VideoStudio Pro
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40 Free Resources Every Designer Should Know
Ever wondered where designers get their resources to help them succeed with a project? Here is a list of great resources including sites, PSD. files, actions, UI elements, mock ups et cetera and best of all, they are totally free and available for you to download. Just click on the title or image and it will bring you to the resource.
Tutoriel de Conception d'une Pièce Basique
This page is a translated version of the page Basic Part Design Tutorial and the translation is 97% complete. This tutorial introduces new user to some of the tools and techniques used in the Part Design Workbench. This tutorial is not a complete and comprehensive guide to the Part Design Workbench and many of the tools and capabilities are not covered. This tutorial will take user through the steps needed to model the part shown in the image below using sketches.
Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)
Houston is Texas’s biggest city and the fourth largest city in the country. Founded on the banks of Buffalo Bayou in 1836, Houston is a city focused on progress, and is always keeping an eye towards the future. But it also has a rich and important history, which has affected the state, the nation, and the world.
Online Education
UPDATE: we're doing a live, updated MOOC of this course at stanford-online July-2014 (not this Coursera version). See here: CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. Computers can appear very complicated, but in reality, computers work within just a few, simple patterns. CS101 demystifies and brings those patterns to life, which is useful for anyone using computers today.
MAX — The Creativity Conference
Maira Kalman was born in Tel Aviv and moved to New York with her family at the age of four. She was raised in bucolic Riverdale, the Bronx. She now lives in Manhattan.
5 Things Your e-Learning Content is Probably Missing
We get it: You finally put the finishing touches on your eLearning module and you think it looks picture perfect; you’re excited to show off all of your hard work. But good-looking graphics and engaging content are two entirely different things. Even if you think your module is good to go, your learners might have a different opinion. Before you close out your design and push your eLearning out for delivery, you might want to take a second look. If your program is missing some of the most effective eLearning strategies, techniques, and best practices, that module could be DOA by the time in lands in your learners’ laps.
ZBrush Hard Surface Techniques
In this DVD, Instructor Mike Jensen goes into depth on many hard surface techniques in ZBrush. Mike starts off by explaining in detail many techniques like customizing the ui, creating meshes, brushes, and stamps. Next he then takes you through the process of creating an entire mechanical character and covers everything from starting with a concept mesh to creating a clean base mesh and detailing.
The World Factbook
People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily. If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. If you know of an imminent threat to a location inside the U.S., immediately contact your local law enforcement or FBI Field Office.
Show HN: Help us curate the web’s best content for learning programming & design
Link here: Despite all the educational material on the web, I found it pretty hard to learn how to code and design. I had trouble finding high-quality content, figuring out what to learn next, and staying motivated without easy ways to track my progress. So, my co-founder and I built Polymath. Our MVP is pretty simple right now: you can find & submit good content, bookmark & track your progress across different resources, and rate/comment on the material. We’re trying to build a really fun online learning community, and we’ve got some more cool features in the works.
Learn typing at the speed of thought! Typing lessons that work.
This is, a web application that will help you teach touch typing. Touch typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. A person possessing touch typing skills will know their location on the keyboard through muscle memory. It can improve any individual's typing speed and accuracy dramatically.