Обзор MOOC-курсов Coursera по компьютерным наукам
16 января в 12:55 Скорее всего, если вы зашли на Хабр и читаете эту статью, то хоть раз в жизни да слышали про MOOC-курсы. Но если все же не слышали, то MOOC (по-русски принято произносить «мук») означает «Massive Open Online Course» — массовый открытый онлайн-курс. Это настоящий феномен в образовании XXI века. Газета «New York Times» назвала даже 2012 год «годом MOOC» в связи с появлением на рынке дистанционного образования 3-х «китов» — Coursera, Udacity и EdX. MOOC-ам посвящено множество статей, кто-то видит в них будущее образования, кто-то, наоборот, угрозу.
Online Computer Science Courses
In its purest form, computer science is the research and development of technology that solves specific problems. Computer science has brought the world smart phones, GPS systems, the gaming industry and tablet computing, along with technological developments that assist government, industry and medicine. In addition to creating new technology, computer scientists also make improvements to existing technology and study the ways computers can make our lives easier. One can learn more about this field of study through several online computer science courses. As with any branch of science, computer scientists perform research that establishes new information. This research begins with known mathematical algorithms and computer theory, and strives to constantly redefine what technology can do for us.
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Whether your goal is to earn a promotion, graduate at the top of your class, or just accelerate your life, lectures can help get you there. Our archives of lectures cover a huge range of topics and have all been handpicked and carefully designed by experienced instructors throughout the world who are dedicated to helping you take the next step toward meeting your career goals. Lifelong learns can turn their free time turn into self-improvement time. The online lectures on this list are more than lecture notes or a slideshow on a topic -- they were designed for audiences like you, with carefully sequenced themes and topics taught by veteran educators, and often with additional resources for your own independent study. The lectures are available to anybody, completely free of charge.
500+ Free Online Courses in Architecture, Art, Design
Today, a broad number of students across the globe cannot afford the higher tuitions of traditional colleges and universities, which have caused many of them to search for alternatives. With nearly three million students currently enrolled in fully online degree programs and six million taking at least one online course as part of their degree program, it seems that online education and the free online courses has clearly become one of the most popular higher education alternatives. The continually improving reputation of online learning has also helped fuel its expansion, as initial skepticism has faltered in the face of evidence that shows that online learning can be just as effective as face-to-face education. In this article, we tried to gather some free online courses from the world’s leading universities — Stanford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, Oxford and more. 1. Design Courses:
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Использую Emacs. Из самого важного для разработки на Python -- наличие весьма неплохого python-mode, jedi для автокомплита и flycheck для проверки синтаксиса на лету (не только для Python, но и для него тоже). Есть еще rope -- неплохой режим для рефакторинга (и автокомплита тоже), но лично я его не использую. Большой плюс Emacs -- единая среда "для всего". Есть достаточно неплохие режимы почти для любого языка (а для некоторых только Emacs и есть), огромное количество других вкусностей (один org-mode чего стоит), ну а степень гибкости настройки всяким IDE и не снилась. При этом Emacs далеко не идеален, у него есть разные врожденные и исторические проблемы (шутка ли, сколько ему лет), кривая его изучения довольно крутая, так что запастись терпением придется, но освоив этот редактор, настроив под себя, серьезно поработав в нем, пересесть на что-нибудь еще почти нереально (я честно пару раз пытался смотреть по сторонам).
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10 Free Online Animation Courses » A guide to free online courses
Nowadays info graphics and creative visualizations are something which really catches the viewer’s attention. Cartoons, 3d animation, graphics; all this comes within the umbrella of animation. Not only is the skill in demand but it also makes for a fun part time hobby. These courses below will help you understand the subject better and develop new skills in the wide world of animation. Online Teach.com; Flash Animation This site provides you with 16 free lessons on animation.
Plataforma que agrupa instituciones y proveedores de formación online de alta calidad. Funciona como un directorio, que brinda información sobre los cursos online, la temática e instituciones que los ofrece. by nidiague May 19