- A Free Solution to all your PDF Problems famelab Natalie Kuldell From OpenWetWare Contact Information Biological Engineering, MIT 77 Mass Ave, 16-325 Cambridge, MA 02139 nkuldell AT mit DOT edu Teaching and Research Statement See my MIT BE site here Spring 2006: teaching BE.109 Spring 2007: teaching 20.109 Fall 2007: teaching 20.109 Spring 2008: teaching 20.020 and 20.902/20.947 Fall 2008: teaching 20.109 Spring 2009: teaching 20.20 and 20.902/20.947 Fall 2009: teaching 20.109 Spring 2010: teaching 20.20 and 20.902/20.947 Fall 2010: teaching 20.109 Spring 2011: teaching 20.20 and 20.385 Fall 2011: teaching 20.109 Spring 2012: teaching 20.20 and 20.385 Fall 2012: teaching 20.109 statement? ongoing teaching projects BE.109 and 20.109 class photos Spring 2004 Spring 2005 Spring 2006 Spring 2007 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2012, + favorite blog quote: "As Natalie says, "this is a safe place, we are all friends." Yeast Q/A working page Perceived risks/rewards of Synthetic Biology Perceived risks/rewards of Synthetic Biology v2 Q/A "read more" SB Talks
Wakelet - Save, curate and share the things you love The Science Creative Quarterly Number Cards ⋆ Printable Flash Cards SEN Teacher printables show a quick draft while you are editing. When you press the Print Preview button a better quality version is created for printing or download. If you need to save a page or don't want to print live on the site, you can download sheets as PDF for later use. For fast printing and smaller PDF downloads use the Medium Quality setting. Printables with many graphics usually include an Ink option which optimises artwork for black & white photocopying and monochrome printers. When printing directly from the web site use a margin setting of None, Minimal or Narrow for best results. See the Print Troubleshooting Page for help on changing printing settings in your web browser. Older mobile devices with low memory may struggle to print longer documents at the high quality setting.
Rock Stars of Science HOME Matematyka - Geometria i Figury Geometryczne - kl. 5-8 Najlepsze zadania do nauki figur geometrycznych Szukasz ciekawych pomysłów na lekcje geometrii? Figury geometryczne to temat, który chcesz podjąć ze swoimi uczniami i zrobić to w kreatywny i angażujący sposób? Materiały, których szukasz, muszą być łatwe do pobrania i wydruku? Nie szukaj dalej. Geometria nie musi być nudna Wiele dzieci boi się geometrii lub myśli, że jest nudna. Czasami wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, to dobry pomysł na ciekawą lekcję. Różne dzieci, różne materiały Ten różnorodny zestaw materiałów zawiera nie tylko zadania do nauki figur geometrycznych, ale również: Piękne KolorowankiWciągające GryŚwietne SzablonyWspaniałe WycinankiKolorowe PlakatyMiłe dla Oka Dekoracje I dużo więcej! Nazwy Figur Geometrycznych - Przedszkole i Klasa 0 Interaktywna pomoc dydaktyczna Bryły geometryczne Oś symetrii | Figury Geometryczne | Plakaty Bryły Geometryczne - Plakaty Figury Geometryczne Przestrzenne i ich Właściwości Nazwij Figury Geometryczne na Płaszczyźnie - Zadanie
Theatre of the Oppressed Theatre of the Oppressed was born in 1971, in Brazil, under the very young form of Newspaper Theatre , with the specific goal of dealing with local problems – soon, it was used all over the country. Forum Theatre came into being in Peru, in 1973, as part of a Literacy Program; we thought it would be good only for South America– now it is practiced in more than 70 countries. Growing up, TO developed Invisible Theatre in Argentina, as political activity, and Image Theatre to establish dialogue among Indigenous Nations and Spanish descendants, in Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico... Now these forms are being used in all kinds of dialogues. In Europe, TO expanded and the Rainbow of Desire came into being – first to understand psychological problems, later even to create characters in any play. Back in Brazil, the Legislative Theatre was born to help the Desire of the population to become Law – which it did at last 13 times. We believe in Peace, not in Passivity! Augusto Boal, Rio de Janeiro 2004
One-Pagers Roundup: Examples to Inspire So you keep hearing about one-pagers, but you're not really sure if you want to try them out. In this post, you can see some of the amazing examples teachers have shared with me in the last few weeks. You can use these beautiful pieces to introduce one-pagers to your students, or just peruse them to give you an idea of how this project might play out in your classroom. If you are new to one-pagers, and would like to read a full how-to post, you can check that out here. If you know you want to get started, but you aren't sure what directions to give your students, you can get four free templates (as shown in the first example below) with complete instructions here. One-Pagers by the students of Mrs. One-Pagers by the Students of Regan Botero, Creekside High School, Florida One-Pagers by the students of Gina Knight Hess, 6th Grade ELA, North Naples Middle School One-Pagers by the students of Cassie Newcomb, Sardis Middle School, Boaz, Alabama One-Pagers by the students of Fallon Ferrara Howes