idea that neighbors can share their resources efficiently is not new, however there are very few examples of successful initiatives to date. Many sharing schemes failed after only a few years. A successful example of such a model is StreetBank, a platform in England that is growing steadily.
Rent The Runway
Nov 5, 2012 Feeling like a lady! Size worn: 2 Overall fit: True to Size
The Freecycle Network
On May 1st, 2003, Deron Beal sent out the first e-mail announcing The Freecycle Network™ to about 30 or 40 friends and a handful of nonprofits in Tucson, Arizona. At the time Deron founded The Freecycle Network, he worked with a small nonprofit organization, RISE, which provides recycling services to downtown businesses and transitional employment to Tucsonans in need. As the team recycled, rather than watching perfectly good items being thrown away, they found themselves calling or driving around to see if various local nonprofits could use them.
Is Sharing Illegal? In Many Cases, Yes.
Governments have their work cut out for them in keeping pace with innovation, especially as mobile, social and cloud technologies allow for new business models that, in the eyes of regulators, threaten consumer safety and incumbent industries. The most poignant current-day example of the tug-of-war between government and technology entrepreneurs is the legal quagmire many “sharing,” or “collaborative consumption,” companies face in the cities they operate. The problem, at least for home- and car-sharing services, is multifaceted: they’re agitating dozens of stakeholders, operating in uncharted territories, and legally indefinable. And indefinable is hard to regulate.