FOUR CULTURE – September/October 2013
The magazine of music, literature & compelling societal views Category : Arts & Culture Language : English Content : Sounds, visions, words, voices… 104 pages Loading ... Read about previously unpublished interviews and articles with Rose Redd, Noblesse Oblige, Stephen Hues and many other artists in which their most private thoughts and their secret source of inspiration are unveiled to you. This time, Four Culture interviewed a rising star in entertainment business, Rose Redd. This young singer shared the fears and inspirations that punctuated the beginning of what looks to become a very long lasting career in showbiz. Learn more about her favorite artists, songs she made a cover of and many other tricks that helped her make such a remarkable leap from start.
Facebook privacy and kids: Don’t post photos of your kids online
Photo by Hemera/Thinkstock I vividly remember the Facebook post. It was my friend’s 5-year-old daughter “Kate,” (a pseudonym) standing outside of her house in a bright yellow bikini, the street address clearly visible behind her on the front door. A caption read “Leaving for our annual Labor Day weekend at the beach,” and beneath it were more than 50 likes and comments from friends—including many “friends” that Kate’s mom barely knew. The picture had been uploaded to a Facebook album, and there were 114 shots just of Kate: freshly cleaned and swaddled on the day of her birth … giving her Labradoodle a kiss … playing on a swing set. But there were also photos of her in a bathtub and an awkward moment posing in her mother’s lacy pink bra.
Why Taylor Swift Is Wrong About Spotify
I was ten when I pirated my first track. During one of Pokemon’s commercial breaks my best friend at the time showed me this cool new program that let you download anything you wanted. He asked what I wanted to listen to. I can’t remember what I said but I’m sure I’d be embarrassed by it now. He entered it’s name into the search bar, clicked download and ten minutes later we were listening to it.
The Case for Pseudonymity
Abstract Pseudo-anonymity enables an open society. Privacy is a basic human right and a requirement for true self-expression, free flow of information, and autonomy. Total anonymity is not always a realistic goal for a functioning society as proof of ownership and right to access requires some proof of identity and or reputation. However, pseudo anonymity enables the right to privacy for one’s real self while enabling the “right to access” and reputations as social currency. Separation of identities across our real selves, our social selves, and our earning self, can provide privacy as well as right to access.
Domestic Surveillance Reform
Revelations of the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ records and reliance on secret law and secret courts have made clear the need for reform of surveillance law immediately. The Intelligence Oversight and Surveillance Reform Act - introduced by U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Mark Udall (D-Colo.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), and Rand Paul (R-Ky) - will preserve constitutional liberties while maintaining the government’s ability to protect national security. It will amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to end dragnet domestic surveillance and other unjustified intrusions on Americans’ constitutional rights, make improvements to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), and provide for greater transparency from government entities and the private sector. WATCH: Wyden, Mark Udall, Blumenthal, & Paul Unveil Bipartisan Surveillance Reform Bill
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How to foil NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch
The more we learn about the breadth and depth of the NSA and GCHQ's programmes of spying on the general public, the more alarming it all becomes. The most recent stories about the deliberate sabotage of security technology are the full stop at the end of a sentence that started on 8 August, when the founder of Lavabit (the privacy oriented email provider used by whistleblower Edward Snowden) abruptly shut down, with its founder, Ladar Levison, obliquely implying that he'd been ordered to secretly subvert his own system to compromise his users' privacy. It doesn't really matter if you trust the "good" spies of America and the UK not to abuse their powers (though even the NSA now admits to routine abuse), you should still be wary of deliberately weakened security. It is laughable to suppose that the back doors that the NSA has secretly inserted into common technologies will only be exploited by the NSA. One important check against the NSA's war on security is transparency.
The Tragic Author Who Inspired Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel was one of the most successful movies of 2014 and nominated for nine Academy Awards, including best film and best director. But are you aware of the inspiration for this award-winning movie that features Ralph Fiennes, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Jude Law, Tilda Swinton and a host of other Hollywood stars? The screenplay, written by director Wes Anderson, was inspired by the life and work of Austrian author Stefan Zweig, especially his novella, Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman, his novel, Beware of Pity, and his autobiography, The World of Yesterday. The whimsical film's plot details the adventures of Gustave H, the concierge at a hotel in the fictional Republic of Zubrowka between World Wars I and II, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his trusted friend. It was filmed in Germany in Görlitz and other areas of Saxony.
State-of-the-art crypto goes post-quantum
Secrecy is one of the most important functions of computer science. Should electronic secrecy suddenly collapse into total transparency, we could not engage in electronic commerce, we would be unable to communicate privately, our past communications would be globally visible, and we would be critically impacted in myriad ways that would fundamentally change our ability to work and live. Consider the time we spend every day maintaining our secrecy with passwords, lock patterns, wireless fobs, and biometrics that restrict access to protect us and the ramifications of their failure. Public-key cryptosystems form a critical aspect of our secrecy. The ability to establish private communications over a public medium is exercised billions of times per day. Should technology arise that unmasks this private discourse, the consequences could be incalculable.
NSA Reform Bill Comes From Bipartisan Group Of Senators
A bipartisan group of senators announced a comprehensive surveillance reform bill on Wednesday, but their effort may encounter resistance from the powerful Intelligence Committee chairwoman, who steadfastly supports the National Security Agency. The legislation "expresses our bipartisan view of what Congress must do to enact real, not cosmetic, intelligence reform," said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Intelligence Committee. "The disclosures over the last hundred days have caused a sea change in the way the public views the surveillance system." Wyden was joined by fellow committee member Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and by Sens.
Tools - Cool Infographics
Adioma creates information graphics out of your textual data, using timelines, grids and icons. Create impressive charts from spreadsheets. Assemble into dashboards, embed in websites, or simply share a link. A Python interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation Cacoo is a free online drawing tool that allows you to create a variety of diagrams such as site map, flowchart, mind map, wire frame, UML diagram and network diagram.
5 ways to easily increase your internet security - Seattle Political Buzz
In this age of technology nothing is private. In fact, NSA whistleblower William Binney recently stated that literally every email sent in the US is recorded by the FBI. For those living in reality, it has been know that since the 90's under President Clinton, programs such as Echelon monitored nearly every phone call, fax, and email in the United States. Sites like Facebook have been known to record users web history even when they are logged out.